Capital Credits Coming Soon
This year our Board of Directors voted to retire $1 million in capital credits. Just like last year, we will be returning those to our members in the month of December as a bill credit. The board voted to continue issuing bill credits for several reasons including the reduced postage and administrative expenses associated with preparing all those checks.
This process is also better for newer members, because they will receive credits back much sooner. Past practice was to only send checks for credits worth $10.00 or more. But now, even pennies will be returned to eligible members once they are retired.
As a non-profit electric cooperative, we strive to keep your bills low, and one of those ways is to adopt efficiencies when they present themselves.
So, be sure to look for those bill credits in December. As always, they will be just in time to lighten the load for holiday gift buying. Enjoy!

" Paws" To Keep Pets Safe
Every year, thousands of pets are given as gifts during the holiday season. If you are thinking about joining this tradition, please "paws" to prepare your home for your new furry friend. Puppies and kittens are naturally curious and can turn unexpected household items into toys. To keep your new pet and your family safe, follow this safety checklist:
  • Keep electrical cords away from puppies and kittens so they don't chew on them. What could be a mild shock to an adult may be enough to kill a small pet. Cover the cord with a heavy plastic sleeve, or ask your pet store for a bitter-tasting product to put on cords.
  • Halogen lamps should never be used in play areas. Halogen bulbs reach very high temperatures and, if knocked over during play, could easily start a fire.
  • Playful pets can knock radios, curling irons and other items into the water. All appliances near sinks or bathtubs should be plugged into outlets equipped with ground-fault circuit interrupters.
  • Do not allow pets to curl up for a nap behind a decorated tree or warm computer equipment. They should be kept away from all electrical connections.


Holiday Hours at WCEC
In keeping with the season, and in observance of the holidays, our hours of operation will be modified as below. As always, members will be able to access accounts 24/7 via  And you can report outages any time via the hotline at 1-866-415-2951.
Those members that have SmartPower prepay, should make special note for revaluing. 
And as it's soon upon us, we wish all our of our members a very safe and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




Monday, December  24
Monday, December  24
Tuesday, December 25
Tuesday, December 25

New Year's

New Year's

Tuesday, January 1
Tuesday, January 1

 Safety Tips
For more safety tips visit our Safety & Consmer Tips
Energy Efficiency Tips 
Heading out of town for the holidays? Remember to unplug electronics that draw a phantom energy load. Some gadgets, like TVs, gaming consoles, chargers and DVD players use energy when plugged into an outlet--even when they're not in use.

For more energy efficiency tips visit our Energy Savings Center .