Hello - Just a reminder that you're receiving this quarterly newsletter because you have expressed interest in the work of the  OneHitAway Foundation with brain healing resulting from sports-related brain injuries (concussions & sub-concussions).  A dd  onehitaway.org to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox!  
Do You Have A Minute?
Watch This ONE Minute Video  which explains OneHitAway's Mission & Purpose. There is not another non-profit in the country that is dedicated to brain healing from sports related brain injuries.
Thank You!
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The Fall Season officially arrived September 23rd! As everyone enjoys this dynamic change of colors, expectations are many – daily routines are back. The sun rises just a little bit later and sets just a little bit earlier. The telltale chill in the air reminds us that a great Winter is right around the corner. School is underway and so is the excitement of Fall sports. With Fall activities, we cannot lose sight of the importance of keeping our brains healthy. If healthy, our brains will energetically guide us through the season's wonderful activities. One Hit Away is looking forward to this powerful time of change and stands ready to educate, support, and provide resources to those suffering from sports-related brain injuries. A healthy brain makes it possible to enjoy the simplest blessings of life.  OneHitAway thanks you for your time and generosity, and we most certainly wish you health and happiness during this Fall season.
To Better Brains!       
  Enjoy this Newsletter and if you would like to get involved in One Hit Away's mission or want more information, please let us know at contact@onehitaway.org.
Ask A Question About Concussions Or Brain Healing!
Submit your question(s) to contact@onehitaway.org and we will call upon our qualified resources and reply back to you immediately with the best answer to your brain healing or brain health question(s).

New Season With Cal-Hi Bay Area Sports...
Cal-Hi Sports Bay Area is the #1 high school sports show in the nation! Cal-Hi Sports Bay Area, Sundays at 6 and 10 p.m. on Comcast Sportsbet California.

                             View "OneHitAway Concussion Tips of the Week"
                              A few from the past weeks. Click on the topics below to view.  
$$ One Contribution Away For 2016 $$
Close This Year By Funding A Brain Healing Need !!   
You choose the specific direction of your contribution.  There are so many needs for Individuals and Teams that deserve to heal from their sub-concussions / concussions issues.  They can't proceed without the necessary resources. Please note that many of the modalities that are provided are not covered by Insurance. So making your donation is vital. We all are so Thankful!

$100.....Customized Educational Brochures for a Sports Team
$250.....Initial Doctor Consultation For A Recipient
$500.....Rehabilitation Sessions w/ Chiropractic Neurologist
$750.....Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation 
$1200...Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Rental for Three Months
$3500...SPECT Image - Showing Compromised Areas of Brain
$5000...Change a Recipient's Life! Consultation, Diagnostic    Evaluation, Multiple Rehabilitation Therapies.

Go to The "Make a Donation" Button Below or 
Send a Check Made Payable to One Hit Away Foundation
 One Hit Away Foundation
PO.Box 699, Millbrae, CA 94030

OneHitAway Vehicle Donation Sponsor "CARS" really does make it easy to donate your car or any other type of vehicle. Nationwide - We accept all types of vehicles, cars, trucks, SUVs, motorcycles, ATVs, and even boats. Go Here to Donate
Recent Concussion Headlines
Nutrition Section  
   Keep an eye out for the upcoming unveiling of the Nutrition Section of the OneHitAway website within the month.

....Did you know that your brain consumes 25% of your daily caloric intake?  Just think how much more healthy calories the brain needs when injured...       
From Two Members of OneHitAway!
"The Sender"  Co-Authored by Dr. Kevin Elko who is a member of OneHitAway's Advisory Council. 

A Powerful Story About When Right Words Make All the Difference. This special read is based on the life-changing true story of Indianapolis Colts Head Coach, Chuck Pagano’s fight with cancer. The Sender blends creative storytelling and inspiration to communicate a powerful message of endurance, strength, and serving others.  The Journey of Brain Healing requires Discipline, Strength and a Goals-Based Process. I say to myself I will do this....
A Must Read for Everyone!!  
  "Incurable Me" by K.P. Stoller, MD who is a member of OneHitAway's Advisory Council.

In  Incurable Me , a maverick physician brings transparency to some of medicine’s most closely guarded secrets. As he establishes a link between commerce and medical research, K. P. Stoller also explains how to treat some of the most worrisome diseases and conditions afflicting humans today—including Lyme disease, brain trauma, dementia, and autism.   Dr. Stoller takes his provocative arguments a step further.  Written in an accessible style that is thoroughly appropriate for a lay audience,  Incurable Me  is a must-read for anyone interested in the state of modern medicine.
Another MUST Read For All
California Governor Jerry Brown
Unfortunately  Vetoes Bill AB 2182
AB 2182 , vetoed by the Governor, would have established a four-year pilot program in three school districts in Northern California to conduct baseline and post-injury neurocognitive testing for student athletes.  
In recent years, growing concerns over sports-related concussions have led to increased attention and legislation on head injuries among young athletes,” stated Assemblymember Mullin. “To further address this issue, we need more research and data to improve the way we identify, report, and treat head injuries in student athletes. This data is also needed to provide parents with information they can use when deciding whether or not to allow their children to participate in sports."  
Halloween Brain Boosting Beverage
                  Tasty  Recipe
     By Jaime Lindauer (OneHitAway Board Member)
1 cup pumpkin, puree (use sugar free)
1 teaspoon grated ginger
2 tablespoon raw pumpkin seeds
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
1 teaspoon bee pollen (optional)
1 teaspoon coconut oil
1  teaspoon and a dash more of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 tablespoon organic raw honey (optional)
1 cup coconut  water or I also did 1/2 cup almond milk and 1/2 cup coconut water. You can grate some DARK choc on top for a dessert like smoothie.      
Mark Your Calendars -  One Putt, Dinner and Auction Away 
Join us for the Third Annual Charity Golf Event for golf, dinner and auction on Thursday, March 30, 2017 at GreenHills Country Club in Millbrae, CA.  C lear your brain and mark your calendar for this fun day. The formal registration will be in January. If you are interested in donating an auction item or your time for this important event, please let us know by sending an email to contact@onehitaway.org.  This is a Big Event and we need all the support that is possible.
One   Hit   Away Understands Your Brain Can Change Your Game

Jill, Darren & Brett Cde Baca    

One Hit Away Foundation       www.onehitaway.org      
A designated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization   
PLEASE NOTE: Nothing in this newsletter is or may be construed as medical advice of any kind as explained in the Medical Disclaimer section of One Hit Away Foundation's website at  www.onehitaway.org/legal/medical_disclaimer  to which we direct you. We are not doctors, therapists, or healthcare providers.  We act only as a source of information that you may choose to use in seeking actual heath care services from licensed health care providers.©