The #WhoPowersYou Contest:
Help Spread Positive Energy
At Wood County Electric Cooperative, we do more than just deliver electricity. We also believe it's important to recognize the people who power our lives. That's why, in partnership with Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, we're running the #WhoPowersYou contest.
This is an opportunity to honor inspirational people in our community.
Who has made a positive difference in your life? The person you nominate could win up to $5,000!
How To Enter
  • Voting will run from 11/28/2016 - 12/18/2016, and winners will be announced in early 2017

WCEC is offering three $2,000 Power Upward Scholarships for adult members. This scholarship, funded entirely by unclaimed capital credit payments returned to WCEC by the state if Texas, is offered to active members age 21 or older that have been accepted into a college, trade school or another postsecondary program.   

Members who wish to apply should complete and submit an official application with two current letters of reference pertaining to this effort, and a 500-word essay describing the following:
  • Reasons for continuing your education.
  • Why you have chosen your particular field of study.
  • How the degree or certificate will help you with your future goals.
All entries must be received at WCEC headquarters by November 16 . Late entries will not be considered. Applications are available on under the Community Programs tab, or by calling the cooperative at (903) 763-2203.

Safety Tips  
Call Before You Dig

Spring is an optimal time of year to dream up and achieve your landscaping masterpiece, but in East Texas, planting shrubs in early fall gives the plants a head start at establishing roots in the season's cool, moist soil. Perhaps you're planning to build a new deck to enjoy those cool autumn evenings or building a fence for your livestock. No matter what your fall projects include, if they require any digging remember to dial 811 first.

Underground utilities, such as buried gas, water and electric lines, can be a shovel thrust away from turning a fall project into a disaster. Play it safe by dialing 811 to find out where utility lines run on your property.
Once your call is placed, affected local utility companies will be notified. Within a few days, a locator will arrive to designate the approximate location of any underground lines, pipes and cables. The areas will be marked with flags or paint so you'll know what's below. Then the safe digging can begin.

For more safety tips visit our Safety & Consumer Tips
Energy Efficiency Tips 
Fall into Energy Savings
As the temperatures drop this fall, be ready to cut the chill and your energy bill with these seasonal tips:
  • Set your thermostat no higher than 68 degrees and be sure to lower the temperature when you go to bed or are not at home.
  • During the day, open shades and curtains to allow solar heating. Close them at night to retain the day's heat.
  • Check your home's weather stripping for air leaks around doors, windows, baseboards, and wherever pipes, wires, and vents enter the house. Make sure the warm air you paid for won't escape.
  • Have your heating system serviced by a contractor and replace furnace filters at least once every three months. Clean filters once a month during the heating season to keep the system at peak performance.
For more energy efficiency tips visit our Energy Savings Center.