Sharing news from late September / early October, 2022

One Health Happenings
New to this Conversation? Learn - What is One Health?
One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development. The One Health paradigm forges co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between animal, plant, environmental and human health arenas, i.e. chemical, engineering and social scientists, dentists, nurses, agricultural/horticulturalists and food producers, wildlife and environmental health specialists and many other related disciplines that fall under its purview. The reader can review a compilation of organizations that are actively working to advance the One Health paradigm shift and many additional  organizations and individuals that declare support for the concept.

One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared monthly by the

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It's Almost Here!!!!!
November 3
Events are rolling in.


Get on the Map!!!!!

(Note: If you submitted an event to be included in this newsletter you need to also go submit it directly to the One Health Day Events Registration at the link above.)
Note!!! There is a LOT of News this month!!!
October 2-5, 2022  Workshop / Summit
Location: Les Pensières Center for Global Health, Annecy, France. This workshop was organized by the Huck Institutes, Pennsylvania State with funding from Gates foundation. It was led by Vivek Kapur (Penn State) and Sindura Ganapathi (Penn State and Govt. of India) together with Cheryl Stroud (One Health Commission), Gagandeep Kang (CMC Vellore, India), James Wood (Cambridge University, UK) and Peter Hudson and Robab Katani (Penn State).
The recent pandemic has brought into sharp focus the need for better integration of (human, livestock, wildlife, environmental) infectious disease surveillance and control programs and has driven considerable interest and investments. However, clarity is lacking regarding implementation strategies based on deeper understanding of the underlying systems – capturing features that should ensure system resilience and the sustained surveillance and control of zoonotic diseases. Hence, despite the widely prevailing belief that “One-Health” based approaches to disease surveillance for ensuring health security are virtuous, value propositions (alignments of incentives and disincentives) remain confused.
Led by an excellent team of expert facilitators and a visual graphic recorder, a multi-disciplinary group of 44 leading scientists, policy makers, funding agency representatives, members of multi-national organizations and business leaders participated in discussions on the value proposition and sustainability of One Health approaches for integrated infectious disease surveillance and control programs. Over a three-day period, the team addressed three fundamental questions:
  • Why are One Health approaches not more widely adopted on the ground? And, what barriers are preventing these ideas from spreading beyond a few champions / early adopters?
  • Why, across the globe, do One Health integrated surveillance and control programs fail or fade away when the catalyst (funding / champion / etc.) is removed? Even for cases where the need appears obvious – (eg. rabies, anthrax, brucellosis, tuberculosis, etc.) why are these initiatives not sustainably maintained?
  • How, if at all, might such disease control programs be made more sustainable? What is/are the value-proposition(s) / drivers necessary and sufficient to establish sustainable integrated disease surveillance and control programs across diverse settings/regions where they are needed the most?
Important insights and some guiding principles to inform future implementations of integrated One Health disease surveillance and control programs began to emerge and are being prepared for publication and follow-up studies. Part of the challenge is that One Health processes cannot only be top-down; they must also be bottom up with stakeholders on the ground developing the value propositions.
The Governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan have agreed with The World Bank to develop a Regional One Health Framework for Action to protect food systems and prevent future pandemics in Central Asia. The purpose of developing a Framework for Action is to ensure regional direction and guidance, propose an institutional design, and support the development of monitoring and surveillance systems for the progressive implementation of OH approaches to prevention and preparedness of pandemics, zoonoses, AMR, and food hazards. The Framework will also guide the Bank’s operational engagement on One Health in Central Asia at the country and regional levels in FY23 and beyond.
See a compilation of countries that have formally adopted One Health Strategic Actions Plans or Frameworks.
October 18, 2022 Hybrid Event
18:00 -21:30 CEST, 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern
Natural History Museum, Berlin, Germany. Co-organized by the Quadripartite organizations (FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH) with support from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the Museum für Naturkunde, and the Foundation Healthy Planet – Healthy People. The OH JPA was developed in response to international requests to prevent future pandemics and to promote health sustainably through the One Health approach. It outlines the commitment of the Quadripartite four organizations (FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH) to collectively advocate and support the implementation of One Health. It builds on, complements and adds value to existing global and regional One Health and coordination initiatives aimed at strengthening capacity to address complex multidimensional health risks with more resilient health systems at global, regional and national level. This event will serve as an occasion for the Quadripartite members and government representatives to present the plan and discuss the opportunities for implementation, followed by an informal exchange. See the OH JPA overview document. See the DRAFT OH JPA document. Register to attend / participate online.
Released August 22, 2022
In June 2021, the G7 Carbis Bay Health Summit requested that the Quadripartite (FAO, UNEP, WHO, WOAH alliance) conduct a One Health Intelligence Scoping Study ‘to identify potential opportunities for improved technical harmonization of their and other prioritized systems to strengthen One Health intelligence’. OHISS was funded by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and coordinated by FAO, as the lead agency for the project. The scoping study was completed at the end of July 2022. The study undertook a series of foundational activities which identified a number of issues to be addressed and the need for critical guiding principles. The key recommendation of 3 OHISS is that immediate actions are taken to develop a Global One Health Intelligence System (GOHIS). A joint Quadripartite approach is suggested to effectively, efficiently and sustainably improve the technical harmonization of health intelligence systems across the Quadripartite partners, delivering improved One Health intelligence to enhance early warning and risk assessment of global health threats. GOHIS is outlined as a modular framework to operationalize One Health intelligence.
Newly Created
Caribbean One Health Alliance
Research and Innovation AudioBlog - “Innovative Voices”
Adana Mahane-Gibson and Chandra Degia are actively involved in the newly created Caribbean One Health Alliance, a network of senior One Health Caribbean professionals, of which Adana is the co-chair. They express in this interview their strong convictions about their One Health approach, and the role of women, indigenous knowledge holders and artists in finding solutions and getting messages across.
Adana Mahane-Gibson et Chandra Degia participent activement à l'alliance Caribéenne Une seule santé , un réseau de professionnels caribéens, dont Adana est la coprésidente. Elles expriment dans cet entretien leurs fortes convictions quant à leur approche Une seule santé, et au rôle des femmes, des détenteurs de savoirs autochtones et des artistes pour trouver des solutions et faire passer des messages. 
Read the written version of the interview (English).
National One Health Strategic Action Plan
August 16, 2022 Hanoi, Viet Nam. A Viet Nam One Health Partnership Framework in 2021-2025 was signed on March 23, 2022. Since then over 50 programs and projects have been prepared and implemented to support realization of the Plan. On August 16, 2022, Chaired by the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and representatives of the two co-chair Ministries (MOH and MONRE), the One Health Partnership Forum welcomed 150 participants representing 90 national and international institutions, including all 32 signatories namely Three core Ministries and 29 national and international development partners; and 21 provinces/ municipalities across the country, and hundreds of online points joining the event.

On 4 August 2022, the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and partners launched the fourth field site of the Vietnam One Health research partnership. ILRI director general Dr Jimmy Smith officially launched the site at the Agriculture Services Centre in Phu Binh District, Thai Nguyen Province, at an inception meeting hosted by Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry and ILRI.
One Health Trust uses research and stakeholder engagement to improve the health and well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. OHT builds on the work of the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP), which for more than a decade conducted vitally important research on major global health challenges, including COVID-19, antimicrobial resistance, hospital infections, tuberculosis, malaria, pandemic preparedness and response, vaccination, medical oxygen shortages, and noncommunicable diseases. OHT’s work now expands to take on issues related to climate change, biodiversity protection, and the effect of human diets on the planet. Follow them on Social Media- @onehealthtrust
New Guidelines from the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH)
September 2022, “Though animal-to-human and human-to-human transmission [of monkeypox] has been scientifically established, there are recent reports suggesting human-to-animal transmission in these new geographic regions. In such regions, there is concern regarding the spread of this virus from humans to animals, including wildlife and pets, which could lead to the establishment of new reservoir host populations, making the virus endemic to these regions. In such a situation, prevention and control of the global health emergency will be complicated, both for humans (public health) and animals (animal health). Thus, the risk of human-to-animal spillback,,.................. needs to be minimised ……”

On September 21, 2022, the AFWA Executive Committee approved this Resolution at its annual meeting in Ft. Worth, Texas. Soon to be released is a white paper titled: “The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the One Health Approach: Providing the Foundation for a Leadership Role”.
 The organization will be evaluating next steps in keeping with the tone and content of this resolution and the upcoming white paper.

Partners - GIZ, IUCN, PANORAMA, CABI - Continue calls for One Health Solutions / Cases

PANORAMA is a partnership promoting examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and development topics, to enable cross-sectoral learning and upscaling of successes. PANORAMA allows practitioners to share and reflect on their experiences, increase recognition for successful work, and to learn with their peers how similar challenges have been addressed around the globe. Solution providers represent NGOs, government institutions, academia, international organisations, foundations and the private sector, for cross-sectoral, inter-regional learning and knowledge exchange. So far 853 Solution Providers have submitted 1173 PANORAM Solutions.
CABI is also calling for One Health Case Studies for its curated collection of real-life examples of One Health in practice, stressing the interconnections between humans, animals, plants, ecosystems, and their shared environment in a truly trans-disciplinary way. A database of educational, practical cases, it will be an invaluable resource for students, teachers, academics, public stakeholders, and industry practitioners.
  • PANORAMA and CABI joined hands last month in a Joint Call for One Health Case Studies. Their joint call ended on October 14. However, you can still submit One Health Solutions to PANORAMA and One Health Case Studies to CABI. 

NEW Opportunity!!!!

CABI One Health Cases Competition - Launching November 3

To mark One Health Day 2022, CABI and the One Health Commission are pleased to announce the launch of a One Health Cases competition, rewarding the winning author teams for their outstanding contributions to the teaching of One Health. CABI One Health cases are real-life examples of One Health projects or research in action. Designed for students, teachers and practitioners, they cover important, contemporary topics and focus on practical approaches to solving problems, spanning animal health, human health, environmental health, plant sciences and sociological issues. 
Could your project or research help train the next generation of One health advocates? Does it highlight the value added by taking a One Health approach, and consider the input of different stakeholders? If so, write and submit a case study for the chance to win £500 and have your case published open access free of charge! Submissions open 3rd November. For more information, see:

If you are implementing a project that puts the One Health approach into practice, you can submit your One Health Solution to PANORAMA or Case to CABI to realize the following benefits:
Benefits of contributing to
PANORAMA Solutions:
  • Gain visibility for your work!!
  • Engage in exchanges with like-minded implementers
  • Track the online interaction with your solution
  • Enable other practitioners to implement good practices and lessons learned from your solutions in their own projects
Benefits of contributing to
CABI One Health cases:
  • Have your case professionally published in an attractive format
  • Have your case indexed in Google Scholar, tagged, marketed and discoverable
  • Collaborate with like-minded professionals and the CABI international editorial board
  • (Win Money!!!)
 So What are you waiting for???? Submit your Solutions and Cases today!!!
On 14–17 June 2022, the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)-led One Health Centre in Africa and the Regional Integrated Agricultural Development in the Great Lakes project, in partnership with the Burundi Rift Valley fever task force, supported the training of five technical staff based at the veterinary laboratory in Bujumbura on Rift Valley fever virus diagnostics. The training boosted practical skills in diagnostics, screening and testing of blood, serum and tissue samples collected from suspected Rift Valley fever cases in livestock.

Policy Brief
September 28, 2022

Co-authored by over 30 international experts, a policy brief led by the University of Geneva and the Geneva Science-Policy Interface recommends leveraging Switzerland’s scientific and diplomatic role in One Health. The brief proposes three recommendations and 13 action points to leverage Switzerland’s diplomatic forces, international cooperation strategies and scientific excellence in taking a leading role in One Health governance.

September 26, 2022
Focused on the health of plants, animals, biodiversity and human societies, the academy represents a universitywide, interdisciplinary effort to engage faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students in improving the health of animals, plants, biodiversity, humans and society in North Carolina and beyond. NC State’s Global One Health Academy will be among just a small handful of similar programs in the world. Even among such programs, it will be unique. It will build upon the university’s strengths in agriculture and plant health, veterinary medicine and domestic animal health, and the health of biodiverse ecosystems and human societies. It will also strengthen NC State’s commitment to interdisciplinary excellence and collaboration among faculty, staff and students across colleges and units. The new Global One Health Academy will be directed by Dr. Sid Thakur, professor of Molecular Epidemiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine and director of the college’s Global Health program.
foraus Project Brief Released
What will our future look like if we maintain the status quo?
Foraus, a grassroots think tank based in Switzerland, kicked off this project, One Health' for the Future, in April 2022 with an online workshop titled Envisioning “One Health” for the future: aligning human, animal and planetary health. ( Recording available.) This initiative explored three major phenomena that the "One Health" approach aims at preventing and addressing: zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and food safety and security threats. The resulting Project Brief was published in August. “While international organizations and their Member States are increasingly aligning and integrating One Health as a concept into their action plans, we at foraus believed that it was crucial to go one step further by looking into the future and thinking about the One Health approach of tomorrow in an open and inclusive process, outside of usual thinking patterns and existing multilateral processes. This project brief summarizes the main results and ideas crowdsourced through this participatory process involving interested citizens and experts from the field. It presents policy pathways that should be further explored.”
US CDC helps develop and launch New Operational Tools to Support the Tripartite Zoonoses Guide
In 2019, the Tripartite organizations (FAO, WHO, OIE/WOAH) released the guide, “Taking a Multisectoral, One Health Approach: A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic Diseases in Countries (TZG). Since the TZG’s development, several operational tools have been developed or are planned to support countries in operationalizing the concepts described in the TZG. CDC was involved in the development of two newly released operational tools, which are now available online.
New One Health Focused Journal
(Consisting of “One Health and Future Development Forum” and “Low-carbon, Green and Sustainable Development Forum”)
September 17, 2022 Hybrid Meeting - Launching Ceremony  
Published by Science Direct, a subsidiary of Elsevier. Editors in Chief: Dr. Xiao-Nong Zhou, PhD, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Global Health, Shanghai, China and Dr. Marcel Tanner, PhD Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, Bern, Switzerland. Backed by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the new journal, Science in One Health (SOH,, provides a platform to disseminates knowledge, real-world research findings and lessons learnt from programmes on health for the human-animal-environmental interface at the local, regional and global levels, in order to reduce the inequity of health issues in the world and promote more advanced researches on One Health. The journal focuses on One Health issues, including governance capacity, zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, food safety and food security, vector-borne diseases, environmental contamination, global climate changes, and other health threats shared by people, animals, plants, and the environment. It additionally discusses global health issues, especially worldwide health improvement including mental health, reduction of disparities, technical assistance & development, global health security & policy, and protection against global threats that disregard national borders.
New Special Research Topic at Frontiers in Public Health Journal
The goal of this Research Topic is to bring forward various zoonotic issues across the world, and how a One Health approach could be helpful in a global context. This topic aims to gather manuscripts from several research scientists from veterinary, medical and environmental sciences in order to compile quality information on zoonoses and One Health. This topic should provide opportunity for the One Health community to learn from the work, experience and expertise of others facing the same challenges across the globe, and how they have evolved with the opportunities to resolve them. The following themes are welcome into this collection:
  • Drivers of emerging zoonotic pathogens;
  • Zoonoses and wild animals;
  • Molecular epidemiology of zoonotic pathogens;
• One health approach to resolve zoonoses;
• Role of climate change in emerging zoonoses;
• Ecological health and One Health;
• Recent advances in the diagnostic for zoonotic pathogens;
• Improving outbreak response;
• Biosafety and biosecurity;
• One Health approach and policy development for preventing and controlling zoonotic diseases.

November 8, 2022 to February 14, 2023
Hosted by the Pasteur Network. Recorded in English, with English and French subtitles. Registration is open, completely free and you can follow the MOOC at your own pace. Once registered, you can still watch the video after the end of the broadcasting. In this MOOC you will learn about:
  • the transmission, symptoms and clinical management of rabies 
  • the importance of different animal reservoirs in the spread of the virus 
  • human and animal vaccination strategies to combat rabies virus
  • the role of international organizations in rabies elimination
  • rabies control strategies in different regions of the world 
The WSAVA One Health Award is presented by the WSAVA’s One Health Committee (OHC) to an individual or organization which has promoted an aspect of One Health relevant to companion animals. This year Brazilian parasitologist, Dr. Filipe Dantas-Torres will be honored. In his role as President of the Tropical Council for Companion Animal Parasites (TroCCAP), Dr. Dantas-Torres works to educate his veterinary colleagues and stakeholders across Latin America that leishmaniasis should be controlled by community-wide use of repellents and vaccination rather than by the culling of affected dogs.
Final Special Tour of US Smithsonian Exhibit - Outbreak: Epidemics in a Connected World
When the ‘Outbreak’ exhibit opened in May 2018 in the Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C., the planners knew that the knowledge they were sharing was critical for preparing visitors to understand and confront the challenges of emerging infectious diseases. What they did not know was how soon those challenges would come to bear in the form of a SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Even though the museum was forced to limit attendance in 2020 and much of 2021, by extending its public availability for an extra year as pandemic risks became better managed, it was still visited by 3.3 million people. Though the physical exhibit closed on October 3, 2022, the Smithsonian remains committed to educating about pandemic risks and One Health. The museum’s digital exhibit will remain accessible and updated, and a monthly webinar series called Shared Planet, Shared Health launched on October 12 (see Recent Past Events) with a focus on monkeypox. In addition, the museum will celebrate One Health Day on November 3 with an installation of Outbreak DIY that will include some physical components of the original Outbreak exhibition - and run indefinitely! 
Note: the Do-it-Yourself (DIY) ‘pop-up’ version of the exhibit will continue to be distributed free of charge. So you can still bring this amazing exhibit to a library, shopping mall, hospital lobby or educational institution near you. Contact Ashley Peery at if interested.

Curious about what the One Health Commission does?

The One Health Commission (OHC) believes that One Health ‘can’ become the default way of doing business at all levels of academia, research, government, policy and industry when individuals and groups from around the world work together in organized team efforts. In keeping with its mission, vision and goals, the OHC identifies gaps where implementation of One Health thinking and acting could have a powerful positive impact, saving lives, both animal and human, and improving ecosystem health for all living creatures. Learn what we've been up to.
Blogs / Commentaries / Editorials / Opinions 
Author: F. Perry Wilson, MD, MSCE In: MedScape IMPACT FACTOR
October 4, 2022
Commentary about the scientific publication - Primate hemorrhagic fever-causing arteriviruses are poised for spillover to humans, Cody JW,, Cell, 2022,
Author: Emiliano Rodríguez Mega  In: Nature
September 30, 2022
Monkeypox rampant in wildlife would make the virus impossible to control, warn scientists. Such animal reservoirs could then transmit the virus back to people. Without an understanding of how animals change the transmission dynamics, scientists will struggle to control the virus’s spread and prevent future outbreaks.
Authors: Bruce Kaplan, Richard Siefman, Claude Forthomme   In: IMPAKTER
September 25, 2022
“Finding common ground between countries and institutions to deal with our common health future is still an uphill road at the upcoming G20 in Indonesia.....We live in a time of political turmoil and mistrust. This is fact whether political, societal or militarily. Few concepts have the potential for governments, scientists and/or people in general to find a universal common cause. One such construct or model is the growing recognition of the basic elements of the One Health paradigm: The concept, approach, and its broader expression and reach, i.e. we all exist in One World, on One Planet…………For instance, an August 2022 article in the World Economic Forum,........ noted that “extreme weather events are being reported continuously across the world and are expected to become more frequent and intense. These are not separate issues. We will have a better chance of suppressing infectious diseases if we adopt…a One Health approach and integrate predictive modeling and surveillance used in both infectious disease control and climate change.”
Author: Bruce Kaplan, Richard Seifman and Claude Forthomme  In: IMPAKTER
September 4, 2022
“A new historical overview of how the One Health concept developed over 150 years brings home the fact that the time has come to adopt it worldwide...the growing number of countries adopting One Health Strategic Action Plans is of great significance. The One Health Commission provided a useful compilation of currently available information, which shows that 21 countries have adopted such plans, mostly in SouthEast Asia (5 countries, including Bangladesh, Thailand and Vietnam) and in Africa (15 countries, including Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria).......Lobbying for an international One Health body is proceeding with the support of France and Germany. Other countries actively engaged in this field are Canada, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland......But much more needs to be done. Hopefully the good intentions will be followed in deeds reflected in funds for research, policies and programs. And hopefully, the efforts will be sustained…. There is a window of opportunity to avoid failing to learn from our past and to be open to a One Health approach, which, though challenging, will reap untold rewards. Not least among them, it will help us avoid the worst of the next pandemic, most likely to be coming out of the zoonosphere just like COVID-19.
Author: Arindam Basu  In: The World Economic Forum with ‘The Conversation’
August 18, 2022
  • The World Health Organization has declared two public health emergencies of international concern within three years - and is urging countries to adopt the One Health approach.
  • The One Health approach integrates predictive modelling and surveillance used in disease control and climate change to fight infectious diseases.
  • Experts are warning that new pathogens, particularly those that jump between animals and humans, will become more frequent as habitats change in a warming world.
May 31, 2022  
Authors: Jylana L. Sheats Aaron F. Mertz In: Aspen Institute
Culture and geographies have direct and indirect impacts on how health, illness and disease are conceptualized—and diagnosed, treated or cured–as well as influencing who is responsible for said treatments or cures. The nature in which humans, animals, and the environment are interconnected differs depending on context.
Don't forget to Check out the
'See over 300 popular media OpEds, Commentaries, Podcasts and other media about the coronavirus pandemic that mention and/or call for One Health by name or theory ......... because popular media is read by the 'public'. Be sure to click on 2020 , 2021, and 2022 to fully appreciate the number of items that have been published around the world.
Did you Miss it?
May 27, 2022 WOAH Video
Video hosted by the World Organization for Animal Health (Founded as OIE)
Veterinarians are at the forefront of the fight against diseases that can affect animals, humans and the environment. To succeed in protecting the health of all, they need to work in collaboration with other sectors. Discover in this video how the World Organisation for Animal Health supports them in making the One Health concept a reality in the field.
May 24, 2021
Alejandro Gaviria, School of Economics, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá 111711, Colombia. One Health Implement Res 2021;1:14-6. 
“We need a comprehensive approach and a good normative foundation to trigger social change. Nevertheless, these are not sufficient. One Health is difficult. We also need brave leadership, and persistence. My experience shows that there are many forces that inhibit social change. We lose some battles, while we win others. Yet we have to maintain a bias for hope.”
New Journal Launched early 2021
An international, peer-reviewed, open access journal 
Editor in Chief: Jorg Heukelback. See the launch editorial.
Current socio-ecological challenges such as climate change, destruction of natural habitats, species extinction, urbanization, and emerging zoonotic diseases severely impact the health of people, wildlife, and domestic animals. Thus, communicable and non-communicable diseases and increasing antimicrobial resistance demand a comprehensive understanding of the relation between health and disease as well as their determinants, considering human, animal, plant and environmental disciplines, on a global scale. OHIR aims to promote multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research that provides evidence to improve health for all. A special focus of this journal is on the implementation of study findings to achieve sustainable disease prevention and control within the One Health approach, in collaboration with communities, policy makers and other stakeholders. The journal publishes Original Articles, Review Articles, Meta-Analyses, Systematic Reviews, Technical Notes, Commentaries, Letters to Editor, Opinions and Perspectives. Current Ongoing Special IssuesTopics include:
  • Antimicrobial Stewardship: A One Health Perspective
  • Antibiotic Resistance and Natural Products
  • One Health Implementation: Focus on Advanced Education
  • Adopt One Health - Stop Rabies: Current Progress for dog-mediated rabies by 2030
  • and more..........
November 16, 2020
Author: Annie Mark In:
Germany has also shown significant leadership in the Global Health sector, including a One Health focus in response to Covid-19 and the creation of a One Health priority area at the World Health Summit.

October 14, 2020
One Health for rural populations
Author: Kay Miller Temple, MD  
In: Rural Health Information Hub - The RURAL MONITOR
This article is a great introduction and overview to the full scope of One Health for the rural US population. Common rural scenarios:
  • In a small town, a community member calls the mayor or another community leader about a raccoon that’s just shown up during the day, staggering around the neighborhood, unusual since raccoons are nocturnal wildlife and don’t stagger if they’re well.
  • A second scenario: A family veterinarian tells a farm or ranch family member they’d better check with their own healthcare provider after diagnosing livestock with a potential animal-to-human disease. Meanwhile, the vet reports to county or state agencies.
  • And yet a third scenario: The area’s farmers and ranchers compare notes, realizing that they’ve all reported finding deer in the last 48 hours, lying dead at a watering source, unrepresentative of a natural death…..
Though lacking specifically labeled efforts, these scenarios share much of what represents One Health actions/reactions in rural life: inherent knowledge combined with informal networks around a common concern for potential human-animal-environment disease transmission.
Hot Off the Press!! (see also Publications list below)
Foodborne Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistance in Ethiopia: An Urgent Call for Action on “One Health”, Asfaw T, Genetu D, Shenkute D, Shenkutie TT, Amare YE, Yitayew B., Infect Drug Resist. 2022;15:5265-5274,

Fasina FO, Bet B, DioneM, Mutua F, Roesel K, Thomas L, Kwoba E, Ayebazibwe C, Mtika N, GebeyehuDT, Mtui-Malamsha N, Samb M, Swai ES, Bebay C. 2022. One Health 15: 100428.

Woman-Sensitive One Health Perspective in Four Tribes of Indigenous People From Latin America: Arhuaco, Wayuú, Nahua, and Kamëntsá, Cediel-Becerra NM, Prieto-Quintero S, Mendez Garzon AD, Villafañe-Izquierdo M, Rúa-Bustamante CV, Jimenez N, Hernández-Niño J, Garnier J, Frontiers in Public Health, Vol 10, Mar 2022, DOI=10.3389/fpubh.2022.774713

One Health: new evaluation framework launched. Zhang XX, Liu JS, Han LF, Simm G, Guo XK, Zhou XN., Nature. 2022;604(7907):625. doi: 10.1038/d41586-022-01108-0.

Global antimicrobial resistance: a system-wide comprehensive investigation using the Global One Health Index., Zhou N, Cheng Z, Zhang X, Lv C, Guo C, Liu H, Dong K, Zhang Y, Liu C, Chang YF, Chen S, Guo X, Zhou XN, Li M, Zhu Y., Infect Dis Poverty. 2022 Aug 23;11(1):92. doi: 10.1186/s40249-022-01016-5. Erratum in: Infect Dis Poverty. 2022 Sep 22;11(1):100. PMID: 35996187; PMCID: PMC9395850.

One Health Paradigm to Confront Zoonotic Health Threats: A Pakistan Prospective. Yasmeen N, Jabbar A, Shah T, Fang LX, Aslam B, Naseeb I, Shakeel F, Ahmad HI, Baloch Z, Liu Y. , Front Microbiol. 2022 Feb 8;12:719334. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.719334________________________________
Does your Institution offer an online One Health Course, Certification or Training Experience? 

Help the world find out about it. 
Be sure it is included on the
If not already there, you can submit it yourself!!!

News from the One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) Initiative
- a working group of the One Health Commission
Social sciences are essential to understanding and addressing the root causes of disease and determinants of community health. Without an understanding of how sociological, cultural, economic, demographic, historical, linguistic, geographic, political, and other social dimensions contribute to health, society will be limited in achieving it for all. Social science disciplines are critical to making One Health the default way of doing business at all levels of research, academia, policy, and government. Be sure to visit the OHSS webpage and check out the OHSS Webinars Library for recordings of past webinars.

OHSS-Food Safety and Security Small Working Group Activities - See Events Section below for webinars
Visit them on LinkedIn
Student News
International Student
One Health Alliance

New ISOHA Contact Information!

ISOHA will be sending and receiving email from a new address, For memberships, projects, and partnerships, please contact ISOHA at this address.
ISOHA is welcoming all One Health Professionals who would like to contribute to One Health awareness and education through ISOHA and who wish to forge stronger networks with each other and with ISOHA members. Interested professionals are urged to join the ISOHA database of One Health Professionals:
New ISOHA Overview Document, Membership Information, and Resources Reminder

October 26, 2022
Tourism Naturally Conference provides a forum where practitioners and experts can set the precedent for future tourism research, innovation, and collaboration as well as to further the application of research in the tourism field. The 2022 free conference focuses on student engagement and resources to plan for the future in the tourism industry. 

Experience Feel Good Shopping!

Amazon Smile has donated over $200 million to charities worldwide! You can help increase Amazon Smile donations to the One Health Commission by shopping at or with AmazonSmile 'ON' in the Amazon Shopping app.
Upcoming Events
October 16-18, 2022
Berlin, Germany, Co-hosted by the World Health Summit and the World Health Organization. Digital participation of the entire World Health Summit program will be available with no prior registration needed. Tune in and take part online for free - by simply clicking on the session you want to follow. Program Overview
October 17 - 21, 2022 Hybrid Workshop
ONE HEALTH, New Health Paradigm
Havana Convention Center, Cuba, at The IV International Convention Cuba Health 2022. Hosted by the Cuban Ministry of Public Health with Conference theme: Universal Health, as part of the 2030 Health Agenda, in a health context characterized by Covid-19. This One Health Workshop will include the following general topics: 
• Challenges of the human-animal-plant-environment interface
• Intersectionality and transdisciplinarity
• Implementation of One Health
• Integrated epidemiological surveillance
• Resilience to emerging health hazards
• Alliances with EcoHealth and Planetary Health
Participants are invited to discuss research results and work experiences on the implementation of the One Health approach to threats that affect the optimal health of people, animals, plants and the environment. Contact: Dra. María Irian Percedo Abreu, PhD,,
October 18, 2022 Online Event
10 a.m. – 4 p.m. CEST
Hosted by One Health Research in Greifswald, U Greifswald. For master’s students, doctoral students and PostDocs from all over the world with an academic background in One Health (i.e. medicine, veterinary and natural sciences). Speakers from The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, the U Greifswald, the Helmholtz-Institute for One Health, the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut-Federal Research Institute for Animal Health and the U Medicine Greifswald. Topics include:
  • How to get started in Science Communication
  • Social Media
  • Science Podcasts
  • How to make (scientific) career in Germany
  • How to apply for PostDoc fundings?
  • One Health research labs in Greifswald
Registration limited to 100 participants. Prior registration is required. More information. 
October 19-21, 2022
A Part of the Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference
Wageningen University, The Netherlands
As human pressures and wildlife populations increase in many regions in Europe and around the world, nature reserves are not sufficient for successful conservation. The need to share landscapes between humans and wildlife presents a major societal challenge. This calls for understanding human-wildlife interactions in complex spatial contexts to attune societal land use needs and wildlife habitat needs. The conference will explore the crucial question: how can we share landscapes in ways that are beneficial for both humans and wildlife in times of species extinction, climate change and social injustice?
October 20, 2022 Conference
7th Immunity for Health Conference
(In person only)
Antwerp, Belgium. Hosted by Flanders Vaccine. Objective: to stimulate greater cooperation and synergy between researchers, innovators, regulators and policy makers in the field of human and animal health. to develop new and innovative applications for animal (livestock and companion) and human health. Discussions will include successful technologies and advances in immunotherapy development, identifying unique opportunities for applications in the human and animal sector. Differences and similarities in regulatory aspects in both sectors will also be addressed. During pitch sessions, talented researchers and young entrepreneurs will share opportunities for One Health control strategies and a Plug & Play vaccine platform which can be used to develop vaccines to prevent and treat infectious diseases and address many unmet needs (e.g. for rabies), etc. More information.
October 22, 2022
In Person Location: University of Surrey School of Veterinary Medicine 
IVSA UK's 6th Annual One Health Conference is hosted by Surrey University. This year's theme is the digital world, with lectures and talks from multiple one health disciplines, interactive workshops and an evening ball. Participants are invited to a pub crawl on Friday the 21st of October! Delegates also gain access to some exclusive content after the event! Topics include: AMR, Performance and Well-Being, AMR, One Agriculture, Working in the Field, Public Health and Zoonotic Diseases.
October 25-28, 2022 Hybrid Conference
15th International Conference of Asian Society of Conservation Medicine (ASCM)
Chiang Mai University (CMU), Chiang Mai, Thailand. Hosted by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University and local committees, this conference will help establish understanding and cooperation in the conservation of wildlife and zoo animals globally including providing new research results to support effective wild animal health and conservation management. It will strengthen and promote the ASCM Network by gathering professionals from academia, researchers, practitioners, and students from over the world, especially in Asian countries, to share the advance and dissemination of knowledge and skills in the area of wild animal conservation medicine.
October 29-31, 2022
Lima, Peru. WSAVA has been a long time leader in One Health launching a One Health Committee in 2020 and sponsoring a One Health Certificate program. At this conference, on October 28, WSAVA will recognize Dr. Faouzi Kechrid with a Global Meritorious Service Award celebrating his achievements in the One Health movement. In October 2012 Dr. Kechrid contributed greatly to the success of the One Health when signing the historical MoU in Bangkok, Thailand as President of the World Veterinary Association with colleague Dr Cecil Wilson (USA), President of the World Medical Association. He then initiated continental and national One Health days and ceremonies with the governments and medical and veterinary organizations worldwide.
October 31 - November 2, 2022
Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 
Planetary health is the health and well-being of people and the planet's natural systems. This emerging field of applied research, policy, and practice presents an intentional and catalytic effort to take on one of the greatest challenges the world has faced in the Anthropocene. It seeks to characterize the impact of human-caused disruptions of Earth’s natural systems on our health and well-being, taking a solutions-oriented approach, bridging different disciplines and sectors, and learning from past successes and failures.
October 31-November 3, 2022
Ending Pandemics is convening experts from around the world at the 4th International Workshop on Participatory Surveillance (IWOPS IV), taking place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Participants will share experiences from exemplary systems in participatory surveillance across the One Health spectrum. IWOPS IV will be limited to 150 persons. A selection process is used to uphold Ending Pandemics’ values of equity, diversity, and inclusivity. Questions:
November 1-3, 2021 In-Person Conference (Coincides with One Health Day)
Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa. Hosted by the African Association of Veterinary Education Establishments (2A2E-V) in collaboration with the Council on Veterinary Medical Education (CIVME) and the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC). The focus of the symposium will be on veterinary clinical skills training and assessment and One health Education, needs identified by 2A2E-V. This initiative will be an opportunity to bring veterinary educators together and build a community of practice (CoP) to support long-term collaboration in the design and delivery of veterinary educational approaches.
November 2-4, 2022
(Coincides with One Health Day)
Copenhagen, Denmark, and Online. Hosted by Statens Serum Insitut and DTU Food. For OHEJP Consortium members with an interest in the microbiological and epidemiological aspects of laboratory diagnostics. PhD candidates and ECRs are welcome to apply. This module will discuss the role of diagnostics and related challenges from both the microbiological and epidemiological perspectives. Outbreak case studies based on real outbreaks will actively engage participants through the different roles that each group plays during an outbreak scenario. No participation fee.  
November 3, 2022 (One Health Day)
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Mountain Time
Location: Viridian Event Center - 8030 S 1825 W, West Jordan, UT. Hosted by the Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Utah State University, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, Utah Division of Natural Resources. This year the symposium will consider the intricate connections between landscape and human health through the lens of drought in Utah. We will explore the impact of drought on the Great Salt Lake ecosystem and on the wider Utah landscape. Topics include drought effects on: Health of GSL and the Utah economy, Water conservation, risk of Infectious diseases, Air and water quality, Agriculture, Food security in Utah, plus Rabies update, And more! KEYNOTE: Laura Haskell, Shelby Erickson, Utah Division of Water Resources PLENARY: Jaimi Butler and Bonnie Baxter, Great Salt Lake Institute Event Flier   Registration
November 4, 2022
Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. This event seeks to promote multi-institutional integration and One Health as strategies to overcome the challenges involving Haff Syndrome, popularly known as "Black Urine Disease”.Haff disease is a syndrome of unexplained rhabdomyolysis occurring within 24 hours of fish consumption. It is suspected of being caused by an unidentified toxin. Rhabdomyolysis occurs when damaged muscle tissue releases its protein and electrolytes into the blood. This event aims to disseminate diagnoses and results of research carried out in Brazil and in the world on Haff Syndrome for public and private research institutions and for the interested public.
November 5, 2022
Sulphur, Louisiana, USA. Hosted by Louisiana One Health in Action (LOHA)
In celebration of One Health Day 2022, this event highlights the human/animal bond and raises awareness of One Health - the interrelationship of Human, Animal, and Environmental Health. In addition to a 5K race and 3K fun run, the day will be filled with a variety of ways to have fun and learn about One Health while celebrating the human and animal bond.
November 5, 2022 
An Innovation Hackathon - Online Event
Hosted by Invisible International. In this day-long event, participants will brainstorm on ways to reduce the impact of tick- and vector-borne diseases, which have worsened with climate change, ecosystem imbalances, and public health funding inequities. The morning will include lightning talks that inform and define the challenges in tackling these problems. The afternoon will feature a hackathon where participant-defined teams and challenge topics will be organized, and teams will hold initial meetings to discuss how they will tackle their hacks and present them to judges later in the year. All solutions are welcome, including software apps and social engineering solutions. Animal and human health professionals, students, hackers, creators and others invested in One Health are welcomed to form teams of up to 4 people. Four winning teams with the best pitch deck solution proposals for enhancing communication between animal and human clinicians, improving health for all.. will be awarded $1,000 each Winning teams will be eligible for future solution implementation funding. $300 gift cards will be awarded to the first 10 veterinary and 10 medical students each, who participate in the hackathon. Eligibility is based on date of registration and proof of enrollment. Register to participate.
November 7-11, 2022 Hybrid Conference 
7th World One Health Congress (WOHC)
Singapore. Hosted by the SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute, the WOHC is the world’s premier conference to advance the One Health agenda. Taking place biennially, it advances trans-disciplinary efforts that further our collective understanding of animal-human disease transmission alongside their social and environmental determinants. The WOHC attracts professionals from academic institutions, civil society, national governments, the private sector and multi-lateral organisations all coming together to share learning across diverse disciplines including epidemiology and disease surveillance, animal production and trade, food safety, animal science, human health, environmental science/ecology and global health security.  
  • Late Registration Deadline (in-person & virtual) Friday, 28 October 2022
  • See Conference Tracts. #WOHC2022
November 14-16, 2022 
In-Person Conference
Amsterdam, Netherlands. The conference will provide an overview of the latest scientific results and future developments related to pre-/pro-/postbiotics and their importance to human and animal health across the lifespan. Topics include the gut microbiome, the gut-brain axis, the microbiome beyond the gut, and more.
November 17-20, 2022 
Hybrid Conference
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Global Challenges / Local Solutions. Learn the latest advances and discoveries in infectious diseases, patient care and global public health. Call for Abstracts submissions now open.

November 19, 2022 Webinar
Smithsonian Shared Planet, Shared Health Series
12:30 - 1:30 PM Eastern
Since the discovery of penicillin in 1928, antibiotics and other compounds that stop microbial growth have revolutionized medicine and agriculture, but microbes continue to evade and resist these medicines through adaptation. Epidemiologist Amanda Beaudoin, Director of One Health Antibiotic Stewardship at Minnesota Department of Health, will discuss the conditions that drive antimicrobial resistance (AMR), how AMR genes accumulate in the environment, and what you can do to reduce the spread of “superbugs” that threaten humans, livestock, and pets. This program will be presented as a Zoom video webinar. A link will be emailed to all registrants. Registration
December 1, 2022
First University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) One Health Symposium
9:00 am - 1:30 pm Central
Hosted by the UTMB Institute for Human Infections and Immunity and Office of the Vice President of Research. The program will involve rapid fire brief presentations by some of UTMB’s most accomplished scientists and clinicians to demonstrate how One Health is foundation in their work. Continuing medical education will be offered for physicians and some Symposium presentations will be streamed online for others to view. More information contact
December 4-7, 2022
Bucharest, Romania. Organized by the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest. One Health is an integrated approach to health and sustainability at human-animal-environment interface. Students and young researchers communicate and share their contribution at an international level to better address the pressing global health treats. The conference is dedicated to Bachelor, Master and PhD Students to present their research results and activities. It will include a plenary session, discipline-focused sessions, poster sessions, and sponsors display where delegates can formally present, promote and discuss their scientific work. Teachers and Tutors are welcome to join! Important Dates.        Registration
Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)
These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!
Track the progress of One Health since 2001
Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's
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October 12, 2022
New One Health Webinar Series
Shared Planet, Shared Health One Health
Kickoff Webinar
Smithsonian's Natural History Museum launched a new One Health webinar series, Shared Planet, Shared Health  with a presentation + Q and A with Dr. Agam Rao, an infectious disease specialist from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Rao presented her work on monkeypox. Stay tuned for the Recording.
October 12, 2022 Documentary Screening
(online and in person)
Organized by the Alliance Against Health Risks of WIldlife Trade Secretariat. Screening was followed by an open, big picture discussion with high-level guests to discuss the environment-health-nexu. 
  • Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK),
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Sabine Gabrysch, Professor for Climate Change and Health, Charité, and 
  • Ms. Tanja Gönner, Chair, Management Board of GIZ. 
More information
October 8, 2022 Webinar
One Health Surveillance in Pakistan
Hosted by One Health Foundation-Pakistan. A webinar to talk about the importance of surveillance and necessity to curtail diseases that affect both humans and animals. Recording not available.

October 5th-7th, 2022
Hosted by the Texas Department of State Health Services and the City of Brownsville Environmental Health the 2022 South Texas One Health Symposium focused on vector-borne and zoonotic diseases. 

October 4-5, 2022 Symposium
Fort Collins, Colorado. Hosted by Colorado State University, the Interprofessional Education through a One Health Lens Symposium was a national gathering of educators, clinicians, and researchers to explore the overlap of One Health and Interprofessional Education, imagining a future where IPE and One Health grow synergistically. Topics included: 
• Teamwork and leadership
• Cost of care 
• Mental health and wellbeing 
• Curriculum integration and delivery
• Aging and end-of-life care 
Point of contact: Claire Tucker ( 
3-5 October, 2022
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
RME2022 was the 14th conference in the Rapid Methods Europe series dedicated to innovations and breakthroughs in rapid analysis & diagnostics across the agri-food, plant health, environmental, animal health, human healthcare, and forensics sectors. The conference programme included customized sessions for a wide range of scientists, technologists, and professionals. View the full programme here.
September 27, 2022
Co-hosted as part of the One Health Quadripartite. The health of the environment is a critical foundation for the health and well-being of humans, animals and plants. Environmental degradation caused by human activities poses several health threats that are invariably complex and rooted in how humans interact with and use the environment. The environmental sector, which consists of areas such as natural resource management, wildlife management and conservation, biodiversity conservation, management and sustainable use, pollution and waste management is not always routinely incorporated into the One Health approach and there has been limited engagement in cross-sectoral initiatives. This discussion showcased concrete examples from countries of how to integrate Environment and One Health at the community, national, regional and global levels, and addressed the challenges faced during the implementation of One Health programs and activities as well as their sustainability.
September 19, 2022
Hosted by the Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs at the Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University. Dr. Gerald Parker moderated a panel of experts, including Drs. Robert Carpenter, Syra Madad, Jennifer A. Shuford, and Bob Kadlec, as they explored the Monkeypox outbreak. Recently declared a public health crisis by the federal government, Monkeypox is the thing on everyone’s mind. The panel answered questions such as: Are we making the same mistakes with Monkeypox as we did with COVID-19? How can we do better with this and future pandemic threats? Is this something we need to be concerned about? And more.
September 19, 29, & 30, 2022 NASEM Workshop
Washington, D.C and virtual. Hosted by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, Health and Medicine. Increased understanding of the interconnections between humans and Nature has led to new research that extends across traditional scientific research disciplines and the development of a variety of frameworks that consider relationships among people, animals, and the environment. However, gaps remain in our understanding of these interconnections, in our ability to effectively translate new knowledge into policy and practice, and in how we engage with the broad range of researchers, communities, decision makers, and other stakeholders that bring valuable perspectives to this topic. This workshop considered the strengths and lessons learned from existing activities focused on the integration of public health and Nature research and explored how we can advance integration through new and emerging cross-cutting research areas and develop solutions that inform policy and practice while promoting equity, justice, and resilience.
September 19-20, 2022
As a part of an activity under One Health – Event Based Surveillance project, being supported by Ending Pandemics – USA, Pak One Health Alliance in close coordination with Ministry of National Health Services Regulation and Coordination, Department of Health Punjab (PSPU) and University of Health Sciences, Lahore successfully organized a two day capacity building workshop on One Health Promotion for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control. Representatives from key One Health sectors, i.e. public health, animal health, food and agriculture, and environment attended this workshop.
September 19, 2022
Hosted by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Belgian One Health Network, the PREZODE Initiative, and the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This event in Brussels aimed to discuss the importance of the One Health approach and the critical need to include ‘prevention at source’ in the new WHO instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
September 19, 2022
Expert Panel on Disease Surveillance, Informatics, and Disaster Preparedness
Hosted by the North Carolina One Health Collaborative (NC OHC) and its Duke/U North Carolina/North Carolina State University Interinstitutional One Health IntellectuaL Exchange Course. Moderated by Dr. Chris Woods from the Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI), this discussion featured three new leaders from the 3 Universities in the Research Triangle Park region of North Carolina: 
  • Chris Beyrer, new Duke Global Health Institute Director
  • Nancy Messonnier, the new Dean of the U North Carolina School of Public Health
  • Kathryn Meurs, the new Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at North Carolina State University. 
September 18, 2022 Webinar
A One Health approach to Food Safety: Domestic and Wildlife Interface and One Health Hosted by the One Health Commission’s One Health Social Sciences Food Safety and Security small work group (OHSS-FSS). Speakers included Wissam Alkateb, Julie Garnier, Abdelfattah Mohamed. Recording Available
September 17-18, 2022 Online Course
Hosted by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. For physicians and healthcare providers:
  • Working in tropical medicine and travelers' health
  • Seeking additional knowledge in these growing fields
  • Needing Continuing Medical Education credits
  • Planning to sit for the CTropMed® Examination
September 15, 2022 - MATRIX Webinar
Hosted by One Health European Joint Programme (OHEJP), a partnership of 44 food, veterinary and medical laboratories and institutes across Europe and the Med-Vet-Net Association. This webinar series is organized by Statens Serum Institut (SSI), the leading partner institute of the MATRIX project, part of the OHEJP. The purpose of OHEJP MATRIX is to create solutions for European countries to support and to advance the implementation of One Health Surveillance. These solutions are currently under development and will be finalised for release by the end of 2022. 

September 13-30, 2022
(Perhaps not framed in One Health but needs to be)
WATCH for these kinds of events to attend to bring the One Health concept forward.
September 12-13, 2022 Hybrid Conference
Brisbane, Australia and online. Hosted by the Queensland Alliance for One Health Sciences. Themes:
  • The human notifiable zoonotic disease response
  • Foodborne risks
  • Antimicrobial resistance and the environment
  • Comparative environmental oncology
  • Wildlife–environment interface and emerging infectious diseases
  • More information 
September 12, 2022
Hybrid Panel Discussion
Hosted by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as part of the One Health, Environment, Society Conference 2022
September 11-14, 2022
Hybrid Conference
Hosted by FUCOBI. Quito, Ecuador. Brought together experts from around the world to share learnings across diverse disciplines focused on the need to implement the One Health approach. Topics included One Health science, biodiversity conservation, environmental epigenetics, COVID-19 and wastewater-based epidemiology, mangroves genomes and epigenomes (MangroveENCODE), and much more. See program on the conference webpage. More information: or
September 4, 2022 Webinar
Hosted by the One Health Commission’s One Health Social Sciences Food Safety and Security small work group (OHSS-FSS). Speakers included Professor Cesar Gavidia, Faculty of lMedicine, U Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru, Mrs Bukola Hammed. Recording Available:
July 1, 2022 Webinar Interview
Hosted by One Health & Implementation Research (OHIR) Journal
This interview focused on the current progress of vector-borne diseases. Prof. Joachim Richter, Senior OHIR Editorial Board Member of the journal, interviewed Prof. Olivier Sparagano, Senior OHIR Editorial Board Member from City University of Hong Kong, China. Prof. Sparagano stressed the integrated strategies to control the vectors, the One Health approach in control of vector-borne diseases, and discussed “One Health Education” in current veterinary medicines.
Closing date: 12 October 2022
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a severe threat to human, animal, plant and environmental health, global food security and livelihoods, and currently, there is inadequate financial support for the sustainable implementation of national action plans on AMR. The existing estimates of the costs of antimicrobial resistance containment measures and national action plan implementation may underestimate the actual cost of responding and not responding to antimicrobial resistance in a One Health context. The Quadripartite has agreed to establish a Quadripartite Technical Group on the Economics of AMR (QTG-EA) to advise on estimating the AMR cost and associated co-benefits of AMR response across different sectors to inform global and regional, and country prioritization and resource mobilization. More information here:
Tsimane Health and Life History Project (THLHP)
Location: Arizona State University or University of California, Santa Barbara.
Contact: and Start date is flexible.

Speaking Opportunities

Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) is intending to have a series of online webinars about One Health and Climate Change between October and November, and they are looking for potential speakers who would like to share their experience with students and professions around the world. If interested please submit the following form. The organizers of this project are One Health and Climate Change- Physicians for Social Responsibility ambassadors. Application:
Worth Revisiting

From the Approach to the Concept: One Health in Latin America-Experiences and Perspectives in Brazil, Chile, and Colombia. Pettan-Brewer C, Martins AF, de Abreu DPB, Brandão APD, Barbosa DS, Figueroa DP, Cediel N, Kahn LH, Brandespim DF, Velásquez JCC, Carvalho AAB, Takayanagui AMM, Galhardo JA, Maia-Filho LFA, Pimpão CT, Vicente CR, Biondo AW. . Front Public Health. 2021 Sep 14;9:687110. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.687110. PMID: 34631640; PMCID: PMC8496448.

September 8, 2022 Issue 3
Hosted by the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi, Kenya.
Highlights: Delia Grace awarded the 2022 Arrell Global Food Innovation Award for Research Innovation, One Health platforms in Malawi, One Health capacity building efforts in Burundi, and training on rabies management in Kenya among other updates.
September 2022
September 2022
  • Opening notes and monthly updates
  • Action Items
  • Research, Policy
  • Events and Opportunities
September/October 2022
  • Metagenomic Analysis of Oral Secretions from Chinese Pigs Identifies a High Prevalence of Viruses, Including Many with Dual and Triple Infections
  • Exploring the Transmission Dynamics of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
  • The Ongoing Monkeypox Outbreak as a Multivariate One Health Problem
  • Communicating Epidemic News to the General Public: An Evolving Strategy
  • Challenges and Accomplishments in Tackling Enteropathogenic E. Coli
New Books!
CABI Digital Library, 2022, Edited by Charles Wendo
This book includes:
  • hands-on advice on the practice of science journalism, with learning activities to deepen the learner's understanding of the topic
  • five academic systematic review papers, written by university faculty, that identify, review and synthesize available literature and experiences on science journalism and communication issues in the region.
  • a case study detailing the experience of Uganda's Makerere University in introducing science journalism and communication into their undergraduate and post-graduate curricula.

For over 100 years the Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 21st Edition, has been the trusted source for public health professionals for identifying and controlling infectious diseases. The updated edition includes new chapters on SARS-CoV-2, Zika, and many more. This landmark publication is essential to all those in and around public health. The 21st edition can be preordered now!
Thank you for reading One Health Happenings.
Check out more Resources in the Commission’s One Health Library
And a Special Thank You to One Health Commission's Sponsors!
Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
 'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.
Prepared by Bailey Archey, Blair Budd, Caitlin Holly and Cheryl Stroud
with support from OHC part-time staff, Ayinka - A. Brown and Neil Vezeau

The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.

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