How often will books be read, what is the time commitment and what are the expectations?
The book club reads one book every two to three months. The titles selected will take an average of nine hours to read cover to cover.
Will there be any in-person meetings of the book club?
No, the book club will be entirely online. You can participate anywhere you have Internet access and on days and times that are convenient to you.
How do I get the books?
Ocean County Library cardholders will have access to an eBook through Freading for each book selection. Library patrons who prefer a different format can search for a copy of the book through the library catalog, or get an eAudiobook or eBook through Libby/OverDrive or hoopla digital.
How do book club discussions work?
The book club will have a moderator from PBC Guru who manages the forum where discussions occur online. The moderator will pose questions to the book club, share relevant articles and facilitate conversation about topics in the book. Members will be encouraged to post and share as well. This format allows for ongoing conversation and makes it easy for readers to connect with each other through the forum.
How do I sign up?
You can sign up at any time and join in the discussion. Sign up here.