Are You Prepared for the Changes Coming January 1, 2025?


How Long Will Your Next New Hire Last?

Susan was the perfect hire...

Skilled, smart, eager. And she hit the ground running.

Then four months in ... BAM! ... she gave notice.

Susan isn't an isolated statistic. 30% of new hires leave in the first 90 days. Nearly 50% of hourly workers leave in the first six months.

So how do you combat that?

How do you make that first impression, where they fell in love with your company, last?

It starts with an onboarding plan that's designed to make your new hire an integral part of your team. It goes beyond introductions and ice breakers and establishes a clear path for them to become a confident, contributing, happy employee for years to come.

Call Alternative HR!

According to a survey conducted by CareerBuilder (nine percent,) or 1 in 10 have left a company because of a poor onboarding experience.

Without proper onboarding procedures increases in employee turnover and loss of productivity occur. This decreased employee engagement costs companies large sums of money every year.

You should always onboard new employees to ensure company success.

You’ll be thankful if you d0.

Contact us today at 605.335.8198!

Onboarding is a prime opportunity for employers to win the hearts and minds of new employees. Don't waste it!

We can HELP!

Give us a call today!


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ALTERNATIVE HR | | 605.335.8198 

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