Volume 2 No. 1 |January 3, 2020
As you're reading this issue of Arts Blast , you've already turned the corner into January 2020. So, how's it going so far?

If you had time to read Arts Blast over the holidays, you know I had miserable Internet problems as 2019 was ending. I'm beyond thrilled to say that two AT&T techs are my new heroes. They came, they saw, they conquered the problem, and none of it was my fault! And I'm pretty sure I heard one of them say to the other as they left, "Veni, vidi, vici!"

That one's for you, Miss Early, wherever you are. For any teachers out there who doubt they're making lifelong memories for their students: Miss Early was my seventh-grade Latin teacher at Northwest Junior High a few decades ago. Okay, more than a few.

January 2020 begins the second year of Arts Blast. To be honest, I had no idea how it would be received or how long it would last, but I knew I wanted to continue spreading the word about the arts and cultural bounty in this part of Florida and within easy reach. I promised myself I'd stop when it wasn't fun anymore and I will, but see the Arts Blast heading up there? Someone I didn't know told me very early on that I looked so happy in the picture that he wanted to be where I was. Me, too.

Readers, thanks for sticking with Arts Blast! And sponsors, I cannot tell you how much I've appreciated your support.
In This Issue
Paul and George at Gallery 14
(no, not that Paul and George)
Kathie Elías at Vero Beach Museum of Art
At Home with the Sexton Legacy
Creek Walk and First Fridays
Audubon Society Events
The Symphonia's Women in Music
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As always, For Helen Miller 
Cultural Council of Indian River County's Cultural Connection with Willi Miller - at 5 p.m. Mondays on Treasure Coast WAXE 1370 AM, 107.9 FM and www.waxe1370.com. Replay at cultural-council.org.
People and Places
George Paxton & Paul Davis at Gallery 14
Paul Davis has been painting his mesmerizing seascapes and harbor scenes in oils for 35 years. His work is the "Places" part of the new exhibition that opened this week at Gallery 14 in Vero Beach.

Paul Davis was born and educated in Boston, Massachusetts followed by a career in electrical engineering and 35 years in the educational field. In 2000 Paul and his wife, Cynthia, moved from Kennebunkport, Maine to Vero Beach. Paul currently has his studio in Indian River Shores. His trademark style of alternating layers between transparent and opaque pigment applications creates a luminosity in each piece. That along with blended edges and atmospheric compositions have garnered him many awards and recognition. He is an active member of the Vero Beach Art Club and on their Board of Directors. 
George Paxton's classical style, representational sculpture is created in terra cotta, resin and bronze. Born and raised in the New York City area, and having worked in the Washington, DC area, he received his artistic training at the Art Student's League, Vanderbilt University, Corcoran School of Art, and Florence Academy of Art, among other places. He presently teaches at the Vero Beach Museum of Art and the Southern Vermont Arts Center and maintains a studio in Vero Beach. His work is the "People"in the show, running through Jan. 17 at Gallery 14.
Go On a First Friday Walkabout
Jan. 3 5-8:30 p.m. -First Friday Gallery Stroll on and around 14th Avenue in Vero Beach. The courtesy golf cart shuttle is available.
Jan. 3 - First Friday Stroll in the Eau Gallie Arts District, Melbourne.

Jan. 3, 5 p.m . - First Friday Creek Walk in Stuart Arts District - Each participating business holds Open House during the Creek Walk, serving refreshments and hosting either a visual or performing artist for your enjoyment. You can start at any of the locations, but you may want to work your way from one end of Colorado to the other (US1 to Ocean or vice versa). Some of the stops on the walk are located on side streets such as Kindred and Martin Luther King. All are within a walkable area, and you can always take a break at the pubs, eateries, and other locations along the way. 
The Friends of the Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens invite you to the inaugural Art Show in The Gardens at the Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens , 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd., Port St. Lucie, January 4 - 5, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day (rain or shine). 

Look for original work by local and regional artists in 2D and 3D art, jewelry & fine crafts plus music, dancing, food trucks, art raffles, Fairy Hair and local Non-Profit Agencies to share information about their work. A children’s coloring zone, dance exhibitions, and an afternoon drum circle will be featured Saturday. Sunday features Jazz in the Gardens by the Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society and the art awards ceremony, with Port St. Lucie Mayor Gregory Oravec as emcee.

The Port St Lucie Botanical Gardens is a twenty-acre serene and tranquil gem adjacent to the St Lucie River north fork on Westmoreland Boulevard near Port St. Lucie Boulevard. Admission and parking are free. 
January 17-18 at Vero Beach HS Performing Arts Center.
Winter's a busy time in the bird world. We're watching them, painting them, snapping pics of them, and even counting them.

Jan 4, 9 a.m. , it's a Volun-TEEN program for Martin County residents 14-18 at Possum Long Nature Center, Stuart. "Explore with ... experienced birders, listening to calls, identifying habitat preference, and learning to document your sightings like a true citizen scientist. 

Jan. 5, 7 a.m.-5 p.m. - The annual Christmas Bird Count was started on Christmas Day 1900. Register to take part this year.
Richard Baker, president of Pelican Island Audubon, would like to see a deep cross section of our community around the Indian River Lagoon gather at the Emerson Center, Vero Beach, Jan. 25 to learn how to landscape " in a way that is sustainable, cost-effective, and helps enhance quality of life for all. Let’s all be part of the solution!"

Registration begins at 8 a.m. Jan. 25. Tickets are $25 until Jan. 18, then $35. Included is a box lunch from Wood'n Spoon.
Happy Anniversary, EGAD Main Street (2010-2020) EGAD.mainstreet is officially @egadlife

The creation of an arts district

Eau Gallie Arts District Main Street is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the historic city of Eau Gallie, established in 1860 and contributing many firsts and critical things to Brevard County. Ten years ago, the following businesses were invested in Eau Gallie before anybody else — Your Logo by Geiger, Mustards Last Stand, n’Connections, Real Estate Direct, Eau Gallie Florist, Harrell Real Estate, Intracoastal Insurance, Jackson Kirschner Architects, Joan’s Perfect Pies, Rossetter House & Museum, allaprima styling group, Bonefish Willy’s, Fifth Avenue Art Gallery, Mathers’ Cake Shop, McBride Marketing Group, Squid Lips, and The Horn Section. See our  2019 Annual Report .
The arts district was created by the original merchants, new merchants, and incredible volunteers, including 10 Boards of Directors, the friends of Eau Gallie, individual and business sponsors and members, such as Victoria Landing, Slug-a-Bug, Jim and Jacie Stivers and Mary Ann Sperando. With countless volunteers on the four main street  committees , no one has donated their time and passion more than Nancy Dillen and Carl Kaiserman who were founders of our mural program, or what we call the Outdoor Art Museum. They also lead the guided mural tours held each month.   Go on a mural tour
Get to know the history of Eau Gallie by taking a self-guided audio based walking tour funded through Florida Humanities (and the only area in Brevard to be included in the state-based app). Just download FLORIDA STORIES on your smart phone app and away you go! Bring your headset and take this tour by foot, car, bike, or skateboard.
Welcome Kathie Elías to
Vero Beach Museum of Art
The Vero Beach Museum of Art recently announced the appointment of Kathie Elías as Museum Art School Manager. She comes to Vero Beach from the Foosaner Art Museum in Melbourne.

Elías's upbringing in Puerto Rico was filled with the arts in many forms. She said, " I was born and raised in Ponce, Puerto Rico, a city rich in art and culture. At least once a month, I attended an art or music festival, or we visited the museum." Her grandfather played the cuatro and her paternal grandmother was a professional dancer.

A high school teacher, Juan Perez, played a pivotal role in Elías's education and career choices. The school specialized in science and mathematics, she said, but it also had an excellent arts program. Perez urged her to "get out of my comfort zone and give space to my creativity. When I did so, I felt pure happiness." She plans to bring that joy to her position at VBMA. She said."I want to be able to replicate that effect on the people who attend the educational programs of the museum's art school. I want them to know the life-changing satisfaction of exploring their creativity."

A museum's education programs must take the pulse of what's happening locally, Elías said. " The courses must respond to the needs of the community, and local artists are part of that community. The doors of the museum's art school are open to them as well, whether they wish to participate as instructors or as students if they wish to branch out into another medium."

Elías said she isn't an artist but does have a passion for musical theater, with three performances to her credit. When she isn't working, her life revolves around people. She enjoys "playing with my kids and visiting my friends. For me, relationships are vital — (there's) nothing like having a good time with the ones you love."
Stars Sing Broadway with an all-star cast and the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra at Scott Center, Melbourne, Jan. 4 at 2 and 7p.m, and at St. Edward's School's Waxlax Center, Vero Beach, Jan. 5, 3 p.m.

Featured are Michelle Knight, soprano; Sarah Purser Bojorquez, soprano; Kit Cleto, tenor; and .Stephen Mumbert, baritone
At Home with the Sexton Legacy
From Charlotte Tripson:

Treasure Coast residents will have a rare opportunity Jan. 4 and 5 to visit the original 1917 homestead of Vero Beach pioneer Waldo Sexton.

The family of Mark Tripson, grandson of Waldo Sexton, are hosting  Waldo Sexton Homestead History Weekend  from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 4, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 5,on the property at 5000 12th St., Vero Beach, as part of the Treasure Coast History Festival produced by  Indian River Magazine. 

Sexton, who arrived in Vero Beach in 1913, would go on in the next five decades to create such landmarks as the Ocean Grill, McKee Jungle Gardens, Waldo's Mountain, Driftwood Inn, Patio Restaurant and Szechuan Palace. Sexton raised his family of four at the homestead, which later also housed the famous Tripson Dairy run by his son-in-law, John Tripson.

Sexton’s homestead today, purchased by Mark Tripson and his wife, Hildie, in 1980, is much the same way as when Sexton lived in it and features trademark use of objects such as driftwood, iron and other recognizable features from the ruins of Palm Beach mansions Sexton salvaged. Visitors will also be able to see his secret garden and outdoor kitchen, as well as to meet members of the gregarious Tripson family. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Tickets can be purchased at the door through 3 p.m. each day or obtained online at  www.waldossecretgarden.com

Saturday’s visitors will be able to see the following presentations:

9:30 a.m.: Calvin Reams of the Florida Farm Bureau.
11:15 a.m., Paranormal investigator Larry Lawson.
1 p.m., Willie Johns, chief justice of the Tribal Courts of the Seminole Tribe, talks about the history of Florida Seminoles.
3 p.m., an interactive presentation on the early cowboys of Florida.

These are the presentations scheduled for Sunday :

11 a.m.: Augustus Mayhew, author, columnist and Palm Beach historian: "True or False: South Florida's Myths and Realities.'' 

12:30 p.m.: Ruth Stanbridge, Indian River County historian: "Sense of Place.''

2 p.m.: Dr. Harry Hurst, "The Bridges of Indian River County,: The War's impact on our County's Bridges.'' 

3 p.m., the interactive presentation on the early cowboys of Florida.
The SYMPHONIA chamber orchestra , based in Boca Raton, will present performances in its Marleen Forkas Connoisseur Concert Series that celebrates women in music.

Each performance will feature either a female guest conductor and/or soloist or works created by female composers. “Women have made, and continue to make, incredible contributions to classical music, and we are just thrilled to have an opportunity to showcase these talented artists,” said Annabel Russell, The Symphonia’s executive director.

Concerts are at Roberts Theater at Saint Andrew’s School, 3900 Jog Road, Boca Raton, All performances include a Pre-Concert Conversation with the conductor at 2 p.m.

JANUARY 5, 2020 at 3 p.m.
Carolyn Kuan, Guest Conductor
Daniel Andai, Violin Soloist
ASSAD Suite for Lower Strings
HAYDN Concerto for Violin in C
MENDELSSOHN Symphony No. 4
Thank You
Arts Blast Sponsors
Arts Blast
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Supporting Arts Councils Everywhere
And There's More!
Listen to the Cultural Council of Indian River County's Cultural Connection with Willi Miller - at 5 p.m. Mondays on the Treasure Coast on WAXE 1370 AM and 107.9 FM and www.waxe1370.com. Replays are at cultural-council.org.
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