Volume 11, No. 1

Sharing news from mid-December 2023 to mid-January 2024

One Health Happenings

New to the One Health Conversation? Learn - What is One Health?

One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development. The One Health paradigm forges co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between animal, plant, environmental and human health arenas, i.e. chemical, engineering and social scientists, dentists, nurses, agricultural/horticulturalists and food producers, wildlife and environmental health specialists and many other related disciplines that fall under its purview. The reader can review a compilation of organizations that are actively working to advance the One Health paradigm shift and many additional  organizations and individuals that declare support for the concept.

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'View Entire Message' to see this full newsletter!!!!!!


Happy New Year!!

Don't Forget.............January is

#OneHealth AwarenessMonth

It's a great way to start your year!

#OneHealth #OneHealthAwarenessMonth

Not sure how to participate? No worries!

A One Health Awareness Month Guide has been developed that includes a 31-Day Social Media Challenge Calendar of suggested topics that you can use each day in your local community and in your social media and professional networks. If you look at the topics highlighted each day you will get a sampling of the 'many arenas' begging to be addressed using a #OneHealth approach. Be sure to use the hashtags in your posts. They draw attention and connect to other postings across social media that further discussions promot-ing One Health. Or!!

Create your own posts highlighting 'your' favorite One Health topics. Or!!!

Write and publish local Od Eds and Commentaries about One Health topics to raise public understanding of the urgency of One Health thinking and acting.



Check out this awesome One Health Awareness Month Action!!!

One Health Awareness | Ronnie Casey

January 6, 2024

Author: Ronnie Casey  In: Red Bluff Daily News

"Last week, I discussed how we are not separate from the animal kingdom but are part of it and how we are dependent on the animals and environment for survival. As it turns out, January is “One Health Awareness” month. One Health is a collaborative approach on local, national, and global levels that recognizes that the health of people is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment. That our bond with animals and nature is in fact, vital to us all." http://tinyurl.com/2s3hnuee



Report from JPA Health

One World, One Health:

Exploring the Connectability between Human, Animal and Environmental Health

November 1, 2023

This report by JPA Health, a public relations, marketing & advocacy agency, reveals a concerning lack of communication and collaboration among influential global stakeholders in human, animal, and environmental health.

  1. The One Health conversation is taking place in a bubble.
  2. Climate and conservation stakeholders are almost absent in One Health conversations and interactions. 
  3. Policymakers are disconnected from One Health.

The full report is available here. https://tinyurl.com/5dv49cy4



Research Study: Barriers to Diversity in

International One Health Activities

Please share widely within your networks

You and your network are invited to participate in a research study about participation in international One Health events and barriers to inclusion and diversity. This study is being conducted by Queensland University of Technology, Australia (QUT) with the aim of under-standing the main barriers that women and other underrepresented groups face in their participation in international One Health (OH) events. An international OH event is any event that brings together OH experts from different countries, and includes conferences, colloquiums, meetings and workshops. Understanding the importance of such barriers in the context of global and OH event participation and the strategies implemented to facilitate attendance is an inten-tional first step towards establishing OH ‘event equity’. The survey is 10 multiple-choice and 2 open-ended questions. It is available in multiple languages and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Open until February 29, 2024. The information you provide will be stored under the QUT protocols, ensuring confiden-tiality. See the Participant Information Sheet  for more information (http://tinyurl.com/2j798v6m ). Direct questions to katie.woolaston@qut.edu.au, cat.mcgillycuddy@ukhsa.gov.uk, maudling@yahoo.com .

You can access the survey herehttp://tinyurl.com/wwwnzfnh


One Health High Level Expert Panel releases new report

The Panzootic Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

H5N1 Sublineage a Critical Appraisal of One Health Preparedness and Prevention

With the world gradually recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to think forward when it comes to prevention of infectious disease outbreaks originating from the animal world….There has been a huge body of work on the early detection and response to emerging disease outbreaks following spillover of animal viruses to humans, but far less focus on primary prevention. Primary prevention starts before the first cases of human illness occur, but its implementation is challenging. It requires a focus on understanding underlying principles of disease emergence, and the prevention of spillovers through a One Health approach across human, animal and environmental health sectors. Therefore, in addition to the public health concerns that are currently already widely addressed, One Health requires a focus also on biodiversity conservation and environmental impacts, wildlife health, livestock production and consumption, and both wild and domestic animal health and welfare concerns. The recent unprecedented shift in the ecology of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) illustrates this need. http://tinyurl.com/mshew47e


One Health included in 

U.S. – U.K. Strategic Dialogue on Biological Security

January 16, 2024 U.S. White House Press Briefing

“Building on the June 10, 2021 New Atlantic Charter and the June 8, 2023 Atlantic Declaration on Economic Security, the U.S. National Security Council and the UK Cabinet Office announced a new Strategic Dialogue on Biological Security during a launch event today.” One Health is included in the second bullet of ways both nations commit to increase collaboration.

  • "Adopt a One Health approach to biosurveillance and biological threat detection, in support of international efforts to develop stronger and more interconnected global surveillance capabilities." http://tinyurl.com/2b8makt5


New One Health PhD Program

University of Edinburgh Wellcome Trust PhD programme in One Health Models of Disease

This 4-year PhD programme combines key training in experimental techniques, bioethics and social sciences, to apply new ‘One Health’ models of neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, developmental, and infectious diseases of humans and animals. Applications now being accepted for October 2024. http://tinyurl.com/j8zdz2mr


New One Health Course Module

Hosted by The Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy. Adaptable training resources include four modules with PowerPoint slides, lesson plans and glossaries:

  • Module 1: ANH Linkages – an introduction to the linkages between agriculture, nutrition & health
  • Module 2: One Health – an introduction to the concept of One Health and how to apply a One Health approach to identifying and tackling food system challenges. http://tinyurl.com/4ryn2vk7
  • Module 3: Gender, Equity & Empowerment – provides an introduction to the concept of equity, gender and empowerment, and its linkages to agriculture, nutrition and health
  • Module 4: Climate Change, Environment & Sustainability –an introduction to climate change and the environment, and linkages to agriculture, nutrition and health

The ANH Academy is a global community of interdisciplinary researchers, practitioners, and policymakers working on agriculture and food systems for improved nutrition and health, with over 9,000 members in 145+ countries. Its goal of fostering sharing and learning is about bringing people from many disciplines and backgrounds together – facilitating opportunities for people to exchange knowledge and experiences from different contexts and perspectives. See: Module 1 - ANH Linkages | ANH Academy (anh-academy.org) http://tinyurl.com/4jmsjhw2


Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) at the European Commission’s  

One Health for All, All for One Health Conference

On 13 November 2023, the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety held this conference to take stock and to discuss the future of ‘One Health’ in Europe. As reported on page 12 in the ASPHER Winter Newsletter, ASPHER Climate and Health Lead, Laurent Chambaud and Director Robert Otok attended to gather input for ASPHER participation at COP28 and to explore One Health’s relationship to the Climate Crisis and how to incorporate both into the Public Health core curriculum and wider professionalisation Agenda. Recordings, documents and other resources from the conference are now available here.

http://tinyurl.com/3h6fmcta   http://tinyurl.com/2s3chd74


In 2023 Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH) Celebrated 20 years of work and recently released its Strategic Plan 2024-2028

CTPH is a non-profit organization in Uganda that promotes biodiversity conservation by enabling people, gorillas and other wildlife to coexist through improving their health and livelihoods in and around Africa’s protected areas and wildlife rich habitats. Founder and CEO, Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka said…. ”It has been a truly worthwhile journey discovering the potential of One Health, which addresses the health of people, animals and the environment together to enable coexistence between people and wildlife, and we have learned a lot. It is, therefore, with both pride and excitement that we launch this new 5-year strategic plan 20 years later. We believe that the plan not only illustrates our future ambitions but also honors our roots as pioneers and leaders in the One Health approach. In CTPH’s early years, we were one of the only organizations acting at the nexus of human and wildlife health and wellbeing. “ http://tinyurl.com/mtrprj2e


U.S. FDA Seeks Public Input on Guidance for Priority Zoonotic Animal Drug Designation

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is issuing draft guidance intended to help animal drug sponsors pursuing Priority Zoonotic Animal Drug (PZAD) designation for a new animal drug.

  • PZADs are new animal drugs that have the potential to prevent or treat a zoonotic disease in animals, including a vector-borne disease, that has the potential to cause serious adverse health consequences for, or serious or life-threatening diseases in humans.
  • This guidance is intended to expedite the development and review of these drugs.

Guidance aligns with the goals of the FDA’s Animal and Veterinary Innovation Agenda. For additional information:



One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared by the

One Health Commission (OHC)    

A U.S. based non-profit organization working globally to 'connect' One Health Stakeholders, to 'create' teams and networks that work together across disciplines to 'educate' about One Health and One Health issues.


View archived issues: https://tinyurl.com/OHC-OH-Happening

To receive One Health Happenings, add yourself to the OHC international One Health

listserv of over 18,900 global One Health supporters.


Have One Health news to share with the world?

Submit it (100 words or less) here. https://tinyurl.com/OHC-OHH-Submission

Contact the One Health Happenings Team OH-Happenings@onehealthcommission.org

See other Resources provided by the One Health Commission


Did You Know About???

G7’s First Research Summit on

One Health

November 21-23, 2022.

Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada. Hosted by the Royal Society of Canada. The G7 Research Summit on One Health covered three areas of focus: 

  1. a One Health approach to climate change and biodiversity loss, mitigating a planet in crisis;
  2. learning from Indigenous relationships with the natural world; and 
  3. addressing globalization and polarization: towards multilateral One Health solutions for a changing world. 

See the Summit Agenda, List of Participants, and Breakout Session Groups. http://tinyurl.com/4f8fum4d


Female Leadership in One Health:

Mobilizing human and animal health professionals

to tackle gender-based violence

New Online Course in FAO Virtual Learning Center for West Africa

This course addresses gender-based violence in human and animal health, highlights the impact of gender-based violence on One Health initiatives, especially in rural areas, and empowers health professionals to play vital roles in prevention. The pandemic of violence against women and girls is one of the greatest social, economic and development challenges facing the world today. Physical and mental health consequences of sexual violence are severe, impeding women’s full participation in and contributions to society. In rural communities gender-based violence can undermine the implementation of One Health approaches at the grass-root level. For example, chronic pain resulting from violence may reduce a female poultry farmer's ability to implement biosecurity practices – measures crucial for protecting her flock against Avian Influenza as well as ensuring family nutrition and income to pay for her children’s healthcare and school fees. Similarly, regular sexual harassment at work may be detrimental to a woman Community Health Extension Worker's mental health, negatively impacting the quality of her services, and her career progression. Empowering human and animal health professionals to jointly lead gender-responsive One Health initiatives, and putting an end to gender-based violence are critical aspects of our efforts. To take this course you need to be a health professional based in West Africa. http://tinyurl.com/bdfayseb


Critical Research on Industrial Livestock Systems (CRILS) Network

How livestock systems are governed and controlled matters because it shapes the food system. An industrial livestock system is characterised by low genetic diversity and, in some cases, high stocking density, vertical integration, and/or corporate consolidation. However, industrial farming has also boosted the availability of affordable and in-demand animal-sourced foods and advanced food security. Intensive systems are proposed as a solution to address animal-sourced food demand in a land-sparing manner, among some communities. But at what cost and for whom? Coordinated by researchers at the Royal Veterinary College London, the CRILS Network (www.CRILS.org) aims to understand the trade-offs of large-scale, industrial livestock systems and to use available evidence to advocate for just and sustainable food systems, especially in the Global South. Through a series of online and in-person workshops, the network brings together researchers and non-academics including civil society, activists, policy-makers, industry actors, and lawyers among others, to challenge and nuance narratives of livestock production systems.

This network is open and inclusive. Please reach out to find out more about ways of collaborating or assisting us in our efforts. CRILSNetwork.ac.uk   https://www.crils.org/


One Sustainable Health (OSH) for All Declaration

The One Sustainable Health (OSH) Forum was launched in Lyon, France  in 2021 (by the One Sustainable Health Foundation) to promote a “One Health / Planetary Health” transdisciplinary approach. The OSH Forum organizes conferences and leads six thematic Working Groups which aim to facilitate the operational implementation of projects integrating human, animal and environmental health. Over 200 experts from some thirty countries have been involved in a transdisciplinary approach over the past two years, of which 80+ were working in six international working groups (IWG). They have now submitted operational recommendations aimed at :

  1. Reducing the impact of human pollution and its pressure on biodiversity and the climate
  2. Organizing sustainable food systems for better nutrition
  3. Harmonizing Humankind's relationship with Nature
  4. Promoting equitable access to health services
  5. Adapting financial tools to ensure One Health for All
  6. Integrating "One Health" principles and practices into local communities.

These recommendations are published in the One Sustainable Health for All Declaration.



ADAPT: The African One Health Network for Disease Prevention - Revolutionizing Disease Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa

January 5, 2024

Author: Salman Akhtar  In: bnn

“The African One Health Network for Disease Prevention, dubbed as ADAPT, is undertaking a groundbreaking project. This initiative is centered on refining the management of antimicrobial resistance and neglected tropical diseases across seven sub-Saharan African nations. Steered by Dr Ahmed Abd El Wahed of Leipzig University, the multidisciplinary project underscores the establishment of antimicrobial stewardship while preventing infectious diseases through a One Health approach.”See the scientific publication about this effort. (not open access) http://tinyurl.com/mv953t4e https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02666-0#citeas


Blogs / Commentaries / Editorials / Opinions / Popular Media

Strengthening One Health implementation and investment in Southeast Asia

January 19, 2024

From the CGIAR Initiative on One Health, by Chi Nguyen, Steven Lam, Sinh Dang-Xuan, Fred Unger, Thanh Nguyen, Tongkorn Meeyam and Hung Nguyen-Viet  Blog post on CGIAR website.

In recognition of regional responses to global health challenges in Southeast Asia—recognized as a hotpot for many novel and re-emerging zoonotic diseases worldwide—the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and the Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) organized a two-day workshop in Bangkok from 19 to 20 December 2023. See this summary of the workshop.



Animal Health: How AI and Drones Make a Big Difference

January 19, 2024

Author: Richard Seifman In: IMPAKTER

“Whether for domestic pets or livestock, new technology from generative AI to drones for surveillance and medicine delivery will be helping your veterinarian…..The links between animal, plant, and human health, and the environment are defined by UN quadripartite experts as ‘an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals, and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent.’ “



One Health during and after war….

Will Gaza be inhabitable after the

Israel-Hamas War?

January 6, 2024

Author: Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman 

In: The Jerusalem Post

“Experts weigh in on potential environmental and health challenges Gaza will face after the Israel-Hamas War, and how to solve them…..when people leave their homes, animals often take over, such as mice, rats, foxes, and stray dogs, explained Prof. Dorit Nitzan…… Abandoned houses are also a breeding ground for flies and mosquitoes. These insects and animals can carry infectious diseases, such as Shigella or West Nile Virus…..Another challenge …. could be asbestos, a commonly used material in building construction, especially prevalent in developing or socioeconomically challenged countries and communities…..she advocated for what is known as a One Health approach – i.e., simultaneously addressing the health and environment of humans, animals, and plants." http://tinyurl.com/4t7dnnt5


The key to fighting pseudoscience isn’t mockery—it’s (radical) empathy

January 10, 2024

Author: Paul Sutter  In: arsTECHNICA.com

Evidence shows that shoving data in peoples’ faces doesn’t work to change minds.

“….the first step when confronting a pseudoscientific belief is to not bother arguing it…..Instead, I try to practice what’s known as radical empathy. This is empathy given to another person without any expectation of receiving it back in return. I try to see the world through someone else’s eyes and use that to find common ground. Why do they believe in UFOs? Is it because they want mystery and wonder to be alive in this world? Hey, me too! Why do they buy homeopathic medicine? Is it because they desperately wish they could do something about their medical condition? Yeah, I hear that. Why do they get a palm reading? Is it because they could use some guidance through their complicated lives? Couldn't we all…..we need to find common ground and leverage that to share the joy, power, and beauty of science. “ http://tinyurl.com/24zkem5r


(Indian) Health Ministry Steps up Fight Again Zoonotic Diseases

January 7, 2024

Author: Somrita Ghosh  In: mint (New Delhi)

“In 2022 the [Indian] government launched the National One Health Mission, a cross-ministerial effort to review areas of focus…….The health ministry is already implementing various national pro grammes through NCDC, including the National One Health Programs for Prevention and Control of Zoonoses, National Rabies Control Programs, Program for Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis, Snake Bite Prevention and Control, National Programme on AMR Containment, and the National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health.”



One Health: A Crucial Collaborative Tool for Early Disease Surveillance

January 7, 2024

This article was first published in February 7, 2023  Author: Casey Barton Behravesh

In: MedScape Be sure to see all ‘three’ pages of the article

1. One Health surveillance is crucial for early detection of diseases.

2. One Health surveillance can't happen without collaboration.

3. Case investigations form the backbone of One Health surveillance.

4. Capacity is needed at the regional, national, subnational, and local level.

5. Human healthcare providers play an important role in One Health surveillance.



Promoting Earth Observation for Health Decision - a holistic One Health approach

Interview at the December 2023 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting, 

Theme: Wide Open Science

San Francisco, California, USA. Helena Chapman, MD, PhD, Associate Program Manager for Health and Air Quality Applications, Earth Action Program in NASA’s Earth Science Division, explains the One Health concept and why paying attention to changes in the environment can help governments and public health officials make decisions that will improve the health of people, animals and plant 



Opinion: Why disappearing trees are so bad for our climate — and health

January 5, 2024

Author: Arjun V.K. Sharma

“I am a physician in infectious diseases, and my first instinct when looking at a forest is to see it through the lens of a microbe. Microbes can bring diseases to humans, and for that reason the World Health Organization has applied a philosophy to them called One Health. Simply, it’s a belief that the fitness of humans, animals and the environment are one and the same — inextricably linked.”



Cutting-edge bacteriophage research has human and animal applications

December 28, 2023

Author: Karen Pauls In: CBS News

This Winnipeg scientist is using viruses to fight drug-resistant superbugs. Cytophage owner and researcher Steven Theriault believes he has the solution to an urgent global public health threat — antibiotic resistance. Phages were discovered in 1915 and were used to treat cholera during the 1927 epidemic, but the emergence of antibiotics in the 1940s eclipsed them. That is, until the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.



Research on aging a natural fit for One Health approach

January 03, 2024

Author: Coco Lederhouse In: AVMA News

Canine cognitive decline (CCD) is present in 28% of dogs aged 11 to 12 years, with a prevalence that increases to 68% around 15 to 16 years old. CCD mirrors many of the physiological and behavioral changes observed in humans with dementia and Alzheimer's disease (AD), including disorientation, memory problems, changes in activity levels, and pathologies, such as brain atrophy.



Hot Off the Press!! (Last 90 days - see also older Publications list below in Library Section)

Microbes and Mental Illness: Past, Present, and Future, Bransfield RC, Mao C, Greenberg R, Healthcare. 2024; 12(1):83. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare12010083 

“Recognition of the microbe and mental illness association with the development of greater interdisciplinary research, education, and treatment options may prevent and reduce mental illness morbidity, disability, and mortality.”

An African One Health network for antimicrobial resistance and neglected tropical diseases.  Abd El Wahed A, Kadetz P, Okuni JB,. et al., Nat Med (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-023-02666-0

Building the future one health workforce, Codd M, Valiotis G, Davidovitch N, Kostoulas P. et al. (‎2023)‎, Eurohealth, 29 (‎2)‎, 11 - 14. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/373844

Challenges in Sheltering Seized Animals from Hoarders from a One Welfare Perspective.  Fossati P, Animals. 2023; 13(21):3303. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13213303


Did You Miss It?

Special One Health Issue of the WHO’s

Weekly Epidemiological Record

December 1, 2023, Vol. 98, Nos. 48/49, 621-652

WHO has taken a pivotal role in advocating for and advancing the One Health agenda. Many departments and regional offices of WHO have been working extensively on One Health topics for decades. The WHO One Health Initiative was established in 2021 to ensure a unified WHO One Health position. With its broad expertise and global reach, WHO is committed to delivering tangible impacts at country level. Its role involves supporting Member States in developing and implementing national strategies and action plans, strengthening capacity and competence, promoting training and awareness, fostering partnerships, monitoring and evaluating progress and the impact of One Health, as well as promoting global, regional and national coordination. In 2022, the WHO, FAO, WOAH and UNEP, signed a groundbreaking agreement to establish the Quadripartite collaboration on One Health. Contents of this special issue of WHO's Weekly Epidemiological Record include:


New Journal launched

Journal of Global, Public and One Health (JGPOH)

The JGPOH is an open-access and peer reviewed journal with an interdisciplinary and international orientation. JGPOH welcomes contributions on the global health sciences, population health, public health and the health services, as well as papers on planetary and One Health, submitted by practitioners and researchers from all over the world. Especially welcome are quantitative and qualitative research examining upstream determinants and implications for health politics which usually requires an inter-disciplinary, inter-sectoral, and inter-professional approach. JGPOH accepts original research, reviews of literature, case studies, short reports, and viewpoints. http://jgpoh.com/


National Framework for One Health

Published by FAO in 2021, New Delhi, India

A framework to implement the One Health approach at the national level may facilitate its implementation and assist national authorities in addressing the agenda of (i) enhancing national capacity for zoonotic diseases and AMR for prevention, detection and response; and (ii) improving joint coordination and collaboration between major stakeholders for control of zoonoses and AMR. With this objective, FAO has developed a National Framework for One Health to assist national authorities in initiating steps to strengthen efforts towards the control of AMR and disease in a comprehensive manner through collaborative activities among various sectors. The framework was developed through extensive consultations with leading scientists from human health, animal health, fisheries, environment sectors representing research and academic institutions and international agencies. http://tinyurl.com/4tyxyrcc


The Impact of Climate Change on Health: Reducing Risks and Increasing Resilience in the Era of COVID-19, Machalaba C, Bouley T, Nunziata K, Anyamba A, Dar O, Epstein A, Karesh W, Martin K, Smeeth L, Vial F, Wannous C, Croft D, Edwards P, O'Hayer P. biodiversity link – One Health Evidence inbox, (2021). http://tinyurl.com/456sh3h9


One Health European Joint Project

(OH EJP) BeONE Project Impact Brochure

Are you interested in food and waterborne diseases surveillance? Please see the BeONE project outputs and outcomes in the latest impact brochure. This research project aimed to:

1. Contribute to the capacity of EU laboratories to carry out routine surveillance. 

2. Launch new research lines to improve the epidemiology of food and waterborne diseases (FWD).

 3. Facilitate data sharing and comparability among EU countries and international organisations involved in FWD prevention and control. 



One Health European Joint Project

(OH EJP) MATRIX Project Impact Brochure

The MATRIX integrative project created solutions for European countries to support and advance the implementation of One Health surveillance. The key outputs of the MATRIX project are:

1. Interactive tools, dashboards, roadmap, guidelines and checklist for One Health surveillance imple-mentation,

2. A frame of solutions and hazards.

All outputs are available online and MATRIX invites European institutes working in the animal health, public health and food safety sectors to consider the opportunity to adopt these surveillance solutions and to further build upon them. 



Neil Vora TED talk: How to stop the next pandemic?

Stop deforestation

July 2023 TED Countdown Summit

Clearing tropical forests isn't just dangerous to the natural world — it's also a threat to human health and wellbeing, says physician Neil Vora. Tracing how environmental devastation led to deadly epidemics like Ebola, he presents three ways deforestation unleashes disease and calls on each of us to help preserve the delicate ecological balance we depend upon. http://tinyurl.com/5n98398k


Outbreak: Epidemics in a Connected World

One World One Health Exhibit Remains Available for travel

Washington, D.C., USA, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Three point three million people viewed the OUTBREAK exhibit between its opening in March 2018 and closing in Oct 2022. Over 300 requests have been honored for the Do It Yourself (DiY) ‘pop-up’ version of the exhibit (from organizations in 55 countries and 47 US states and territories) and that option remains open indefinitely. The full physical exhibit at the museum has closed but you can see the Smithsonian’s own DiY 'pop-up' version established indefinitely in the Museum. It includes bilingual English-Spanish panels and audio-visual kiosks. The DiY ‘pop-up’ exhibit and media assets remain available for download and templates are provided for creating translations of different languages in your region. You can still bring this amazing exhibit to a library, shopping mall, hospital lobby or educational institution near you. Contact DeanK@si.edu if interested or visit https://naturalhistory.si.edu/exhibits/diy/outbreak

Help spread the word about this amazing, ongoing One Health educational opportunity for the general public, cradle to grave. https://s.si.edu/2GvnATd


One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) News

One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) Initiative


(A working group of the

One Health Commission - founded in 2017)



To continue being informed about our activities and keep this collective initiative lively and creative, we warmly invite you to complete this shared document that will in time replace our old email list. Thank you, in advance, for filling in this form at your earliest convenience: 

OHSS memberlist_detailed - Google Sheets


Be sure to visit the OHSS webpage. Check out the OHSS Webinars Library for recordings of past webinars.

Learn about the OHSS-FSFS sub-working group

The One Health Social Sciences - Food Safety and Food Security (OHSS-FSFS) is a Small Working Group of the One Health Commission (OHC). It was founded in 2021 as part of the OHC's One Health Social Sciences Initiative and is composed of One Health proponents and enthusiasts from diverse scientific disciplines and continents. http://tinyurl.com/OHSS-FSFS

See the Video about the OHSS-FSFS


In celebration of One Health Awareness Month

See the upcoming OHSS-FSFS Online One Health Training Event

January 23, 24, 25, 2024

7:00 - 9:00 PM CET each day

Free but you must Register. https://form.jotform.com/240115590615046


One Health Issues 'IN' the News

The PAWSitive Connections Lab -

Researchers join forces to advance

both theory and practice in support of

animal-assisted interventions

In: Globe & Mail, November 8, 2023. International Human-Animal Bond Day.

Bringing together Professor and One Health & Wellness Chair, Dr. Colleen Dell from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, Dr. Darlene Chalmers from the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Regina, and Dr. Linzi Williamson, Department of Psychology and Health Studies at USask, the PAWSitive Connections Lab is dedicated to exploring interactions between animals and people, with particular emphasis on the power of connection between animals and individuals recovering from addiction and mental health. http://tinyurl.com/44kdv7x9


Student News

International Student

One Health Alliance




ISOHA Contact Information!

president@isoha.org. For memberships, projects, and partnerships, please contact ISOHA at this address.

(WhatsApp group only for Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral students who are interested in One Health to discuss One Health issues, share information, and collaborate.)


Upcoming Events

January 22, 2024

HOLOBIOME Film Screening, In-Person and Online

When Medicine Stops Saving Us:

The Antimicrobial Resistance Crisis

5:00 PM Pacific, 8:00 PM Eastern

The past, present, and future of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) through the lenses of film, sociology, public policy, industry, and public health. Interim Dean Abel Valenzuela and the UCLA Division of Social Sciences present an exclusive screening of a new documentary from the team behind the award winning Netflix documentary, RESISTANCE. This genre-bending short film, HOLOBIOME, features the harrowing story of UCLA graduate Bradley Burnam’s personal encounter with a deadly superbug. Through a variety of creative elements, HOLOBIOME examines the need for innovation in AMR and questions the overall human relationship with infectious disease and the microbial world. The screening will be followed by an interdisciplinary panel discussing the looming AMR crisis through the lenses of sociology, public policy, industry, and public health.



January 23-25, 2024

OHSS-Food Safety, Food Security Training Sessions in celebration of One Health Awareness Month

7:00 - 9:00 PM CET

One Health Experts will cover different aspects of One Health (foodborne diseases, AI, Youth Advocacy, and Wildlife Conservation ). Attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Free but you must Register https://form.jotform.com/240115590615046


January 25, 2024 Hybrid Event

One Health and the changing global health landscape - The neglected heartbeat

7 pm Pacific Time

Simon Fraser University, Canada, President’s Dream Colloquium - One Health Connections and Collaborations. Speaker Salome Bukachi, University of Nairobi, Medical Anthropologist, will discuss the issues of prevention, detection and response arising at the interfaces of animal, human and environmental health and how they need to be addressed from a wholistic perspective. http://tinyurl.com/3xhykxbx Free but you must Register. http://tinyurl.com/2t728njn


January 25, 2024

Global Capital and Big Livestock:

CRILS Network Online Workshop

The Critical Research on Industrial Livestock Systems (www.CRILS.org) Network held a workshop on 25 January 2024 on how to unpack how global finance and corporate consolidation shape livestock systems. The flow of global capital administered by corporate regimes and international financial institutions has created asymmetries of power and increased corporate concentration, shifting the way animal-sourced foods are produced and consumed. https://forms.office.com/e/tpi1Zr7fSW


February 1-3, 2024 Symposium

AMR, VBDs & Zoonoses: One health One World - Connecting the Dots

CMC Vellore Symposium

Christian Medical College, Vellore in Tamil nadu, India. Hosted by the Departments of Clinical Microbiology, Virology and Wellcome Trust Research Laboratory, Contacts: onehealthvellore@gmail.com; onehealthvellore@cmcvellore.ac.in  https://onehealthvellore.com


February 12-17, 2024

CMS CoP14 - The Fourteenth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS) of Wild Animals

Theme: Nature Knows No Borders

Samarkand, Uzbekistan. The journeys of migratory species do not adhere to political boundaries and their survival is dependent on international collaboration and trans-boundary conservation efforts. CMS COP14 is a significant international meeting where governments, scientists and stakeholders will come together to agree on strategies for the conservation of migratory species and their habitats. It will address a wide range of important conservation priorities and new initiatives, including many that will support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) that was adopted in 2022. If you are taking One Health to this meeting or know of any One Health framed discussions occurring there, please let us know. https://www.cms.int/en/cop14


March 6, 2024

How can AI foster prevention and smart use of antibiotics in a One Health world?

16:00 - 17:30 CEST

Basel, Switzerland. Panel discussion at the 8th AMR Conference - Novel Antimicrobials and AMR Diagnostics; jointly organized by BEAM ((Biotech companies in Europe combating AntiMicrobial Resistance) Alliance and bamconn GmbH. Moderated by Lothar Wieler (Hasso Plattner Institute). Speakers: Ralf Sudbrak (Global AMR R&D Hub), Lara Urban (Helmholtz Munich), Thomas Van Boeckel (ETH Zurich), Esther Antao (Hasso Plattner Institute), Muna Abu-Sin (Robert Koch Institute), Ramanan Laxminarayan (One Health Trust). https://amr-conference.com/program-2024/


March 14, 2024 Conference

Veterinary Medicine and Interprofessional Education: Defining One Health

Clinical Translational Science Award One Health Alliance (COHA) Interprofessional Education (IPE) Symposium

Jacksonville, Florida, USA. This is a (US) national gathering of educators, clinicians, researchers, students, and other professionals to explore the overlap of One Health and IPE to imagine a future where IPE and One Health grow synergistically. The 2024 symposium will be hosted in conjunction with the pre-forum activities at the National Academies of Practice annual meeting. The goal of this symposium is to explore and coordinate the work being done across a variety of medical education settings. http://tinyurl.com/4fzvmm6f


April 16-17, 2024 Workshop

Global Capital and Big Livestock:

CRILS Network Online Workshop

London, England. Hosted by the Critical Research on Industrial Livestock Systems (CRILS) Network (www.CRILS.org) CRILS aims to understand the trade-offs of large-scale, industrial livestock systems and to use available evidence to advocate for just and sustainable food systems, especially in the Global South. The network brings together researchers and non-academics including civil society, activists, policy-makers, industry actors, and lawyers among others, to challenge and nuance narratives of livestock production systems. https://forms.office.com/e/qJxdkntR87 Join us for rich discussions and training sessions on the future of livestock systems if your work challenges or nuances narratives on industrial livestock production. We especially encourage non-academics (activists, lawyers, campaigners, public health workers - you name it) to apply. Funding is available for successful applicants' travel. Free to attend. https://forms.office.com/e/qJxdkntR87


April 16-19, 2024

Planetary Health 6th Annual Meeting and Summit - From Evidence to Action: Confronting Reality

Bridging Health, Environment, and Society for a Resilient Planet

Sunway University, Malaysia. For science to be transformational, it must be crafted for action and communicated in ways that the public can understand, and decision-makers can act on. https://www.pham2024.com/


April 21-23, 2024  In-Person Symposium

International Symposium on One Health Research: Improving Food Security and Resilience

Galvaston, Texas, USA. Hosted by the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) - Galveston Chief Research Office, UTMB One Health, and the Galveston National Lab and Institute for Human Infections and Immunity. This Symposium will be unique in that food productions experts will be centrally featured to identify common ground from which new interdisciplinary research partnerships might arise and lead to better food resilience. Lectures from the beef, dairy, egg & poultry, pork, aquaculture, fresh produce, and processed food industries will be featured. Other research topics will include emerging infectious diseases (viral, bacterial, and other), and the environmental, social, and public communication factors that impact Food Security. In person. Includes exciting side excursions, Travel Awards for best Abstract and a Poster Competition. https://tinyurl.com/8rt6nfke


May 22-24, 2024

73rd Annual James Steele Conference on Diseases in Nature Transmissible to Humans (DIN)

College Station, Texas, USA. Sponsored by the Texas Department of State Health Services Zoonosis Control Branch and supported by the Texas Health Institute. ​ DIN is a not-for-profit conference and serves as a forum for the presentation of epidemiological investigations, clinical case studies, basic and applied research, and other topics in emerging and current zoonotic and environmentally-acquired infectious diseases. The conference's goal is to increase knowledge and awareness of these diseases within the veterinary, medical, public health, and academic research communities. Participants include human medical providers, veterinarians, public health professionals, scientists, animal control officers, and others involved in the diagnosis, investigation, prevention, control, and research of zoonoses and environmentally-acquired infectious diseases. Be sure to check out the history of this conference and the tribute to Dr. James Steele on the conference webpage (scroll to bottom). https://www.diseasesinnature.com/


May 27 - 29, 2024

77th World Health Assembly and the

2024 Geneva Health Forum

Geneva, Switzerland. The World Health Assembly (WHA), the paramount decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), represents a unique moment when health ministers from across the globe convene to define global health strategies. A multitude of health stakeholders gather in Geneva to voice their perspectives and insights. From May 27 to 29, 2024, the prestigious Geneva Health Forum Conference will take place alongside the World Health Assembly. As the WHA convenes a political audience, the GHF Conference provides a unique platform conveying the perspectives of scientists, medical practitioners and field actors on the main challenges and opportunities for global health. http://tinyurl.com/cw6yyax5


May 30-31, 2024

2nd Biennial One Health Microbiome Symposium

State College, Pennsylvania, USA. Hosted by Pennsylvania State University Huck Institute One Health Microbiome Center. This symposium will feature internationally-renowned keynote speakers, faculty and trainee research talks, poster sessions, and networking events. The goal of the symposium is to showcase how diverse ecosystems are dependent upon their microbial communities and how microbes flow through these ecosystems to shape the outcomes of health and disease. http://tinyurl.com/yeym2b58


June 18-21, 2024

Global Health Security Conference 2024

Sydney, Australia. Call for abstracts is still open. "The mission of the Global Health Security conference is to provide a forum where leaders, researchers, policy-makers, and represen-tatives from government, international organisations, civil society, and private industry from around the world can engage with each other, review the latest research and policy innovations, and agree on solutions for making the world safer and healthier. To that end, our mission is to help foster a genuinely multidisciplinary community of practice that is committed to working collaboratively to enhance global health security and eliminate disease, irrespective of its origin or source." This conference will bring together practitioners, researchers, educators, representatives and decision-makers across the fields of public health, medicine, veterinary science, agriculture, government, defense, international relations, sociology and anthropology to examine the progress made to date in strengthening health systems and identify the gaps and opportunities for enhancing the international community’s ability to respond more efficiently and effectively to future adverse health crises. https://tinyurl.com/wudzkbka


October 13-15, 2024

World Health Summit

Berlin, Germany. The World Health Summit is the unique international strategic forum for global health. Held annually in Berlin, it brings together stakeholders from politics, science, the private sector, and civil society from around the world to set the agenda for a healthier future by inspiring innovative solutions for better health and well-being for all. http://tinyurl.com/mwp3cjb2


Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)

These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!

Track the progress of One Health since 2001

Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's

Global One Health Events (since 2001) webpages.

Select a year and click 'VIEW'

January 13-14, 2024 Conference (Virtual)

Together We are Stronger

Jamaica Veterinary Medical Association (JVMA) and

Caribbean College of Family Physicians (CCFPJ - Jamaica Chapter)

One Health Virtual Conference 2024

Jamaica. Speakers delved into crucial topics shaping the landscape of health, including Planetary Health, Infectious Diseases, Mental Health Care, and more. Contact: onehealthdayconferencejamaica@gmail.com See the Program

Recordings available:

Day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLJJmKyhv14

Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIW2KRMQNr0


December 18, 2023 Webinar

National One Health investment

planning and leverage: The experiences of Kenya and Senegal

Hosted by the Return on Investment (ROI) Community of Practice (CoP) created by the Quadripartite collaboration (FAO, UNEP, WHO, and WOAH), the Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), and the World Bank. This CoP is part of the One Health Knowledge Nexus (see above posting in the NEWS section of this newsletter) that brings together a wide network of people for engagement, knowledge exchange, learning, and dissemination to support the further advancement of One Health. The Nexus supports a cohesive approach to CoPs, nurtures and facilitates connections, serves as a knowledge and resource hub, and provides a space for forming new collaborations. This webinar presented a process for national One Health investment planning and leverage that is being piloted in Kenya and Senegal including the rationale and logic of the process. The objective of the Webinar was to understand some of the challenges of national investment planning for One Health in Kenya and Senegal.


November 10, 2023

Plenary Session: Building the One Health Workforce

16th European Public Health Conference: 

Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth -

A Sustainable Future for Humanity

Dublin, Ireland. Hosted by the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) and European Health Management Association (‎EHMA). ASPHER Executive Board Member and Core Curriculum Lead provided a keynote highlighting developments of the ASPHER Core Curriculum as relates to training for public health professionals in One Health. See the Plenary 3 companion article reflecting on the roles of ASPHER and ‎EHMA‎ and the concrete steps needed to address skills for One Health. http://tinyurl.com/32yt3yrw

European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Codd M, Valiotis G, Davidovitch N, Kostoulas P. et al. (‎2023)‎. Building the future one health workforce. Eurohealth, 29 (‎2)‎, 11 - 14. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/373844


November 2-3, 2023 

Annual One Health Day Symposium

Addressing Complex One Health Challenges

Nairobi, Kenya. Hosted by The Ohio State University Global One Health Initiative (GOHI) with Kenya Medical Research institute (KEMRI) and other partners to commemorate international One Health Day. The symposium provided an opportunity to highlight cutting edge research in One Health, highlight research done by PhD fellows and advance One Health collaboration in the region. Several topics were covered such as emerging zoonotic, food, water, and vector-borne challenges; antimicrobial resistance and pathogens of Public Health Significance; climate change, changing ecosystems and health and more. http://tinyurl.com/45s69sz5


September 17-23 and 24-29, 2023

ELEPHANT One Health Project

One Health in Action / Practice Training Workshops

Hosted by University of Mpumalanga, South Africa. Empowering universities’ Learning and rEsearch caPacities in the one Health Approach for the maNagement of animals at the wildlife, livestock and human interface in SouTh Africa (ELEPHANT) is co-financed by the Erasmus+, KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) and aims at contributing to poverty relief, through the empowerment of South African Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) by boosting their innovation and research capacities in the One Health context, that should result in a more effective science-based health management at the interface between human, wildlife, livestock and environment. https://www.ufh.ac.za/elephant/training/workshop


July 18, 2023 Meeting

Advancing One Health with USAID and Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

On this date the FAO Liaison Office for North America held an interagency meeting with colleagues at the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) to discuss their respective work on One Health….FAO promotes a One Health approach as part of agrifood systems transformation for the health of people, animals, plants and the environment….The United States is a strong partner of FAO’s work on One Health and supports up to 50 projects worth over $250 million USD, while also providing funds to support FAO Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) in over 35 countries. … The introductory meeting provided an overview of the agencies' work across health, climate, and agriculture, and identified potential areas for collaboration and engagement, as well as the need to engage broader agencies working in the same area, particularly at the country level. http://tinyurl.com/vrr3ndau


May 10, 2023

Second Annual WRAIR

One Health Research Symposium

Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. Hosted by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) One Health Research Branch in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution. The event brought together ecologists, biologists, veterinarians, senior leaders, and more from different government and military agencies to highlight prospects for One Health approaches to research and to promote collaborations…..209 individuals attended the event in-person and virtually. WRAIR had three areas of collaboration with the Smithsonian resulting from the first One Health Research Symposium. http://tinyurl.com/2xreuvfb


May 5, 2023 

How our Agrifood Systems shape our One Health: what are the priorities for attention in developing national pathways for change?

High Level side event of the 43rd Session of the FAO Conference

Rome, Italy. FAO Director-General QU Dongyu reaffirmed FAO’s commitment to provide at-scale support for implementing the One Health approach. The discussion focused on how to advocate for a One Health approach to agrifood systems’ transformation at all levels. The participants discussed critical needs and opportunities as well as joint entry points to strengthen health systems and national pathways for agrifood systems transformation. The high-level dialogue called for the whole-of-government and whole-of-society engagement for an integrative decision and policymaking in agrifood and health systems to make them more sustainable, resilient, and equitable. http://tinyurl.com/ypf8mwzu



See MORE Opportunities on the

Online One Health Opportunities Bulletin Boards


When you arrive on this webpage be sure to scroll 'down' to bottom of page


Assistant Professor of One Health

University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Pathology and Microbiology. Application deadline January 31, 2024 http://tinyurl.com/23w6whtf

Assistant/Associate Professor of Practice

Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary Medicine

Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Blacksburg, Virginia. 

Teaching and advising, program development and implementation, partnership development and enhancement. Review of applications begins February 19th, 2024. More informationhttp://tinyurl.com/yckr58mc

Chair, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine

College of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Seeking applications and nominations. Forward-thinking leader with expertise and passion to help shape the future of a department committed to advancing the field of veterinary preventive medicine and making a lasting impact on animal, human and ecosystem health. Information. Contact burkhard.19@osu.edu. http://tinyurl.com/2r3cb5v5


Medical Officer & Health Scientist - U.S. CDC

CDC seeks to identify U.S. citizens for two positions: Director of the Division for Global Health Protection (DGHP) in the Global Health Center in Atlanta, Georgia and Distinguished Consultant (Medical Officer/Health Scientist). Apply via USAJOBS:

Public Health Veterinarian - Zoonotic Disease Branch Manager

Seattle, Washington, Public Health - Seattle & King County. Provide clinical and technical expertise and leadership in: veterinary public health; communicable disease epidemiology related to zoonotic, vector borne, and emerging infectious diseases; and environmental health issues related to conditions that impact animals and people (e.g., managing interventions for animals and pet-related businesses to prevent and control zoonotic spread of diseases). Lead program and project planning and oversight for branch activities related to preparedness, surveillance, investigation, and response strategies for prevention and control of zoonotic diseases applying a One Health approach to the work. Application reviews begin 1/22/24. Posting will be open until position is filled. http://tinyurl.com/2p5brar7

Research positions at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston


  • Nurse Clinician II, Institute for Translational Science Galveston, TX
  • UTMB Postdoctoral Associate Position 2 in Virus Discovery and Characterization Galveston, TX
  • Physician – Scientist / T32 Training in Emerging Infectious Diseases Galveston, TX

Contact Professor Greg Gray gcgray@utmb.edu .

Youth Opportunities at the WHO

WHO’s work is founded on the principle that all people, everywhere, should enjoy the highest standard of health. It seeks talented professionals looking to contribute to this important mission as members of its international workforce.


Fellowships / Residencies / Postdocs

The Soulsby Foundation for One Health

2024 Traveling Fellowship programme

Eligible applicant will:

* Be an early career researcher (late PhD or early post-doc).

* Have a project which will help to launch their career in One Health.

* Be a potential future leader in One Health.

* Understand the interplay between animal, human and environmental health in line with the OHHLEP definition of One Health. 

Applicants may be medical, veterinary, ecology, social sciences, economics or other early professionals who desire to use their expertise to promote the One Health concept. Must have a project in mind which will achieve this but requires additional funding to enable them to travel and expand their horizons.

More information:  www.SoulsbyFoundation.org/apply/. Deadline for submission, 31st January 2024.

See the One Health Commission's Online One Health Library

New Books

One Health Approach for Health Security in Indonesia;

a compilation of One Health articles by Prof Tjandra Aditama



Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Arthropod-borne Pathogens (CEZAP)- Virginia Tech University

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - AMR Resistance

Global One Health Institute Newsletter

The Ohio State University

National Link Coalition - Link Letters

One Health Centre in Africa

One Health Institute Updates

Colorado State University

One Health Institute Newsletter

University of Guelph

One Health Trust Weekly Digest

University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) One Health Newsletter

WHO One Health Initiative Newsletter

Publications Worth Revisiting

One Health gains momentum in Africa but room exists for improvement, Fasina FO, Bett B, DioneM, et. al., One Health, Volume 15, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.onehlt.2022.100428.


One Health and the Quadripartite One Health Joint Plan of Action



One World One Health Podcast

Hosted by the One Health Trust (formerly CDDEP) https://onehealthtrust.org/news-media/podcasts/

This podcast brings forward the latest ideas to improve the health of our planet and its people. Our world faces many urgent challenges, from pandemics and decreasing biodiversity to pollution and melting polar ice caps, among others. This podcast highlights solutions to these problems from the scientists and experts working to make a difference.

Beyond Bullets and Bombs – Conflicts and Disease Spread

Avril Benoît talks about the horrors that conflict rains on populations, and the enduring effects that persist long after the bombs and shooting stop.

Zombies, vampires and fungal horror shows, discussion with disease detective Neil Vora, MD

Recorded live October 2023 in London at TEDxLondon Countdown 2023.

Neil Vora explains why ‘The Last of Us’ scenario isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds. Thanks to our warming, petri dish of a planet, a fungal horror show might be in the cards! The solution? Protect biodiversity and wean ourselves off of fossil fuels so we can halt the loss of nature and slow climate change to prevent infectious disease emergence. http://tinyurl.com/yju39ju4

Check out more Blogs, Books, Podcasts, Presentations and Videos
in the One Health Commission’s


Thank you for reading One Health Happenings.

Check out more Resources on the OHC website.
And a Special Thank You to One Health Commission's Sponsors!
Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
 'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.

The One Health Commission (OHC) is a prominent, US-based, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, E.I.N. 27-0799294. It is a body of action-oriented, One Health-minded individuals and organizations working locally, nationally and internationally to advance the One Health concept and approach.

See the OHC 2021 Annual Report.

With a focus on education, the OHC ‘connects’ One Health stakeholders, facilitates One Health Action Teams, provides a monthly global One Health Happenings Newsletter and compiles links to One Health Educational Resources to further understanding of One Health.

Prepared by Blair Budd, Bailey Goff, Caitlin Holly, Ayinka-A Brown and Cheryl Stroud

with support from the international One Health Network.

The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.

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