Future Community Room
You can be a part of our success.  The Friends are looking for partners to help supply commercial kitchen appliances, chairs for the meeting room, an art closet and to fund the flooring, construction of the ADA restroom.  If you or your company would like to join us - please phone 541-944-1139 - email Densmore@mind.net  or use the link below.  

We would like to open the room for use by September 1.  Thank you!!
How you can help - the Chateau restoration will be in four phases:  The community room, the balconies, the guest rooms and public areas and the NPS Life Safety Project.  We would love your donation of any size to the Chateau restoration.  You could join one of our committees, donate Monterey Furniture that you might have stored away, and send photos of your great times at the Oregon Caves. 

Make plans to visit
The National Historic Landmark Lodge - the Oregon Caves Chateau -  was built by the Oregon Caves Company in 1934.  Six stories deep, the lodge has the only underground Wild and Scenic River in the US -  the River Styxx running through the dining  room.  
A wonderful place to get away -relax in one of  the 23 guest rooms, take a hike, a guided cave tour and enjoy breakfast and lunch in the historic 30's diner and your evening meal with a view of the canyon!
Cave tours daily from 9 - 6.  Be sure to make your tour reservation in advance at
One of the three Great Lodges in Oregon
Bring back the BALCONIES
  Please contact your Oregon House or Senate member and support our request to the Oregon Legislature to re-create the three balconies -
original to the Chateau.  One each at the dining, lobby and future community room level. See link below for more details.
The Friends of the Oregon Caves and Chateau is a non-profit organization cooperating with the National Park Service in the preservation, stewardship and improvement of the cultural and natural resources of the
Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve.

The Friends will benefit the Monument through the concern, care and philanthropy of dedicated individuals.  They will help raise project donations and capital funds to restore and improve the facilities, and to involve the community and visitors in the future plans of the monument.

P.O. Box 2195, Grants Pass, OR  97528