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Our 2024 Annual Report is Here!

This Sunday- 10:00 a.m. Only!

This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. Peter Henry will be preaching his sermon titled, "Bathrobes and Wardrobes," based on Luke 10: 25-28.

There is a LOT going on this Sunday. We are celebrating communion and a baptism, our Children's Choir and Weekday Preschool are singing, we are presenting Bibles to third graders and celebrating first grace communicants. It will be a great Sunday!

There is no Sunday school this Sunday.

The service is in person in the Sanctuary, as well as live-streamed to Facebook and YouTube. It is also broadcast live on WDAV (89.9 or WDAV.org). Free childcare is provided for all services.

Worship is followed by our annual meeting at 11:00 a.m.. It has been called to receive the annual report, act on the report of the Elections Committee and to act upon any proposed changes to the terms of call for the installed pastors. We will also get a brief update on our renovations and capital campaign, as well as our Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

Teachers have requested the following items: • Thin tipped, black Expo markers • Refill rolls of Scotch tape • Paper clips • Permanent markers (Sharpie or Marks-A-Lot brands) • Sticky back velcro tape • Clear page protectors with three holes • Pencils. Place items in blue bins at church or bring by the office by February 2. 

Black History Month Spotlight The first black Presbyterian minister in the United States was John Chavis. He was born around 1763, most likely in Virginia. After studying Greek and Latin at Princeton University, he also attended what would become Washington and Lee University. Ordained as a Presbyterian pastor, he served in the Orange Presbytery of North Carolina for over twenty years before a new law passed in 1831 banned black preachers. He died in 1838.

Fun Fact: Did you know Johnson C. Smith University, an HBCU located in Charlotte, is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA)? It was founded by Presbyterians!

Many of you made contributions to the OLD FORT STRONG

Campaign through Camp Grier.

CLICK HERE for an update about how those funds are being used.

Wonderful News!!

DCPC has worked for several years with the Gharzai Family, an Afghan family that has been trying to re-settle in the Huntersville area. One of the challenges of their situation is that they have been separated from the father of the family since 2015. We give thanks to God that they were finally able to secure the needed visa to bring Mr. Gharzai to be with his family and they have been reunited. (photos attached). Thank you for your support of our Global Missions and Social Justice ministries which helped make this possible.

Caregiving for an adult family member is an ongoing gift of love and service that is challenging physically, emotionally and financially. This program for caregivers of dependent adults will share supportive information and community resources. It is hosted by DCPC’s Mental Health Matters and Stephen Ministry and will meet on Sundays at 9:45 in the Parlor and on Zoom.

February 9

Topic: stages of caregiving and strategies for each

Speaker: Chuck Edwards, MD, founder of Movement and Memory, Charlotte Neuroscience Foundation


February 23

Topic: panel discussion with questions from participants

Speakers: mental health professionals from Mental Health Matters


Please sign up using the QR code or by calling the church office at 704-892-5641.

Guns 2 Gardens Safe-Surrender Event Coming

DCPC's Social Justice Committee is working with several area faith communities to host a safe-surrender event for those who have unwanted guns in their homes. The event will be held at Gethsemane Baptist Church on Monday, February 17th. We need a variety of helpers for the day. Please consider looking at the Signup Genius to see how you can be a part of this special day. CLICK HERE to learn more. Contact Robert at ralexander@dcpc.org with any questions.

Click here for the Member Portal!

We are excited that DCPC has a regular monthly date to serve at Angels and Sparrows Community Table! We are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month. We are responsible for providing seven volunteers. Please see the date, jobs, and time slots by clicking here, and sign up for what works for you. If you have questions, please contact Holly Frisbie at (336) 918-6351 or hyfrisbie@gmail.com.

Scan the QR code or click here TODAY to sign up!

We partner with Roof Above in Charlotte to host 10 guests every Friday night in the Congregation House. We pick them up in Charlotte and bring them back to a home-cooked meal, warm beds, laundry, breakfast, and a bag lunch. All this plus warm hospitality provided by our members is intended to make for a peaceful night of rest and renewal for our guests. Reach out to Robert Alexander at ralexander@dcpc.org to learn more. 

To learn more about the various opportunities CLICK HERE.  

To Fill out a Google Form CLICK HERE.

Planned Giving If you would like to learn about how to support DCPC into the future, we would love to have you join the DCPC Legacy Endowment Fund. Contact Trish Jones (pjones@dcpc.org) for more information. You can also click here to visit the Planned Giving portion of our webpage.

Open Positions We are currently looking for a full-time youth ministry staff member. The job description is at dcpc.org/employment-opportunities. Inquiries can be sent to dymsearch@dcpc.orgElder Tyler Ross and Associate Pastor John Ryan are leading the search committee. We are also about to begin a search for a full-time church administrator. That job description will be posted in February. 

If you would like to make a secure, online gift, click here.