Online Church of Christ Worship Service Options for Today!

Greetings Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

 In Acts 2:46, we discover that the early church remained united even while meeting in homes. We are one church whether we meet in our homes or in our buildings. Online worship services allow us the opportunity to meet in our homes joined together in virtual fellowship with Christians throughout the country. These online services also allow us to stay edified and encouraged during this tenuous time in our country.

Many congregations may not have the capabilities to conduct online services and bible studies. VSC invites you, your family, your friends, or your small group to meet together online to worship the Father in Spirit & Truth. 

We encourage you to do the following:
  1. Participate in the onsite or online worship service that is being conducted by the congregation that you are a member of.
  2. If your congregation is not having an in person worship service and does not have an online worship service set-up, click on one of the links below and participate in worship with one of the congregations below. Always remember, we are ONE body.
  3. If your congregation is having in person worship and you cannot attend due to concerns for your health and safety, please feel free to join one of the congregations below for an online worship experience.
  4. If you were unable to go by your congregation to pick up communion, you can go by your local grocery store to purchase unleavened bread and grape juice. 
  5. We encourage Christians everywhere to take care of our senior saints. Please bring them communion, go by their homes to setup their online worship experience or do whatever you can do to be of assistance during this time.
Renaissance Church of Christ - Dr. Orpheus J. Heyward 
9:30 AM Worship
Click here to Join In Live

Dr. Orpheus J. Heyward Minister
The Renaissance Church of Christ (Formerly West End Church of Christ) is located in Atlanta, Georgia. 

This congregation embraces the idea of rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings, all which are biblical concepts that express our reality in Christ. 

Join them online today and experience your own personal renewal as you are introduced to the wisdom, love, and the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.

North Boulevard Church of Christ - David Young 
10:30 AM Worship
Click here to Join In Live

David Young
North Boulevard Church of Christ is located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and has been active in global missions, supporting and sponsoring mission efforts all over the world. 

For over 30 years, North Boulevard has been a chief supporter of Joseph Shulam, in Jerusalem, Israel. Moving from Jerusalem to the "ends of the earth," North Boulevard has worked across the globe from Seoul, South Korea to Waterloo, Iowa; from Ontario, Canada to Logos, Nigeria; from Burlington, Massachusetts to Dundee, Scotland; from Tifton, Georgia to Tegucigalpa, Honduras; and a number of places in between.

During its years of service, North Boulevard has grown to almost 2000 members with Sunday morning attendance averaging 1,500 and over the past 60+ years well over 1000 people have been immersed at North Boulevard, putting on the Lord in baptism.

Hope Church of Christ - Alvin L. Daniels, Jr.
9:45 AM Bible Class
11:00 AM Worship
Click here to Join In Live

Alvin L. Daniels

The mission of Hope Church of Christ is to minister and serve the whole man. We have formulated and will expand upon core ministries that impact the mind soul and body of all men. 

Their ministries are geared to meet the needs of people wherever they are while guiding them to the Hope of eternal life.

  • Gaining: Through their evangelistic thrust by casting the net of the gospel in word, ministry and worship all ministries have a reach for the lost.
  • Grounding: Every member will be challenged to grow in knowledge and empowering grace to develop an intimacy with God and a love for service.
  • Growing: in love, fellowship and membership. As God give increase we will expand the borders of the Kingdom to heights unknown.
  • Glorifying: Through us and not about us. All things done in worship and work is to glorify Him, who is worthy to be praised. God is central in everything.

Contact Us Today...
Our heart goes out to the thousands of Christians from across the country whose lives are being negatively impacted by COVID 19. VSC is honored to provide this information in order to help members of the Body of Christ stay connected to the Father through virtual worship service. 

The bonds and communication we share within our brothers and sisters in Christ, will allow us to increase our faith to weather this storm together. 

Roxy Hall
VSC Senior Partner
Camille Wilson
VSC Senior Partner