A New FAST Way to Report Power Outages.
Just Text Us!
We're harnessing the power of texting to give members one more FAST way to report a power outage. For the outage texting to work for you, your mobile phone number must be in our records associated with your account. Then it's as simple as following the below instructions

Instructions for Outage Texting
  • Ensure your mobile phone is in our records. If not, call us at 903-763-2203 and we'll input it.
  • To enroll, text the word "WOOD" to the number 85700. You'll receive a return text message to verify the meter location. Reply with the correct option that matches your address(es) and you'll be enrolled.
    • If you get the message, "Your location is unknown", it means we do not have your mobile number in our records and you'll need to call us so we may input it.
  • Once you are registered for outage texting, just save the Outage Number in your contacts and these instructions in your notes.
When you have an outage, simply text the word: "OUT" to 85700.
To receive status updates, text "STATUS" to 85700.
To unenroll, text the word "STOP" to 85700. 
$25k in Scholarships Available for Area Students

Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc. (WCEC) is currently accepting applications from local high school students interested in receiving college scholarship money. There will be ten $2,000 scholarships and one $5,000 scholarship.
To be eligible for a $2,000 scholarship, students must be  dependents of active members of WCEC. Applicants must write a 450 to 500 word essay describing themselves, their current interests, goals for the future (educational, professional, personal), and describe why they have chosen their field of study.
In addition to the essays, a completed WCEC application, two letters of reference, and a school certification of academic standing should accompany submissions. The judging panel will give weight to the essay, academic achievements, civic participation, and extracurricular participation. The top ten applicants will each win a $2,000 college scholarship. All funds will be paid directly to the college once the student is enrolled.
The $5,000 scholarship is reserved for a college Junior that has already been accepted and is enrolled into an accredited electrical engineering program. The recipient must be a dependent of an active WCEC member and must submit a 1,000 word topical essay outlining a major challenge they believe to be facing the electricity distribution industry in the future. Funds for this scholarship will also be paid directly to the college and split evenly between the Junior and Senior years.
These programs are funded entirely by unclaimed capital credit payments returned to WCEC by the state of Texas. All entries must be received at WCEC headquarters by April 6, 2016. Late entries will not be considered. Applications can be downloaded here.

Safety Tips  
Extension Cord Safety
  • Don't run extension cords through walls, under rugs  or furniture, or across doorways.
  • Don't try to repair a damaged extension cord with electrical tape.
  • Don't overload an extension cord.
  • Don't cut off the ground pin to connect a 3-prong appliance cord to a 2-wire extension cord or receptacle.  
For more safety tips visit our Safety & Consumer Tips
Energy Efficiency Tips 
Your HVAC can use 10 percent to 25 percent more energy if it's not properly maintained.  To help ensure your system is operating more efficiently:
  • Regularly check and replace the air filter.
  • Clean the return registers. 
  • Keep  the outside unit clear of brush, plants, and debris.
For more energy efficiency tips visit our Energy Savings Center.

We have added Twitter to our mix!

Follow us on Twitter 

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