January 14, 2019
Happy New Year
from the One Health Commission !!

Looking with One Health hope toward the future.... Embracing efforts on many fronts.... Thankful for our networks and common goals.

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One Health Happenings News Notes are prepared and shared
by the One Health Commission    

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If you have news of interes t to the Global One Health Community, please forward it to cstroud@onehealthcommission.org 
See additional Recent and Past News items
and on the Commission's One Health News webpage (http://bit.ly/2sM2s2y ) .
COST funding for the Network for the Evaluation of One Health (NEOH) ended in 2018 but NEOH will continue as the Network for EcoHealth and One Health as a European Chapter of Ecohealth International.

Don't miss this brief uplifting visionary video produced by Frontiers Open Access Publishing. Though they don't use the words 'One Health', they make a truly One Health call for the future. https://bit.ly/2RHSzAu

Hosted April 2018 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the UK Science & Innovation Network, and the Wellcome Trust, experts met at the International Environmental AMR Forum to outline the current knowledge of how resistant microbes and antimicrobials from multiple sources—human and animal waste, antimicrobial manufacturing, and the use of antimicrobials as pesticides — contribute to the presence of resistant microbes in the environment, the potential impact of the affected environment on human health, and potential next steps to address the risks posed. Two corresponding reports were released in December 2018 providing an overview of the current evidence base and ongoing knowledge gaps. See the Full Report ( http://bit.ly/2SRgURR) and the Executive Summary . ( https://bit.ly/2CMlk6E)
Take a look at recent publications, Duke One Health project updates, events, and announcements from the One Health community at Duke University. https://bit.ly/2TNtCkC
Stark Reminders of why we urgently need to implement
One Health thinking and acting
Dr. Tracey McNamara, College of Veterinary Medicine at Western University, gave a keynote address at the Second Call to Action Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Accra, Ghana  hosted by Wellcome Trust to explore how to strengthen engagement and collaboration across governments, civil society and private sector. Outlining the reality of One Health driven funding, Dr. McNamara raised the question: With no veterinary/animal surveillance in place, how can we begin to fight AMR? http://bit.ly/2LTAR7U
Neglected One Health Issues
  •  www.minutestodie.com campaign website
  • Click on ‘Take Action’ to make arrangements for a free screening of the Minutes to Die documentary.
  • Click on ‘ChangeMakers’ to see researchers involved and featured in the film.
Can your organization help with dissemination of a series of snakebite prevention videos for at risk individuals around the world?
Key contacts for GSI:
  • Dr. David Williams, Head of Australian Venom Research Unit, Papua New Guinea, (U Melbourne) david.williams@unimelb.edu.au
  • James Reid, Film Director  tvjimmyreid@yahoo.com
  • Lillian Lincoln Foundation lillianlincolnfoundation.org
Dog Bites

One Health approach to dog bite prevention , Mannion CJ, Shepherd K, Veterinary Record 174, 151-152, (2014)
See additional Events, Past, Present and Future, on the One Health Commissio n' s
   Send information about One Health Events to cstroud@onehealthcommission.org
Upcoming Events
January 15-16, 2019   
Workshop and Webcast
Washington, DC with live webcast. A workshop to explore the relationship between chemical pollution in the environment and human health. Hosted by the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Committee on the Use of Emerging Science for Environmental Health Decisions. Sponsored by the NIEHS. Free but you must register. https://bit.ly/2QFHoYw
January 18, 2019  Webinar
12-1 pm Eastern. Hosted by the Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Chaired by Joy Shumake-Guillemot (World Health Organisation, World Meteorological Organisation Joint Office), in this webinar Madeleine Thomson and Simon Mason (International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Columbia University) will discuss the opportunities and challenges that are associated with climate services for the health sector and provide examples of their use in practice in the field. Free but you must register to receive your unique login link.  https://bit.ly /2snUZ92
January 22, 2019 
Chatham House, London, UK. Agenda .  Registration is free but seats are limited; follow this link and click the 'Register Interest ' button. https://bit.ly/2M7vmCx
January 22, 2019   Webinar
9 AM EST. In consultation with FAO and African stakeholders, the USAID-funded Preparedness and Response Project developed a One Health Policy Model to help understand the potential risks from livestock growth and intensification on human, animal, and environmental health. The model is a first-of-its-kind policy and programming tool that can aid decision-makers in making necessary choices using a One Health approach. This webinar will present results. Free but you must register to receive your unique login.  https://bit.ly/2D5mhY6
January 29, 2019 
San Diego, California, USA. This 2019 One Health Symposium is organized with the support of the ISDS One Health Surveillance (OHS) Community of Practice members.
February 8-9, 2019 
Nairobi, Kenya. Kenya Healthcare Students Summit. Conference sessions will include One Health and AMR to promote One Health approach awareness among the healthcare students. Information:   kehss2018@gmail.com    Social media:   Instagram Facebook ,   Twitter
April 16-18
Utrecht, Netherlands. Supported by the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), organized by the ESCMID study Group for Veterinary Microbiology (ESGVM). https://bit.ly/2Fp1Is4
June 9-14, 2019
Hong Kong, China. Hosted by the University of Hong Kong. EDAR1, held in Canada in 2012, was a catalyzing international effort to address the environmental aspect of this problem. This momentum continued with EDAR2, 3, and 4 in China, Germany and United States, respectively. The focus of concerns now encompasses all critical environmental aspects with an emphasis on considering issues holistically, and complementary to discussions in health and other arenas. https://bit.ly/2RNnknI

September 18-19, 2019
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Hosted by Duke One Health and the Mongolian University of Life Sciences. An opportunity to interact closely with high-ranking Mongolian leaders who specialize in human and animal research leading to numerous research collaborations and discoveries. See Video and photos from the 5th International Symposium on One Health Research in 2016. https://bit.ly/2HaTSE5
 PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)
T hese events have passed but we would like for you to be aware of them!
January 9,2019 
Webinar and in person, Washington, DC. Presentation at the One Health Academy by Dr. Dennis Carroll,   Director, USAID Global Health Security and Development Unit. Bio . Recording available. Click Register https://bit.ly/2VGFeaT
November 14, 2018  
Presentation by One Health Commission Executive Director Cheryl Stroud, DVM, PhD at the National Institute of Animal Agriculture’s 8th Annual Antibiotic Symposium.  View the full Conference Program and recordings . https://bit.ly/2CjfTdX
November 10, 2018 
The day saw talks from a host of speakers from multiple disciplines on all things One Health, including Virology and Global Health. https://bit.ly/2RnRjTI
September 24-28, 2018 
Inspired by the centennial of the 1918 influenza pandemic, the Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI) hosted Outbreak Week to bring leading researchers, policy makers, health advocates, economists, doctors, journalists, historians and other experts together to take a fresh, multidisciplinary look at infectious disease outbreaks and global pandemic preparedness. A new website was launched shortly thereafter containing videos, summaries, Twitter conversations, and other materials related to the first HGHI OUTBREAK Week. https://bit.ly/2AGCWj2 
Submit and Review additional opportunities on the Commission's online
Rx One Health is a summer institute designed to provide a “prescription” for advanced students and early career professionals to prepare them for immediate engagement in global health careers that will demand effective problem-solving skills, cross-disciplinary engagements, and solid foundations in field and laboratory activities. Applications are due January 30, 2019 . https://bit.ly/2S73mRP

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. September 18-19, 2019. Present your work or just go to learn. No Registration fee but most attendees must cover travel expenses. See overview video of the 2016 International Symposium on One Health Research-Mongolia.  https://bit.ly/2HaTSE5  If you are interested in presenting or attending, contact j ane.fieldhouse@duke.edu
Millbrook, New York, USA. Research the effects of tick management interventions on the survival and behavior of blacklegged ticks and risk of tick-borne disease in people. Act as a liaison between research staff at the Cary Institute and the pest control personnel who deploy tick control interventions on our study sites. https://bit.ly/2VRvWsr
Established in 2015, PH-TIPP provides the opportunity for full-time employees working in public, private, and academic organizations. Learners hone their skills in the CDC Preventive Medicine Residency and Fellowship Project Areas of program evaluation; policy analysis and development; project management; grant proposal evaluation and development; and population health improvement. http://bit.ly/2TKVjdN http://bit.ly/2sqAOHG
The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health is pleased to offer recent graduates from Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)-accredited, ASPPH member schools and programs of public health an exciting opportunity to gain environmental health experience at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Application deadline, February 20, 2019.   Read more.   https://bit.ly/2SMaFi8
January 9, 2019 @ 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., ET. Read more .
Funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this program offers recent global public health graduates from Council on Education in Public Health accredited schools and programs the exciting opportunity to participate in yearlong fellowships with guidance from leading global health experts from the CDC. 
Submit and See More Opportunities!!

Spread the word. Anyone, from anywhere in the world, can directly post and view One Health Opportunities, from summer programs to educational, job and funding opportunities.
See additional publications in the Commission's online One Health Library. (http://bit.ly/2sgltJd)
Send information about your recent One Health publications to cstroud@onehealthcommission.org
Popular Media / Trade Magazines

Drover Magazine, Princeton author Laura Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP says it’s time for physicians and veterinarians to join forces. ( National Institute for Animal Agriculture ) http://bit.ly/2VQ10c4
Blogs, Web Postings, Videos
Check out more videos and presentations in the Commission’s One Health Library
Check out One Health blogs from the Center for One Health Research

November 02, 2018
Blog post by Dr. Sharon Deem, St. Louis Zoo, St. Louis, Missouri, http://bit.ly/2CjXy0B

Posting on WHO-Europe Website, One Voice for One Health , See Video statement by Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary of Denmark for World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) 2018, http://bit.ly/2RKyMQL

December 3, 2018   One Goal - One Health
Yo uTube Video published by the International Veterinary Student Standing Committee on One Health (IVSA SCOH)
Journal Articles/Reports

One Health Opinion Editorial RE : ideal protocol for future international one health congress meetings, all inclusive modus operandi, Kaplan B, Kahn LH, Monath TP, Conti LA, Yuill TM, Infection Ecology & Epidemiology, Vol. 8, Published online Jan 8, 2019

Machalaba C et al. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene vol. 111,6 (2017): 235-237. Published online 2017 Oct 16. doi: 10.1093/trstmh/trx039

Capua, I, Cattoli G, Viruses 2018, 10 (12), 725; https://doi.org/10.3390/v10120725

Munoz-Prieto et al. Front. Vet. Sci., 2018 July 20; https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2018.00163

Mannion CJ, Shepherd K, Veterinary Record 174, 151-152, (2014); http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.g1371
Thank you for reading One Health Happenings. If you would like to share any One Health events, news, opportunities, or stories for future issues, please send them to cstroud@onehealthcommission.org
Thank You to One Health Commission's Sponsors!
Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
 ' connect, create, and educate ' for One Health.
Prepared by C. Stroud and Blair Budd 
 If you found this One Health information useful,  Please, support the One Health Commission.
One Health Commission | Phone: +1.984.500.8593| www.onehealthcommission.org