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June 15, 2023

Vacation Bible Camp is this week. The energy and excitement of the kids is contagious! Hearing them sing at the top of their lungs and watching them learn Bible stories warms my heart. Today they packed more than 9,000 meals to help feed hungry people. I am so grateful to all of the many volunteers who took time to serve the kids this week. These are the kinds of investments we make in our children that pay big dividends when they grow up to be adults who know the love of a God who is always with them. 

The North Texas Annual Conference met this week at Christ UMC in Plano. (We will host next year.) It was a very hope-filled time together. I couldn’t help but feel proud of how many folks from our church were engaged in leadership - facilitating workshops, staffing information booths, helping to plan and lead worship, and working behind the scenes. The highlight of the conference for me was the Young People’s Address, led by our very own church member, Leo Barrios. He and other youth gave an inspiring report. This was the first conference led by our new bishop, Ruben Saenz, Jr., and he did a marvelous job setting a positive spiritual tone. I am excited about the future we have as a conference. The last day of the conference ends with the bishop “fixing” the appointments for the coming year. All of your clergy are returning for another year of ministry, with the addition of Julia Castleman, who is appointed as our new youth pastor. 

I hope you will join us Sunday for worship either in person or online as we continue our Happy Campers series and celebrate Vacation Bible Camp. It’s also Juneteenth weekend, where we as a nation observe the end of slavery. As Opal Lee of Ft. Worth, often called the mother of Juneteenth for her persistent lobbying efforts, said, “If people can be taught to hate, they can be taught to love.” Let’s pray that we can be part of God’s loving answer to the hate in the world by sharing the good news of Jesus.

In Christ,

Clayton Oliphint

Sunday Worship - June 18, 2023


Summer brings all kinds of happy memories: swimming with friends, singing silly songs, and our favorite stories by the campfire. This summer, FUMCR will gather to hear our favorite camping stories in the Bible and remember how God meets us through special moments in the great outdoors. Come camp with us and learn s'more about how to live as the people of God in every season.

"Pack It Up"

Mark 9:2-8


8:45, 9:45, 11* am - Sanctuary

*Live Stream

Rev. Allison Jean


11 am - Worship & Arts Center

Rev. Sarah Marsalis-Luginbill


9:45 am & On Demand

Rev. Allison Jean




On Demand:

First United Methodist Church Richardson | 972.235.8385 | |
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