This Sunday- 10:00 a.m. Only!
This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. Peter Henry will be preaching his sermon titled, "Bathrobes and Wardrobes," based on Luke 10: 25-28.
There is a LOT going on this Sunday. We are celebrating communion and a baptism, our Children's Choir and Weekday Preschool are singing, we are presenting Bibles to third graders and celebrating first grace communicants. It will be a great Sunday!
There is no Sunday school this Sunday.
The service is in person in the Sanctuary, as well as live-streamed to Facebook and YouTube. It is also broadcast live on WDAV (89.9 or Free childcare is provided for all services.
Worship is followed by our annual meeting at 11:00 a.m.. It has been called to receive the annual report, act on the report of the Elections Committee and to act upon any proposed changes to the terms of call for the installed pastors. We will also get a brief update on our renovations and capital campaign, as well as our Hurricane Helene relief efforts.