Dear friends,
We welcome two new members into the Kingdom of God through the sacrament of Baptism this Sunday during worship. Little ones to be claimed by Christ and filled with spiritual gifts are grandsons of Debbie Rosenberg and great grandsons of Ethel and Karl Kraft. Grayson Bryan Nocito, son of Danielle and Christopher Nocito, was born on October 2, 2021. Diego Joaquin Medina, Jr., son of Nicole and Diego Medina, was born on January 22, 2022.
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Grayson Bryan Nocito, b. 10/2/21, left, will be baptized
this Sunday with his cousin, Diego Medina, Jr., b. 01/22/22, right.
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Peg Holthusen celebrates her 100th birthday with an Early Bird afternoon tea on Wednesday. Deacons will host a churchwide celebration of Peg’s birthday this Sunday during fellowship following worship at 10. | |
Another beautiful happening planned for this Sunday is the churchwide celebration of Peg Holthusen’s 100th birthday during our fellowship time after worship, hosted by our Deacons.
On Wednesday, members of PW’s Early Bird Circle prepared an afternoon tea in our Narthex to celebrate Peg’s birthday. We drank tea and consumed sandwiches, iced scones, sweet breads, and muffins served on tiered centerpieces. We ate deviled eggs, clotted cream, lemon curd, and assorted jellies before we enjoyed ice cream cake. One couldn’t help but notice the attention to detail—tables spread with burgundy and lace cloths and set with chinaware teapots, plates, cups, saucers, and tiny gold spoons. Thank you to all who came and brought delicious food to share with your sisters in Christ.
The best part of Wednesday’s celebration was the sweet reunion of longtime friends. Some of the women who hadn’t yet been able to come to church because of the pandemic and mobility challenges were able to attend this special tea in honor of Peg’s 100th.
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Won’t you come on Sunday to show your love for Peg and welcome Grayson and Diego, Jr. into our congregation and the Body of Christ through Baptism?
We are departing from our usual lectionary readings this Sunday. The liturgy and message are based on selected verses in Revelation, chapters 21 and 22, and Acts 16:9-15. This is the story of the conversion of Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. She and other women were down by the river praying, and “the Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly to what was said by Paul.” Come and hear the Spirit’s message for the Church.
May we all have eager hearts and leave the service refreshed and renewed—ready to witness to the goodness of God and our hope in Christ, the Son.
God bless you with abundant faith for your journey!
Pastor Karen
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Questions for Reflection
When Lydia hears the gospel, she becomes the first Christian in Europe. Led by the Spirit, Lydia’s faith is decisive, and her witness is immediate. The word opens her heart in love, and she opens her house in hospitality in service of the gospel. How might Lydia’s witness excite your sense of ministry and mission this day? Where might you find someone searching for God’s word?
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Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth, was with other women, down by the river praying. "The Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly to what was said by Paul." - Acts 16:14b |
Morning Prayer
Holy Spirit, enliven in us a faith and witness like Lydia’s, that through deepened prayer we might rise to action in service of the gospel. Amen.
Evening Prayer
God, it is night and the time for rest has come. We have served you in love this day and for this we give you thanks. Do not leave us comfortless but send your Spirit to abide with us as we trust in you this night. Amen.
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Please join us for a formal service of installation for
Rev. Karen Crawford
as Pastor of
First Presbyterian Church of Smithtown
Sunday, September 25, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.
The Presbytery of Long Island will co-host this service with us in our beautiful sanctuary.
All our members, friends, family, and community are invited to participate in this sacred celebration.
Our choirs, directed by Pablo Lavandera, will sing, and handbells will ring.
A reception will follow.
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If you have not already, please RSVP if you plan to attend
the reception following the installation service. Thank you!
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Services for Stanley Nalepa | |
The wake for Timmi Nalepa's father, Stanley, is this Sunday, Sept. 18, from 1 to 5 p.m. at Moloney's in Bohemia,
1320 Lakeland Ave, just south of Vets Highway.
The committal service is Monday at 1:30 p.m. at Calverton National Cemetery, following a brief funeral home service at 11:30 a.m. at Moloney's.
Thank you for your prayers for the family.
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Calling all Bridge Players | |
Bridge Players, veterans and beginners, are invited to our kick-off meeting on Saturday, September 17th at 7:30 p.m. in the Narthex. We will get organized for the coming year and begin play. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect and can plan accordingly. For more information, call Carol Link or Lois Netter.
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Thank you for your donations to
Presbyterian Disaster Relief
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Rev. Dr. John Krahn, who served as our guest pastor on August 7, has donated the proceeds from the sale of his books to PC (USA) Presbyterian Mission.
The $220 raised went to the Disaster Relief Fund – specifically the International Refugee Program for Ukraine. Thank you for your donations and support!
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August 16, 2022
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Krahn,
Thank you for your gift in support of Presbyterian Mission. When you make a financial gift to the needs of our most vulnerable siblings, you do not just address immediate crises. You create lasting change. You make it possible for individuals and entire communities to become self-sufficient and resilient.
Your gifts make it possible to alleviate hunger, provide access to clean water, recovery from earthquakes and hurricanes, provide scholarships and leadership training for communities of color, and make it possible for communities to become self-sufficient and resilient.
Your generosity, combined with the generosity of Presbyterians throughout the nation, makes it possible to be in ministry in over 50 countries. Last year from gifts, we were able to award project grants and scholarships of more than $11.3 million. Your gift to Presbyterian Mission supports programs and projects that make a life-changing difference for individuals and their communities.
Thank you for bringing the selfless love of Christ to people and communities you might never meet. Through your kindness, they feel your presence. Through your presence, they know God is with them.
Thank you for your generous support and your continuing prayers.
Rev. Chris H. Roseland, Acting Senior Director
Mission Engagement and Support
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Thank you to everyone who participated in the renewed Presbyterian Church Book Club on September 7, 2022.
Our next meeting date is Tuesday, November 2nd
If you have a book suggestion for our next meeting, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the Narthex.
Isabelle Buse
Adult Education Committee
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Presbyterian Women's Luncheon | |
All women are welcome to join the
FPCS Presbyterian Women’s Luncheon
Wednesday, September 28th at 12:00 pm
Old Street Restaurant - 92 East Main Street, Smithtown.
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Stewardship Thought for September | |
We have all heard the term “All good things come from God.” Let’s not forget that those good things include us!! God opens God’s hands, and we are filled with good things, including the experiences, memories, and influences that have made us into the “good things” God has created us to be. Think about all the things that have shaped us into the givers we are today (and that have kept us from being better givers than we are today!). As you think about your past, look for how God’s fingerprints have made a difference in your life. Each epiphany, gentle nudge, and transformational moment came about because God opened God’s hand and you were filled with good things. We are thankful that good opened our hands and filled us with good things. May we be open to sharing our overflowing abundance with others.
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God saw everything that God had made, and indeed, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
Genesis 1:31
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How can you contribute to our weekly services? | |
Volunteer to be an Usher
Ushers are needed for our Sunday morning services. No experience required.
Please contact Lucia Spahr if interested.
Contribute to Fellowship Hour
If you enjoy the tasty treats during Fellowship Hour, please consider signing up for one Sunday as a Silent Partner. Just drop your goodies in the kitchen when you come to church. You can contribute with a friend or as a group. There is a sign-up sheet near the coffee at Fellowship Hour every Sunday. See a deacon in the kitchen if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Join the Stream Team
The Stream Team is looking for volunteers to stream our church service on Sunday mornings. Streaming has become an important part of our Sunday Church service since Covid.
Members of the Stream Team will train you.
For more information, please contact Scott Wallace.
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Please contact the church office if you have a September birthday but are not on this list
September 1 – Rick Booth
September 5 – Kathy Seymour
September 12 – David Faverio
September 12 – Gerard Simonette
September 16 – Peg Holthusen
September 16 – Janet Lipinsky
September 17 – Daniel Davidsen
September 27 – Tom Deakins
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In our Hearts and Prayers | |
- Rev. Brenda Ford’s sister, Bridget Harvey, victim of a hit and run and suffered head trauma, currently in Jamaica Hospital in Queens
- Our prayers are with the family of Stanley Nalepa, father of Timmi Nalepa. Stan died on Sept. 14 at the age of 99. He was a WWII veteran.
- George Ludder and his family at the passing of his brother-in-law, Jerry Hudson
- Sue and Tom Nunziata
- Bente Schmidt
- Caroline Kelleher
- Richard Heath, continuing recovery in a rehab facility after brain trauma
- Virginia Newcomb
- Richard Engel
- Harriet McMahon, at The Arbors, 1065 Smithtown Ave, Bohemia
- Evelyn Saddlemire, at Water’s Edge Nursing Facility, 150 Dark Hollow Rd. Port Jefferson
- Jean Lown
- Vivienne Grizzle-Jaber
- Ethel and Karl Kraft
- Andrea Mohabeer
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September 16 – September 22 – John Agostini
September 23 – September 29 – Ed Lipinsky
September 30 – October 6 – Chris Park
October 7 – October 13 – Rob Goodwin
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September 18 – Barbara Ruoff and Joyce Brozyna
September 25 – Lucia Spahr and Lisa Hubbs
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How to Contact the Church Office or the Pastor | |
Puzzles and Coloring for Children & Adults! | | | | | |