At Wellness Works Canada, we are pleased to start a New Year full of possibilities. This new year brings hope to build a new better, despite Omicron! The trends show that more flexible ways of working, more supports for employee well-being, and more resilient, agile people and organizations are the new norm. These things are also expected from employees. Keep reading to find out about professional development opportunities and workplace supports to build your new better to meet employee needs and prevent a great resignation in your workplace!
Newsletter highlights include:
As a non-profit, our members and partners help make all of the complimentary resources and webinars available. Join as member to get access to exclusive resources, networking opportunities, countless on-demand webinars and other perks. JOIN THE MOVEMENT
If you need more information, reach out to book a
complimentary consultation.
The Next Cohort Start is January 10th!
Why become certified? There are many benefits including:
- Profile and recognition on our site as a verified practitioner or consultant with the ability to use all of our tools and models with confidence
- Access to all the tools, connection, frameworks, and support you need to build healthy, high performing work cultures to support employee well-being AND organizational performance
- Weekly personalized feedback from your assessor
- Connection and learning from other practitioners across Canada
- Verified digital certificate, credentials, and a badge to profile your expertise
The ambassador level is currently only $297 (going up to $497 Jan 7th).
Note: you must be a member to obtain ongoing continuous professional development to maintain industry standards. And bonus, we do not charge for the additional learning!
NEW RESOURCE: Successfully Leading Change and Disruption
Change is inescapable for organizations and the way it is approached will play a major role in its success. As the pandemic has shown, change can wreak havoc on employee mental health and the company’s overall health and performance. Download this resource to learn what is needed to drive success for all stakeholders involved.
NEW ARTICLE: An Urgent Call for Mindful Leaders
These past few years have taught us how critical it is to have leaders we can count on. While some CEOs, business owners, and government representatives have adapted to uncertain pandemic conditions, others have unearthed a leadership void that we can’t quite escape. We need resilient leaders who can make conscious decisions grounded in their values and empower others to thrive. Read on to learn practical skills to be a mindful leader.
Empowering Employees with Mental Health Skills
For the 12th annual bell Let's Talk day, many are looking to empower employees with the skills they need to thrive through change, be resilient, and perform well. If you are looking for support on January 26th or any time this month, we have trainers on hand to help you out to support leaders, employees and teams. All sessions are highly interactive and provide participants with workbooks to implement new skills learned. Popular topics include:
- Mental Health First Aid (via MHCC trained facilitators)
- Resilience Training
- Social Connection and Productivity in a Hybrid Word
- Building a Healthy, High Performing Work Culture (for formal and informal leaders)
- Creating a Thriving Culture Through Disruption
- Fully customized Topics
- And More!
Starting Mental Health Conversations
A tangible, visible conversation starter can include putting a Mental Health First Aid kit up in a highly visible location. These kits contain a guide to mental health conversations, a guide to building a healthy work culture and LOADS of mental health resources, fidget toys and knick knacks like ear plugs, tea, Let's Chat wristbands, mindfulness colouring and more. These kits include a bottomless supply of mental health supports for the workplace and bonus, they are 25% off in celebration of Bell Let's Talk Day!
Presented by the IWH:
Estimating the economic benefits of a fully inclusive Canada
Despite progress to date, persons with disabilities still face discrimination and other barriers to full participation in society. They have lower employment rates, lower earnings, lower education attainment, lower life satisfaction, higher poverty rates and higher health-care use. What would be the economic benefits if these barriers were removed? No study has estimated the economic benefits of a fully inclusive and accessible society. This study aimed to develop a framework for estimating these benefits across a broad range of domains and implementing it for the Canadian context.
The Role of Psychological Safety in DEI With Ruthann Weeks
January 12 at 10am MST/12pm EST
Are you confident that employees feel free to share their ideas, or does it depend on who they are talking to? How secure do your staff feel at work? What is the cost when people hold back? The only way to maximize the potential of that diverse team you have built is to provide an environment of psychological safety where each person is free, safe, and encouraged to share without fear. Learning objectives include:
- The key role of psychological safety in inclusion
- Areas of responsibility to create an environment of trust
- Sample questions to assess inclusion safety Register Here
Why Employer Mental Health Programs Aren't Working With Debbie Pearmain
January 26 at 10am MST/12pm EST
Workplace mental health and wellbeing has been at the forefront of HR's agenda over the past year and a half. Employers are doing more to support employee wellbeing than ever before and yet something is just not working. 70% of employee disability claims are related to poor mental health and over 500,000 Canadians are off work each week because of this. Since covid began, four times the number of Canadians are reporting higher anxiety. Learn why the current approach is not working and learn strategies of how you can more effectively improve the wellbeing of your employees. Register Here
Organizations are never neutral. If you’re doing nothing to create a more positive culture, it is the nature of organizations to become more negative. We have a name for this - “The Cost of Doing Nothing.” When this happens, turnover, disengagement, and lack of innovation follow. People in these situations experience overwhelm and burnout. Does any of this sound familiar? It truly doesn’t need to be this way, and we can help you create just the opposite!
Leading A Better Place To Work shows you how to unlock the creativity, engagement and innovation of your organization, by building a flourishing team culture where people can contribute their best! Designed for emerging leaders and business owners, this leadership framework with live coaching calls and video lessons will guide you through a complete workplace transformation. This new year, set your intention to lead a team that absolutely thrives! Visit Deborah Connor's site to hear what everyone is raving about.
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