What's Normal and What's Not - Tips For Better Sleep
by Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
Realize that waking up in the middle of the night is normal!
- We sleep in waves - light to deep and back to light
- Short periods of consciousness are OK -
- Wakefulness lasting longer than 30 minutes may signal concerns
Needing to pee triggers waking
- Waking once at night to urinate is considered normal
Waking more than once may signal onset of some health conditions, or:
Excess intake of fluids during the day
High intake in the latter part of the day
Too much alcohol
Possibly the need to change the timing of taking a diuretic medication
PAC Skills Make The Difference
This practical DVD focuses on care partnering techniques and skills that create positive outcomes for both the care partner and the person living with dementia. Watch and learn from Teepa Snow and her team as they demonstrate Positive Physical Approach™ and Hand-under-Hand®. Learn to use these techniques to help with activities of daily living, including mealtime care, brushing teeth, and helping out of bed. This DVD will help you change your approach and improve the standard of care you can provide.
Silence of the Lamb Chop
The importance of meal preparation and quiet time for the body and the brain
by Amanda Bulgarelli, PAC Mentor
Meals are one of the most
important times of the day for many of us. If you are like me, in that silent time of my last bite of lunch I am already thinking about what I will have for dinner. I love to think about all of the delicious things that I see on all of the cooking shows that I can make with just a few mixed-up ingredients from the fridge and cupboards. However, most of the time when dinner time rolls around, I fall into my old routines and habits and make the same old, yummy, but boring meals that I always make. There is comfort in the routine, the same old smells, and the way I do things in my kitchen.
One Piece of a Wellness Puzzle - Hydration
by Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
In order to live well and prosper, human beings require hydration, fluid intake. Seventy-five percent of a baby's body weight is water, while it makes up only 55% of the body weight of an older adult. It is interesting, however that there is actually very little concrete data available on how much and what types of fluid are the best to maintain optimal hydration as aging takes place, chronic conditions take hold, or dementia happens. We do have evidence that water is essential for cellular health as well as human life itself, however, we know less than we would think about how and why it matters so much.
Six Ways That I Use PAC Skills During Lunch Each Day
by Rosanne Burke,
PAC Certified Independent Trainer
I first met Teepa at the
Alzheimer Society Research Breakfast in Halifax, Nova Scotia back in January 2016. My immediate reaction was "this makes so much sense!" and "how can I learn more?" Since that morning, I haven't looked back. In September, I found myself in Asheville, North Carolina for the Trainer Certification Program.
I am a care partner to my father who has vascular dementia. He lives in a nursing home and each day, I visit him over the lunch break and we eat our lunch together. PAC skills have made all the difference in the world to the quality of our visits.
Six Easy Ways To Take Music From Entertainment to Engagement In Dementia Care
by Mary Sue Wilkinson, Founder,
Singing Heart to Heart
Here's something I truly believe. Everyone can sing. It's as basic as walking and talking. I've heard people say they can't sing. But time after time when people hear a familiar song from their youth, almost everyone will join in.
In dementia care, singing together is a gift we can use to connect, awaken memories, and bring joy.
I often hear "I play music in the background all day. Isn't that enough?"
My simple answer? "No!"
It's not wrong - it's just not enough.
Because music can be such a powerful tool to engage people living with dementia.
Connecting through music gives us a way to maintain relationships when other communication is difficult. It's a pathway to emotional memories, helping us remember happy times. Music affects our mood and can lift our spirits. Can it be entertaining? Yes. But it can be so much more.
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Independent Professional
Upcoming Events
Stratford, ON
Dallas, TX
Duluth, GA (Atlanta)
The Dementia Action Alliance Is Hosting the
Re-Imagine Life with Dementia Annual Conference
June 25-27, 2017 in Atlanta
Click on the image below to download the flier
Green Means Go!
Getting Emeralds ready to go out in a positive way
by Amanda Bulgarelli, PAC Mentor
8:30 AM - My alarm sounds and
I get up and out of bed. I come downstairs to find my Care Partner already dressed with coffee brewing. This is what I am used to and I greet them with a hug and thanks.
"Hey Amanda, we are going out in 15 minutes, it is really cold, so make sure to get your coat!"
A Pearl Music Moment
by Mary Sue Wilkinson, Founder
Singing Heart to Heart
Alec is a handsome man. He has Alzheimer's. He sits in a big, specialized wheelchair with a tray in front of him. Alec has difficulty hearing and most of the time he is asleep during music. He has never shown any response. Today he sat front and center, dozing as usual, while we sang Christmas songs. But then I sang "Silent Night." Alec slowly drew his head up; I saw him struggle to open his eyes and gain focus. And then his face broke out into a beautiful smile as he looked right at me and said, "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful."
I often use the word "awaken" when I describe what can happen with music. Today Alec's face showed the true meaning of the word. As he smiled throughout the song, I knelt down so I could look right at him and sing with him. When the song ended, I stroked his hand, leaned in, shared a smile, and thanked him.
We moved on to other songs. First up was "I've Been Working on the Railroad." Alec did not retreat! He stayed "in the music," dancing his hands on the tray in front of him, in time to the beat, beaming all the while. As the song went on, Alec reached his hands up to me. I took them, and together we swayed back and forth. He was connecting and I will never forget that smile or the magic of a single song.
Mary Sue Wilkinson is the founder of Singing Heart to Heart and the author of "Songs You Know By Heart: A Simple Guide for Using Music in Dementia Care", from which this Music Moment is an excerpt. The book includes contributions from Teepa Snow as well as Mary Sue's recording of 18 favorite sing along songs. Buy the book HERE. Visit her website www.SingingHeartToHeart.com to learn more.
Upcoming Events
March 1, 2017
Educational Day Lakeland, FL
March 6, 2017 Educational 2-Day Conference Winnipeg, MB
March 13, 2017 Refresh Your Soul 2017 Cincinnati, OH
March 14, 2017 Dementia Care Summit Cincinnati, OH
March 31, 2017 Education Day Marietta, GA
April 5, 2017 Educational Day Sioux City, IA
April 6, 2017 Educational Day Cedar Falls, IA
April 14, 2017 Educational Day Lacey, WA
April 27, 2017 Educational Conference Tyler, TX
Book your event today for staff training, family nights, professional referral source events, or refresher workshops
PAC Training increases awareness, knowledge, and confidence among care staff and educates resident families.
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