Attend East Texas Rural Electric Youth Seminar

Do you know an outstanding or deserving high school sophomore or junior in WCEC's service territory who would benefit from a fun and educational leadership trip this summer?
WCEC needs your help finding candidates for the annual East Texas Rural Electric Youth Seminar (ETREYS). ETREYS is a week-long, all-expenses-paid trip to be held June 22- 26 on the campus of East Texas Baptist University in Marshall.
The 10 participants selected for this opportunity will join more than 120 of their peers from across the East Texas region for a fun filled educational week. Participants will be selected based on overall excellence and involvement in extracurricular activities including leadership positions, academic awards, and civic activities.
While at ETREYS students can expect to participate in workshops, seminars, and peer group activities that range from leadership development to pure entertainment. Nationally-known personalities, industry leaders and community leaders are scheduled to speak at this year's event. Additionally, each student has a chance to compete for scholarships.
Students interested in applying for the program should contact Kylie O'Neal at 903-763-2203 or contact their high school counselor. ETREYS applications can be found online at under the programs and scholarships tab. Please encourage students to apply for ETREYS by April 16, 2020.

Glidewell To Represent WCEC In Washington 
Keeley Glidewell, age 16, a junior at Quitman High School, will represent WCEC at the Government in Action Youth Tour in Washington, D. C. this June. She is the daughter of Stephanie and John Harrell, of Pickton, and Daniel Glidewell of Quitman. 
At Quitman ISD, Glidewell is an active member of the National Honor Society and serves on Student Council. She is also active in Future Farmer's of America where she is a committee chair and has gone to state as a member of the Greenhand Skills Team. Among her accomplishments, she's participated in One Act Play for the past 3 years where she also advanced to state. In her spare time, she's a leader in her youth group at Faith Baptist Church.
In her winning essay, Glidewell reflected on her own core values of: "People, Passion, Integrity and Now". Of the latter, "Now" value, she explained that although this is not generally a stated value, it's the one most important to her for this reason, "Now means that we must work hard today so we can pave the way to a better future, support our families, and support ourselves. What we do now will affect those around us for years to come, so do something positive and set an example for future generations."
As a delegate to Youth Tour, Glidewell will travel to Washington, D.C. with almost 160 teens from other Texas electric cooperatives where they will join hundreds more from across the nation. She'll have the opportunity to meet congressional representatives and visit historic memorials and cultural centers.  
The idea for Youth Tour originated with President Lyndon B. Johnson, who advocated for both rural electrification and youth development. In 1957, when he was still a U.S. Senator, he suggested sending youth to Washington where they could learn "what the flag stands for and represents." This evolved into a nationwide electric cooperative effort.
The trip will begin in Austin where the participants will tour for a day and then fly to D.C. In D.C. they will visit the Capitol, the Supreme Court, Library of Congress, Washington National Cathedral, Arlington National Cemetery, George Washington's home at Mount Vernon, the Smithsonian Institution, the Bible Museum, Holocaust Memorial Museum, and various other memorials and monuments.

$12K in Scholarships for College or Vo-Tech   
Scholarship applications are now being accepted from area students. For 2020, WCEC is offering ten $1,000 college scholarships and two $1,000 Vo-Tech scholarships. To be eligible, applicants must be dependents of active WCEC members and live in the service territory.  The deadline to apply is April 7, 2020.  
Applications and eligibility requirements are available online at 

Safety Tips  
  Spring Cleaning

As you give your house a good cleaning this spring, don't overlook appliances and fixtures. Here are 4 things you might not have thought to check:
The stove's exhaust hood. A year's worth of home cooking can leave grime and grease buildup on the hood. That buildup, which also includes food particles and dust, can catch on fire. Remove the hood and clean the filter and all surfaces.

The back of the refrigerator. When is the last time you pulled the fridge away from the wall and vacuumed the coils? A rule of thumb: Do that every two or three months. Dust on the coils prevents the appliance from operating efficiently. Once they're clean, push the fridge back toward the wall, but don't let it touch. Air needs to circulate around those coils.

The dryer vent. The lint that collects in the dryer duct presents a fire hazard. Snake it out at least twice a year and clean the lint trap after every dryer cycle.

Outdoor lighting. Winter's damp air can corrode the metal fixtures of outdoor lights, so check each one carefully. Check metal sockets for signs of corrosion. If you find rust that has eaten into the metal socket, contact an electrician to install a new one. 
  For more safety tips visit our Safety & Consumer Tips
Energy Efficiency Tips     

Green Isn't Just for St. Patrick's Day
You can do more than wear green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day this year. You can "go green" throughout your home.
The best way to start the "green" process is simply to waste less. Here are four ways to do that:
Save energy. It's simple to conserve energy at home. Some examples include turning off lights and electronics when they're not in use. Also, using a smart power strip can help you turn off multiple electronic devices at once. Lower the heat at night during the winter and raise it during the summer. Replace old incandescent light bulbs with high-efficiency LEDs. Use cold water instead of hot whenever possible to save the energy used to heat water.
Conserve water. Take shorter showers. Run the dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full. Invest in water-efficient toilets and low-flow faucets and shower heads. Fix water leaks immediately.
Recycle electronics. When you replace your computer, printer or other electronics, don't throw the old ones in the trash; they'll wind up in a landfill. Instead, donate or recycle them. Manufacturers and retailers often have recycling programs, and some charities accept used electronics.
Shop locally. Like your electric cooperative, many nearby markets and shops are locally owned and operated. These small, independent businesses often rely on local farmers, craftspeople and labor to supply them with what they sell and the services they provide to you. That means their goods require less long-distance transportation, which has a positive impact on the environment.  
For more energy efficiency tips visit our Energy Savings Center .