Online Training News
Which Ministry at your Diocese or Parish is successfully inviting young families into your faith community?
Which current Ministry is focused on preschoolers and their parents?
What do you now offer for families between Baptism and First Sacraments?
The Early Catholic Family Life program teaches parents with children ages 0-6 how to create a home with Jesus at the center. For 20 years it has successfully reached this key demographic. Visit our website to learn how ECFL has done that and to learn more about ECFL.

Contact us at 612-925-1203 or
ECFL is easy to implement and training for ECFL leaders is practical and effective. The essential background for ECFL leaders is to be a faith-filled Catholic adult who desires to proclaim Jesus to families, help parents to grow in the faith and to assist them to help their children know and love Jesus Christ.
"The program was outstanding. The presentation was well planned and organized. The time was maximized with meaningful activities to learn the program."
Trainee from the Diocese of Ogdensburg, NY
Contact us to learn more!
ECFL is dedicated to helping parents with small children to create a home that has a Catholic culture
a home with Jesus at the center.