This newsletter includes news, events and resources. For recurring events, please see the individual office newsletter. | |
News, Resources & Upcoming Diocesan Events | |
Office of Human Life & Dignity
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October is Respect Life Month
In October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is designated as Respect Life Sunday. To support these annual observances, the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities provides materials to help Catholics understand and value the gift of human life and help build a culture that cherishes and protects it.
The following materials are designed to be brought to life as tools in your hands. These resources may be downloaded, printed, and reproduced for use in your parish, school, or ministry.
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Feminine Genius Brunch – Saturday, October 14, 2023
Come join us for a beautiful morning set aside to marvel at the mystery of God and His plan for each of us! This event includes a presentation and book signing by Shannon Whitmore, author of the new book, “See Yourself as God Does: Understanding Holy Body Image through Catholic Scripture” (Ascension). Our second speaker is author Lillian Fallon who will speak about the Theology of Style. The morning will include prayer and reflection, brunch, and a review of some service ideas for women to get more involved in ministry. This event is for women of all ages and will be held at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center, 146 Metlars Lane in Piscataway from 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM. For more information and/or to register please visit or call 732-562-1543.
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Seasoned Servants... An Event for Seniors | | | |
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Continental Breakfast & Fellowship
Guest Speaker: Msgr. John Fell, STD, Episcopal Vicar Health Care Apostolate
Health Care Considerations for Aging Catholics
St. John Neumann Pastoral Center
Holy Mass
$10.00 per person
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Call Angela to register at
732-562-1543 or
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Office of Hispanic Evangelization and Pastoral Ministry
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William Becerra from CRS the catholic agency that assist the poor and vulnerable overseas, talks to us about how we can be agents of social change and live our faith under the Catholic Social Teaching.
Saturday, October 14, 2023
From 9 am to 12 pm
The event is free, but previous registration is appreciated.
St John Neumann Pastoral Center (146 Metlars Ln, Piscacatway NJ)
For more information, please contact us at or call 732 243 4573
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Hispanic Advent Retreat
“Walking together towards the encounter with the Lord”
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The Diocese of Metuchen is promoting an Advent retreat focused on Eucharistic Revival, which invites us to walk together as a community of faith, towards a real encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.
Please save the date!! December 2, 2023 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm and stay tune for more information.
For more information please contact us at or call 732 243 4573
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Click the button and visit the website where you can update your parish information about Mass in Spanish, pastoral services or activities for the Hispanic community at any time. You can send us the information in English or Spanish. | |
Click the button to sign-up to receive twice a month, information regarding the Hispanic Diocesan events and other resources for our community. | |
Office of Youth & Young Adult Evangelization
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Youth Minister Meet Up & Formation Day
St. John Neumann Pastoral Center
October 21st
9:30 am-2pm.
This is a day intended to train, encourage, connect, and renew us in our roles in ministry to Youth. It is a day that will allow our local diocesan community of Youth Workers to show us that we are not alone in our service to young people.
All who minister to youth OR who have the desire to minister to youth/want to learn more about youth ministry are invited! (This includes all youth ministers, youth ministry volunteers, priests, parishioners who may want to help with youth ministry but don't feel equipped, PCL's, etc.)
The day will include the opportunity to come together in fellowship, receive training from Vice President of Ablaze Ministries, Chris Bartlett, as well as celebrate the Holy Mass together. Lunch is included. Cost is $15.
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"You're Amazing"
Hard as Nails Ministry Breakthrough Event
November 4, 2023 from 6:30-9:00 PM
Immaculata High School Gymnasium
Please join us for the "You're Amazing" Hard as Nails Ministry Breakthrough Event with Justin Fatica and the Hard as Nails Missionary Team. This event is open to all 7th through 12th graders and families.
Schedule of Event
6:30 PM - Event begins / Intro / Missionary testimonies
7 PM - Justin Fatica Breakthrough talk
8-9 PM - Interactive Adoration with worship music
$10 for Students
$25 for Families
**If cost is an issue, please reach out to Megan Callahan at
This is a first come first served event, please register as soon as possible! At the latest, please register by November 1st.
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Save the Youth Ministry dates:
October 21st - Youth Ministers Training Day #1
November 4th - Hard as Nails Ministry with Justin Fatica Breakthrough Event
January/ February (Date TBD) - St. Timothy Awards
March 9th - Youth Ministers Training Day #2
April 20th - Diocesan Youth Day @ STAHS
May 19th - NJ Catholic Youth Rally at Six Flags Great Adventure
Please visit our website for more Information.
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Silver & Gold Anniversary Celebration
The diocesan church cordially invites couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversaries in 2023 to attend the Silver and Gold Anniversary Prayer Service with Bishop Checchio on Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 3:00 PM at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi, 548 Main St., Metuchen, NJ.
Registration is required to attend the Prayer Service.
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Marriage Encounter Weekend |
Please join us for a special weekend experience to enrich your marriage. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you the time and tools to revitalize romance, deepen communication, and nourish the spirituality in your marriage.
The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will be held October 20 - 22.
Please apply ASAP as space is limited.
Phone +1 732-904-9636 for application and information (Tom & Ruth DeFalco).
Visit us at: for more information.
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Webinars on The Divine Office Hymnal
On October 19 and 26 at 1pm, the Secretariat of Divine Worship and the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions will co-sponsor two, 75-minute webinars on The Divine Office Hymnal. This is recently published hymnal which will be found in the forthcoming new edition of the divine office in English. If you would like to learn more about this new hymnal for the Divine Office you can sign up at :
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Synod on Synodality Intercessions
As the Church begins the Synod on Synodality, the Vatican has released intercessions to be prayed at Mass for the success of the synod. Parishes and Schools are encouraged to use some or all of these intercessions leading upon to sessions of the Synod or during the sessions. You can download the intercession here:
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Eucharistic Adorers Wanted
Please consider promoting this important apostolate in your parishes. Now that the pandemic is over, Bishop Checchio would like to offer Eucharistic adoration at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center, Monday through Friday, from 9:00-11:45 a.m. As St. Pope John Paul II noted. “The Church and the world have a great need of Eucharistic adoration.”
Anyone who is interested in signing up should contact Angela Marshall at
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Perpetual Adoration - Shrine Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament
The Shrine Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, in Raritan, is looking for adorers to sit with the Blessed Sacrament Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is also being offered the third Thursday of each Month (Night Vigil) from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Anyone interested in signing up should visit
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Liturgical Music News
The Diocesan Festival Choir is seeking new members in all sections (SATB) to join those who already give generously of their time to serve the Church as Liturgical Musicians. The choir prayerfully renders music from all periods, with a focus on Renaissance polyphony and Gregorian chant. Rehearsals are on the three preceding Tuesdays for any particular Diocesan liturgical event; rehearsals are typically held at the Cathedral of Saint Francis in Metuchen. Interested persons may set up an interview/audition by contacting Christopher Deibert, Director of Diocesan Liturgical Music, at
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Rev. Timothy M. Eck, STL-Lit.
Director of the Office of Divine Worship
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RCIA Formation Event - TeamRCIA - Making Disciples Institute
The Office of RCIA is pleased to announce that it is hosting an RCIA Formation Event this November 10-11 at Immaculate Conception in Annandale. This two-day Making Disciples Institute will be run by Nick Wagner and Diana Macalintal from TeamRCIA and will provide our RCIA team members a comprehensive overview of the entire catechumenate process, focusing on each period. Participants will also explore how evangelization is the ongoing work of all the baptized and how the entire parish becomes the training ground for catechesis. It is our hope that this Making Disciples Institute will help your catechumenate teams deepen their community’s engagement with seekers, become more confident, and find more joy in this life-changing ministry. Anyone interested in learning more about this important event should contact Adam Carlisle, Secretary for Evangelization and Communication, at
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Save the Date!
Topic: Advent Day of Recollection for Consecrated Life
Date: December 9, 2023
Retreat Master: Rev. Francis Hilton
Location: St. Joseph Parish
34 Yorktown Road, Borough of Millstone
Hillsborough, NJ 08844-5139
Additional information will be coming soon!
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Office for Discipleship Formation for Children
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Save the Date!
Catechist Formation Day
February 3rd, 2024
“Catechesis on the Eucharist: Teaching children and adolescents about the Source and Summit of the Faith”
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Office of Multi-Cultural Ministries | |
Save the date! Multi-Cultural Mass/Fair
April 20, 2024
10:00 am Mass
Followed by food, dance, and more!
St. Francis Cathedral, Metuchen
Details to Follow
Text Link
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To contact the Office of Multicultural Ministries:
Sr. Miriam Perez, Coordinator for Multicultural Ministries
732-529-7933 or
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Office of Communications and Public Relations
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2023 Diocese of Metuchen Blue Mass
At 10:30 AM on Wednesday, October 25th, Bishop James F. Checchio will celebrate the 21st Annual Blue Mass at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi in Metuchen. Gathered together with local, county, state, and federal law enforcement officials, we will honor and pray for those law enforcement officials of all faiths who live and work in the Diocese of Metuchen.
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The Church through Digital Media
As you likely know, the Diocese of Metuchen regularly uses its social media platforms to share news, events and engage with the faithful. If you haven’t already, we invite you to follow us on social media @diocesemetuchen and tag us in your posts so we can help you share your good news.
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The most recent edition of The Catholic Spirit is now available. The September issue, which was dedicated to the opening of a new school year, included articles or columns about Suicide Prevention, a “Feminine Genius Brunch” open to women of all ages, and an I.H.S alumnus who signed with the New York Giants just prior to training camp. We are also hard at work on next month’s edition, which will feature an article about the Hispanic Heritage Mass, introductions to a number of new PCLs, and an article by Msgr. Kerrigan dedicated to Pope Francis’ new encyclical (a follow-up to Laudato Si’), which is scheduled to be released on October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The October issue will also feature a special section dedicated to World Mission Sunday, which is scheduled for October 22. | | |
You can read the full version of both editions online by visiting:, where you can browse through stories individually or view the full paper as it appears in print. As always, we thank you for your support and welcome your feedback.
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Making the Good News Known
The Office of Communications and Public Relations is committed to making the Good News known and telling the story of the Diocese of Metuchen, which includes telling the stories of our parishes, schools, ministries and the faithful. Do you have a positive, inspiring story to share about an individual within our local Church of Metuchen? Is your parish doing something that lights a fire in the heart of our part of the world? We want to hear from you! We invite you to share your news with us by emailing and, as always,
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Employment Opportunity - Graphic Designer
Please consider posting this announcement in your parish bulletin:
The Catholic Spirit, the official newspaper of the Diocese of Metuchen, seeks a Graphic Designer to assist with the layout and design of its publication. The ideal candidate will have Adobe InDesign and Photoshop experience in a PC environment, be familiar with all aspects of electronic publishing, be a well-organized and reliable, and have a proven track record of meeting deadlines. Interested candidates should forward their resume to
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Employment Opportunity - Freelance Photographer
The Diocese of Metuchen is seeking a freelance photographer to cover important events throughout the diocese, including the Bishop’s pastoral visits. The ideal candidate will assist the Office of Communications and Public Relations, as well as The Catholic Spirit, the official newspaper of the diocese, in telling the story of the diocese and its partners. Interested candidates should contact Jerry Wutkowski at
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HEROIC MEN (Powered by the Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance)
Men have a heroic call to follow Christ’s example of leadership, learning, and service with our families. But we can’t do it alone. Jesus Christ shows us how to be a real man, and a heroic leader through prayer, learning, and purpose. HEROIC MEN (powered by the Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance) is a 100% free, Catholic streaming platform designed especially for men who want to discover (or re-discover) the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Catholic faith. They curate and stream the best content to engage, educate, and equip men for mission. For more information or to sign up for a free account, please visit
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National Eucharistic Pilgrimage
The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage (NEP) has publicly launched! The NEP ( will consist of four cross-country Eucharistic processions, collectively traversing the entire continental United States over a two-month period, beginning during the feast of Pentecost, May 17-19, 2024.
The pilgrimage is being organized by the National Eucharistic Revival campaign in conjunction with Modern Catholic Pilgrim, a Catholic nonprofit dedicated to deepening the faith across the country through pilgrimages. Along the way, the pilgrims will make stops in major U.S. cities, churches, Catholic colleges, and holy sites. Parishes along the routes will host Mass, adoration, devotions, praise and worship, lectures on the Eucharist, and more.
The Seton Route, which will begin in New Haven, Connecticut, will be passing through the Diocese of Metuchen on May 27-28, 2024. The four pilgrimage processions will ultimately converge in Indianapolis on July 16, 2024, to participate in the National Eucharistic Congress. Adam Carlisle, Secretary for Evangelization and Communication, will be helping to organize our diocese’s involvement. If anyone is interested in assisting with this important event, please feel free to contact him at
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National Eucharistic Pilgrimage - Important Update
The Diocese of Metuchen was recently notified that the perpetual pilgrims will be traveling through the diocese this May 27-28, 2024. The pilgrims will be arriving on the early evening of May 27 and departing on the early evening of May 28. More information will be forthcoming, but the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage is hoping that the perpetual pilgrims, young adult Catholics (19 to 29 years old), will be able to rely on the biblical hospitality of local hosts, including lay families, parishes, religious orders, schools, and shrines along the way. There will be twelve young adults (including two seminarians) and one or two ordained chaplain(s) on every route.
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National Eucharistic Congress – Tickets/Travel Packages Available
(Coming Soon)!
Registration is now open for the National Eucharistic Congress! At the National Eucharistic Congress (, the Church will draw into a deeper intimacy with our Eucharistic Lord, allowing our eyes to be opened and our hearts to be set on fire with his love. This historic five-day gathering (July 17-21, 2024) will be an experience of prayer: a liturgical act offering the Catholic Church—those in attendance in Indianapolis as well as across the country—to the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit. This reconsecration will result in a massive outpouring of grace and renewed missionary sending as participants are moved to share the Eucharistic love of the Lord “for the life of the world” (John 6:51). This is a pivotal moment in both American history and the legacy of the Catholic Church. (It is the first National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years!) Tens of thousands of pilgrims are expected to attend—but space is limited. To ensure that the Diocese of Metuchen is well-represented, we are pleased to announce that we have purchased 100 tickets to next summer’s Congress. These packages include transportation to and from Indianapolis, as well as hotel accommodations. More information on how to purchase tickets to next summer’s Congress will be forthcoming. In the meantime, anyone interested in learning more about the Congress, or about how to purchase tickets/travel packages, should contact Adam Carlisle, Secretary for Evangelization and Communication, at
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National Eucharistic Congress - Tickets/Travel Packages Available
(Coming Soon) - Important Update
A number of you have reached out recently, asking about the tickets/travel packages. We are hoping to offer client support, reservation assistance, and payment collection beginning this September, but are still working out the last minute details. When I wrote to you last month, I indicated that we were hoping to offer NEC passes for the entire conference, four (4) nights’ accommodations in Indianapolis, including free continental breakfast, and airfare for about $1,500.00. Unfortunately, ticket prices continue to rise. I will do what I can to keep these packages affordable, but I fear they may come in around $1,750.00-$2,000.00. I am also trying to secure as many direct flights (into Indianapolis) as possible, but this has been a challenge, as well.
You should also know that we have updated our website
(, so that people interested in purchases tickets/travel packages from us can submit their requests online. As these tickets/travel packages will be sold on a first come, first serve basis, it is imperative that people fill out the interest form as soon as possible.
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National Eucharistic Congress - Customize Your Congress Experience!
Preparation for the Congress is in full swing! In order to make this gathering the most fruitful for Catholics of so many different stages of life and vocational callings, speakers and breakout sessions will be organized into tracks with various themes and intended audiences. Ask the Lord how he is calling you to participate in the Congress and how he wants to form your heart through these five powerful days. Individual speakers and session topics will be announced very soon. In the meantime, we are thrilled to unveil the various ways you will be able to participate in this historic moment.
For more information about what participation options will be available, or to get details about each track, please visit
Speakers and breakout sessions will be announced soon.
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National Eucharistic Revival - Parish Phase (Leader’s Playbook)
The National Eucharistic Revival is a movement to “rekindle a living relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist and send our Church out on mission ‘for the life of the world.’” On the Feast of Corpus Christi (June 11), we will enter the second year of this initiative—the Year of Parish Revival. To mark this important transition and to help parish leaders and Catholics across the nation, the National Eucharistic Congress has released the Leader’s Playbook ( Supercharge your local Revival response with this essential resource! The Leader’s Playbook is your springboard into the Year of Parish Revival, providing concrete steps you can take to answer each of the four invitations at the heart of this movement. Use this resource to discern the Lord’s call for you and your ministry, and join us in gathering tinder for God to reignite our Church with Eucharistic love. Please click on the above link to find out what to expect from this Year of Parish Revival and how your parish community is invited to respond.
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Addendum (Point Person Resources)
Parish Point Persons interested in obtaining the resources and training they need to spark a local revival may find them by visiting This portal contains resources, such as the popular Preaching Series and Small Group Initiative “Jesus and the Eucharist” (, as well as Parish Promo Kits, containing digital files from which you can print banners, flyers, posters, prayer cards, and postcards.
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The Catholic Charities Immigration Services Program
The Catholic Charities Immigration Services Program provides immigrant individuals and families with comprehensive legal services through consultation and representation. The program assists individuals in gaining or continuing lawful status in the United States through legal benefits that may be available to them. We work to facilitate family reunification through family-based petitions and adjustment of status, as well as protect vulnerable populations, including immigrant victims of crime and domestic violence.
The program also educates immigrant communities about lawful paths to immigration relief, their rights as immigrants, and the dangers of fraudulent immigration law practitioners. Through this comprehensive approach, we seek to improve access to quality immigration legal services and access to justice for our immigrant communities. Services are available in English and Spanish. Contact us to schedule an appointment: 732-324-8200.
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Are you looking for a job?
Do you love working with children? Catholic Charities has positions open for their before and after school programs. Please send resumes and cover letters to and
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Office of Ecumenical and Interfaith Affairs | | | | |