Your Monthly

Guide to OFS:

December Issue

Director's Message

Dear Oneness Community,

This time of year was always joyful for me as a child. I loved to sit by the Christmas tree in our living room and listen to carols sung by classic artists like Perry Como and Bing Crosby. My brothers and I would get up very early on Christmas morning and go downstairs in our pajamas to open our presents. It was a day of great excitement and happiness for us.

Andrew Kutt

Founder & Board Chair

In my teen years, I would go for long walks through the pastures near our home. If the timing was right I would be walking as the snow was falling, creating a most unique and delicate silence in the woods, punctuated only by the tapping of a woodpecker or the faint chirp of a chickadee nuthatch. The deep silence I experienced would pave the way for my interest in meditation and spirituality more broadly.

When I decided to take the big step in my life and found Oneness-Family School as a young Montessori teacher, it was very important to me to create space in the school program for the students to experience some of the stillness and peace of the holiday season. We started going on special field trips with students to different religious houses of worship throughout the DC area and inviting special guests who represented indigenous viewpoints as well as lesser-known spiritual paths to our school. Over the years, we’ve continued these trips and activities, depending on our cycle of cultural studies units.

From these very personal beginnings as well as the early school years, our annual Festival of Lights tradition grew. Festival of Lights came to be a celebration of the light within all of humanity, and each year we would highlight songs and dances from people around the globe. Our goal was to try and touch on as many different traditions as possible each year so that students and our community could experience a wide array of music, dances, and poetry. Sometimes, these have taken the form of more familiar spiritual paths, while at others, they focused on the solstice and nature themes, but always striving to bring forth the hope and harmony that this season represents.

In that spirit, I invite you all to join us on the evening of Friday, December 20, at 6:30 PM for this year's celebration of the Festival of Lights. Our students are hard at work preparing unique performances, and I also will be sharing a couple of songs along with some special guests. We'll also have a Holiday Bazaar featuring holiday treats and handmade gifts by students as well as other special friends - and we invite you to plan ahead to spend time shopping small and supporting these local artists and their causes! The Bazaar will be open from 5:00 to 6:15 pm and from 7:30 to 8:00 pm after the performances.

I wish you all a joyous holiday season, and I look forward to seeing you all at the Festival of Lights and Holiday Bazaar on December 20!

Warm regards,

Andrew Kutt

School Founder & Board Chair

"Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire 'to make him learn things', but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence."

Maria Montessori


Here are the upcoming events for December! 

Tuesday, December 3

Giving Tuesday

Sibling & Make-Up Picture Day

Thursday, December 5

Half-Day Dismissal at 11:30 am; Lower School Parent-Teacher Conferences

Friday, December 6

No School: Lower School Parent-Teacher Conferences

Monday, December 9

Winter Enrichment Registration Opens

Tuesday, December 10

Hearing & Vision Screening

Friday, December 13

Community Meeting, 9 am

Sunday, December 15

FInancial Aid Applications Due

Friday, December 17

No Aftercare, All Staff Event

Friday, December 20

Festival of Lights, 6:30 pm

Holiday Bazaar, 5:00-8:30 pm

No Aftercare

Mon.-Fri., December 23 - January 3

Winter Break

Quick Links & Reminders

  • Lower School Sibling and Make-Up Picture Day is tomorrow!
  • Introducing: the Peace Room!
  • Interested in the next level at OFS? Book a tour!
  • Financial Aid applications are due on December 15
  • Festival of Lights & the Holiday Bazaar take place on December 20
  • Parents interested in the Auction Committee – please contact Irene
  • United Nations Day photos and video are now available for viewing
  • Sign up to observe the Sun RoomMoon Room, and Arbor in action on our weekly Montessori Mornings!

Lower School Parent Teacher Conferences - December 5 & 6

Parent-teacher conference schedules are available here and on the Parent Portal. If you have any questions regarding your conference times, please contact the front office.

As a reminder, Thursday, December 5, will be a half-day dismissal for all Lower School students. All students must be picked up by noon. Please note that there is no aftercare on this day.

There is no school for all students on Friday, December 6 for parent-teacher conferences.

Conference Schedule

Half-Day Dismissal Schedule

  • Little Stars & CPG: 11:30 am
  • Arbor: 11:35 am
  • Academy: 11:40 am
  • Ambassadors: 11:50 am

Childcare Locations

Childcare will be available during your conference(s).

  • Little Stars & CPG: Hines Hall
  • Arbor & Academy: Art Room (Downstairs)

Enrichment Registration Opens December 9

We look forward to an exciting roster of after-school offerings this winter and spring! Information on programs and registration will be available on December 9. Look out for an email announcing the full list of activities

Hearing & Vision Screening – December 10

It's time for our annual hearing and vision screenings! Families with students in preschool through 8th grade can participate by completing the Maryland Vision and Hearing Testing forms sent home today. All forms must be returned by Friday, December 6.

Festival of Lights on December 20!

During this time of year, many holidays and traditions are practiced worldwide, celebrating light, love, and harmony. To honor the essence of these spiritual traditions, Oneness-Family School celebrates its own Festival of Lights, bringing the community together to enjoy performances by our students based on their studies of the cultural and spiritual practices of people from around the world.

This year's Festival of Lights will be held on Friday, December 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. We invite our families to attend this special evening!

Holiday Bazaar

Join us for the Holiday Bazaar, featuring student-made gifts and holiday treats! Open before and after Festival of Lights, from 5:00–6:15 PM and 7:30–8:00 PM.

Introducing the Peace Room!

Last week we gathered to celebrate the official naming of our Peace Room! This vibrant and essential space is a new cornerstone of our school community, and now has a name that reflects its purpose and energy.

Our Student Government brainstormed and voted on names that captured the heart of this space. While contenders like Harmony and Zen Den sparked inspiration, Peace Room won their hearts for how beautifully it aligns with our community’s mission.

The Peace Room is a home for:

  • Student Government meetings
  • Peaceful conflict resolution
  • Parent and teacher connections
  • Guided social skills lunches
  • 1-1 sensory breaks

Exploring the Next Level at Oneness-Family School

Are you thinking ahead to your child's future school years? We invite you to attend a tour of the next grade level to explore how Oneness can continue supporting their academic and personal growth. Come learn more about the immersive experiences, interdisciplinary academics, and supportive environment at the next level of OFS.

Book a Tour
Open Houses

Slowing Down & Connecting

By Estefani, Director of Student Affairs

Slowing down can feel like a radical act in the rush of modern life and the upcoming holidays. Yet consciously slowing down and applying the Montessori philosophy to daily life can enhance your child’s connection to you by honoring mutual deep respect and understanding.

Here are some tips for slowing down and spending one-on-one time at home:

Encourage Critical Thinking

Ages 2 to 5 

When your child asks, “Why does this happen?” ask them, “Why do you think that happens?" Or "How do you think this happens?” This gives your child the opportunity to practice critical thinking skills with you.

Play a Logic Game

Ages 5 to 8 

Try two-player logic games — think Checkers, Chess, puzzles, Maze balls, Pentago, or Mangala. Because they are working harder to concentrate and watching you practice the same, logic and critical thinking games allow you to see each other in your elements. 

Reassurance Conversations

Ages 9-18

When your child or adolescent decompresses after school, focus on expressing joy at being with them rather than asking many questions. This allows them time to regulate their nervous system and control when they are ready to share their day with you.

This simple yet profound practice nurtures your child’s intellectual growth and emotional and social well-being. Perhaps, in the process, it also helps us as parents reconnect with what truly matters—building a lasting, loving relationship with our children, one slow-paced moment at a time.

Re-Enrollment Contracts & Financial Aid Applications

Re-enrollment contracts for the 2025-2026 Academic Year will be emailed by Friday, December 13.

Please sign your re-enrollment contract no later than January 15 to secure an enrollment spot for your child for next year. Remember, all financial aid applications for the 2025-26 school year must be turned in by December 15!

More information can be found on our website. For further questions, contact OFS business manager Chelle at

We look forward to your family being part of our community again next year!

Oneness Fund Giving Campaign

Thank you to our families, faculty, board members, and friends who have already given to this year's Oneness Fund! We have already raised $22,809 in pledges and gifts toward our goals of $100,000 and 100% family participation.

Every gift makes a difference. We invite you to show your support of Oneness-Family School by making a personally meaningful gift this year.

Learn More
Make Your Gift
Photo Gallery

Connect With Us!

Connect with our OFS Community online! If you aren't already a member, we encourage you to join our Oneness-Family Montessori School group page and like our official school page on Facebook! For beautiful school pictures, follow us on Instagram. 

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