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January 11, 2024

Last week a man stopped by the front desk at the church. He asked, “Is this the same United Methodist Church that used to be on Belt Line Road?” The response was affirmative, and he proceeded to ask who the pastor was in the 1980s. The response: Dr. John Ogden. “Yes,” said the man immediately, “he’s the one who helped me.” He went on to briefly tell his story. He'd been going through a rough patch. In desperation he had turned to our church. Dr. Ogden had met with him, prayed with him, and offered him direction and help. Now, 40 years later, he was passing through town and wanted to stop and say thanks. He handed over an envelope containing $500 and asked that we use it to help someone in need. “This church helped me when I was low,” he said, “and I want to pay it forward to help someone else.” 

Our mission statement says that we are here to “welcome people for Christ, grow people in Christ, and serve people with Christ.” We do our best to live that out each day, week, month, year, decade, and century. We certainly never claim to be perfect at it. Each week at least 5-10 people, sometimes more, stop by the church looking for help. We can’t help them all, but when we are able to help, it makes a difference. You may not ever know it, or you might find out 40 years later, but these acts of grace and hospitality matter. The 13 charter members of this church planted it in Richardson in 1886 to be a blessing to the community. As we enter our 138th year, we are continuing this work with God’s help and a supportive congregation.

Every financial pledge made to the church, at whatever level, helps our church help others. Some people give weekly, some bi-weekly, some monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Many members have set up recurring giving electronically. Some give in the plate or mail it. Every gift matters in our ability as a church to bless our community. I encourage every household to prayerfully consider setting up your pledge today. As you do so, say a prayer for that man and others who have sought or are seeking help. May all of our gifts join together to help the church bless not only our members but our community and world. In my mind, and I admit my bias, giving to FUMCR is one of the most important and strategic investments you can make. You can make your pledge for 2024 online here.

Join us Sunday for a great day of worship. We will begin a new worship series called Belong. Wake up your loved ones, call a friend, invite a neighbor, and join us as we gather to celebrate what God is doing in our midst.

In Christ,

Clayton Oliphint

Worship - January 14, 2024

In a world becoming more and more digital and divisive, we can find ourselves asking a hard question: "Where do I belong?" FUMCR strives to be a community of belonging for all, where our ultimate home is the love and grace of God. Dive deeper in scripture with us as we discover how we can find belonging in Christ and offer that same grace to our world. You belong here.

Belonging in God

Luke 15:11-32


8:45, 9:45, 11 am - Sanctuary

11 am - Livestream

Dr. Clayton Oliphint


11 am - Worship & Arts Center

Rev. Allison Jean


9:45 am & On Demand

Dr. Clayton Oliphint




On Demand:

First United Methodist Church Richardson | 972.235.8385 | |
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