April 28, 2020
Online Teaching Strategies & Tools 15
'Generation Z: Re-thinking Teaching and Learning Strategies'
Felice Martedi!
Happy Tuesday

Generation Z
Different generations of students have enrolled and graduated from higher education institutions for many decades. Throughout these decades, educators have been using the same strategies despite what generation is present in their classroom. Schwieger and Ladwig (2018) discuss a newer generation of students, Generation Z, who have unique characteristics and expectations. Individuals from this generation are born between 1996 and 2012.

Like millennials, they were raised with technology. However, for Generation Z, technology is part of their everyday life activities. The question is, is it important for us as educators to evaluate our own teaching strategies year by year? Many may not think it is necessary, but educators must be conscious about these new generations who come into the classroom with unique characteristics. Seemiller and Grace (2016) state that Generation Z consider themselves loyal, thoughtful, compassionate, open-minded, and responsible. Generation Z pursues to make changes in our society. And according to Seemiller and Grace (2016), this is a challenge because they prefer to work alone and occasionally lack creativity.

What does this mean for us as higher education professors? We need to help guide Generation Z students in their higher education endeavors. First, as educators, we sometimes evaluate students through exams and research papers. This type of assessment solely tells us what students have memorized for a specific exam or what they know about a specific topic. Our new generation needs more than that. They need real-life knowledge that can be related to their job area. Generation Z is digital, and we, as professors, have access to the digital world. So, let us become more skilled in different types of devices, programs, and applications that can be integrated into our classes. We have to develop activities that are related to the course, and at the same time are meaningful to our students.

I have been using technology in my English courses. The following are a few ways I utilize different technologies to help engage my students and foster motivation.

To continue reading this article click here.

National Center for Education Statistics
Student Enrollment

The article above discusses Generation Z and I thought I would share a link to the NCES Trend Generator Take a look at this link:

Gathering Resources
As usual, I'm asking that you share what you are doing during the online pivot. Document your practices and let's build a database of tools and strategies. We are living during an historic time. Let's make a moment!

Let's continue to communicate

Featured Magna Webinar
The Magna 20-Minute Webinar is a valuable tool and I want to encourage you to take full advantage. Here's the accessing information:

Accessing Webinars:

These licensed Magna resources are available through a password-protected website. For access, faculty need to:
  • Log into MSU’s employee portal;
  • Look under the My Classes (Blackboard) section for the Magna Training Site;
  • If Magna isn't showing up in your list of courses, please send a request to be added to [email protected].
  • When you click on the Magna Training Site, the Blackboard shell will open. Select Magna Campus and then launch the LTI link select 20-Minute Mentor Commons. After selecting 20-Minute Mentor Commons, choose Teaching Online then Online Course Management. Choose the featured title.
Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning (FCTL)
Morehead State University