Summer Youth Employment Program Update

NYS Dept. of Budget Releases $44 million for Summer Youth Employment Program.

Thanks to our supporters’ dedicated advocacy efforts and to our state workforce development association NYATEP, the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance received the $44 million allocated to its Summer Employment Youth Program (SYEP). This program helps disadvantaged youth gain employment experience in a structured environment. Additionally, given the COVID-19 pandemic, this funding is crucial in helping counteract high youth unemployment.

In our immediate region, there are three SYEP that gives approximately 100 students access to summer jobs in Clinton, Essex and Franklin counties. These jobs vary but are an excellent opportunity for the youth to gain employability skills that will benefit them in the long term.

Again, THANK YOU to those of you who took the time to send a letter to Governor Cuomo and THANK YOU to Senator Betty Little, Assemblyman D. Billy Jones and Assemblyman Dan Stec who understand the significant role this program plays in our youth’s lives and joined our voices to ensure the funds were released.