Expanding our team for enhanced resident care
Message from Glenn Dees
Director Health and Human Services
Efforts are underway to expand our team to meet the future needs of our expanded 180-bed facility and to support our tradition of resident-centric care.
Recognizing the integral role staff play in delivering exceptional care, several new positions have been created in the areas of life enrichment programing, dietary and food service, environmental services, logistics, and of course nursing staff as part of the County budgetary approval process.
Some of these positions will be onboarded prior to completion of the new home to support the preparations needed with the planning for our relocation and activation of the new facility
Expanding the team will also meet the many priorities identified in provincial reports highlighting the effort for enhanced program delivery across the five domains of health—social, physical, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional well-being and to optimize resident-focused care.
To address the increased demands associated with the larger facility, we will also need to expand our housekeeping, maintenance, and laundry services staffing. Additionally, we are bolstering our supply chain management efforts with a dedicated full-time logistics coordinator to ensure sufficient inventory of medical supplies is maintained to meet the evolving needs of our residents.
The transition to the new facility will also need to accommodate the complex care requirements of an expanded resident population—from 151 to 180. To meet the Ministry of Long-term Care mandate, we will be actively recruiting more Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses, and Personal Support Workers to complement our existing dedicated team in time for our move.