One year ago today, a State of Emergency was declared in Massachusetts to respond to COVID-19. The pandemic impacted every aspect of our services, but never our commitment to those in our care. The Guild completely re-envisioned how we supported the 140 individuals with intellectual disabilities to ensure their safety and well-being. 

What will always stand out is how individuals from every corner of The Guild community stepped up to confront the daunting challenges we faced each week. There is still much we must continue to do to manage the virus, even as residents, students, and staff are being vaccinated.

But today, we would like to pause and give thanks to all of you who have helped The Guild demonstrate who we are and what we strive to become.

  • Most importantly, our staff, the individuals we serve, and our families showed unparalleled levels of resilience, hope, and adaptability.
  • Our community partners: Pelmeds, Brandeis University, and Jan’s Janitorial gave freely of their time, talents, and resources.
  • Individual donors who supported our increased needs as well as Sudbury Foundation and Sara Elizabeth O’Brien Trust for underwriting ongoing development of The Guild’s programs, even during a pandemic.

With your strength, kindness, and compassion, The Guild community came together as never before. And for that, we are forever grateful.