OK, what can be scarier than what we just witnessed and nearly experienced? Not much....
Don't be "spooked" by simple maintenance issues

Changing a flapper: Here’s a quick video guide (from a reputable vendor) to doing it but remember getting the correct materials will be based on the toilet manufacturer.
Drainlines: This is one of the easiest and most impactful; using bleach or vinegar is last resort and in very sparing quantity.
Dropping Temps: When the weather starts to be noticeably cool (i.e. you’re debating if you should turn heat on) test drive your heat to make sure your system transitions easily. If it doesn’t seem to be working, alert maintenance and let us know what thermostat is indicating. You don’t want to wait to find out there’s an issue when it’s freezing cold as there will either be no heat (and you’ll be possibly tempted to use a space heater which is NOT a good idea) or your system will switch to heat strips and your bill be astronomical!
Ok this is no trick---a treat is coming your way! Stay alert to your inbox in the next couple of weeks for an update that will make your life easier!
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
The FPM Properties Team