WCEC Celebrates National Co-op Month
Being part of a non-profit cooperative means being part of something special that is worth observing. Wood County Electric Cooperative is celebrating National Cooperative Month in October, along with 40,000 other cooperative businesses serving more than 120 million people nationwide.
"Cooperatives Build" is the theme of this year's National Cooperative Month, spotlighting the advantages that a cooperative offers members and the communities it serves.

Rural America is powered by a network of more than 900 electric cooperatives, most of which were formed in the 1930s and '40s to deliver electricity to farms and communities that large investor-owned companies had no interest in serving because of the higher costs involved with electrifying broad areas with small populations.
Across the U.S., cooperatives provide 850,000 jobs that collectively pay $74 billion in wages and generate more than $650 billion in sales and other revenue annually.
Cooperatives Build Trust
Most co-ops strive to adhere to seven key cooperative principles, which combine to help ensure trust between the co-op, its members and the community. For example, the first principle is Voluntary and Open Membership, which means that co-ops are voluntary organizations open to all people who wish to use their services and willingly accept the responsibility of membership. The second principle, Democratic Member Control, gives members a voice in the cooperative's policies and decisions. WCEC members elect a board of directors that keep the member's well-being in mind while making decisions on behalf of the cooperative. Our fifth principle, Education, Training and Information provides education and training opportunities for our members, (click for current available scholarships) elected representatives, managers, and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of the cooperative. And, the cooperative supports educating local youth through scholarship programs and youth leadership training opportunities.
Cooperatives Build Community
The seventh cooperative principle is Concern for Community. Cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through employee involvement in local organizations, and through charitable contributions to community efforts. WCEC's employees are all local, living within WCEC's Service territory. They serve and volunteer as little league coaches, volunteer fireman, Rotarians and Kiwanians in countless other worthy capacities. WCEC has a robust giving program to sustain and uplift our communities through charitable contributions in support of civic, economic development and charitable programs and groups that contribute to the well-being of our region and the people who call it home.
Cooperatives Build a Better World
The term "cooperative difference," refers to the advantages that co-ops offer members. But in reality, the co-op would not exist without the members. WCEC was built for the members, by the members. And that is something worth celebrating.
WCEC 78th Annual Meeting Entertainers

The singer-songwriter duo Adler & Hearne formed in 2001 and call themselves "migrant song farmers from East Texas." They travel coast to coast performing their special brand of Texas folk music sprinkled with jazz and blues notes. Lynn Adler and Lindy Hearne are each award winners and successful performers in their own rights, and also as a duo.
As the latter, their songs To the Heart and Second Nature were named among the top 20 and top 10 respectively in the folk DJ community. Since 2014, Adler & Hearne have been named to the Texas Touring Roster for the Texas Commission on the Arts, an honor extended through August of 2018. In addition to performing throughout the state of Texas, they tour nationally. A multigenerational crowd pleaser, the duo performs in various venues including festivals, concert halls, coffeehouses and church services.
They just completed a seven-week summer concert tour to coincide with the release of their newest CD, Simpatico, which is a reflection of their past 15 years as prolific writers and performers. When the duo is not touring, they spend time at their Spring Hollow Organic Song Farm near Winnsboro, which they have written about in song.

Safety Tips  
Halloween Haunts

Do you know what happens around here on October 31? Small, strange creatures creep up to homes with large bags to beg for candy. They dash from one place to another, often forgetting about safety. Taking a little care and remembering these helpful tips can keep these children turn goblins safe.
If you're decorating your yard for this holiday with the help of extension cords, make sure they are out of foot traffic and not coiled under rugs.  Also, check for cracked sockets, frayed or loose wiring or connections.
If you're sending out your little trick-or-treater, make sure they carry a flashlight. Also, fasten reflective tape to their costumes to help drivers more easily see them. Remind kids to keep basic safety rules in mind: walk in groups, and look both ways before crossing streets.
If you're doing the driving on Halloween night, keep an extra-sharp eye out. Not only can the quest for candy make kids forgetful about safety, but also dark-colored costumes can make them even more difficult to see.

For more safety tips visit our Safety & Consumer Tips
Join us at the Candy Walk
WCEC is participating in The Greater Quitman Area Chamber of Commerce's Annual Candy Walk on October 31. The candy walk begins at 3:00 p.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. We look forward to seeing your kids dressed up in their costumes as they Trick-or-Treat at area businesses. Look for the pumpkin displayed in business windows to determine if they are a participant.
Energy Efficiency Tips 
Like homes and other businesses, farms of all types can lower their electricity bills by turning off or reducing use of lights and small equipment in outbuildings. Timers and sensors can help, too. Regular cleaning, maintenance, and seasonal
tune-ups help keep larger equipment running at top efficiency.

For more energy efficiency tips visit our Energy Savings Center.