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Growing Moose Population
Moose Hunters

2015  Rate 


 $305.00 week/hunter

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Look no further than Wawang Lake Resort for your next hunting adventure. 
We have seven cabins that are clean, warm and comfortable.  Just like home.  We provide indoor plumbing with hot and cold running water.
Feel secure knowing that you will sleep in your own single bed.
Our commitment to you is to provide a warm, dry place for you at the end of a hard day of hunting. 

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Wawang Lake Resort
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Moose Hunting
  Wildlife Management Units 15A & 15B 
We are the only lodging in this entire area and book up quickly each year.  In order to avoid disappointment we encourage your group to book early for the moose hunt.
Growing Moose Population
The moose population in Wildlife Managment Units 15A & 15B has one of the highest moose densities in the province of Ontario and hunters are reporting that they continue to see more calves each year.
moose herd

Typically our area provides the best in moose habitat such as rivers, lakes and stream watershed and areas of the boreal forest that are in forest reclamation due to naturally occuring wildfires and free to grow forested areas.  These ecosystems include sufficient cover courtesy of the moose corridors and nutritious young vegetation necessary for the monarch of the boreal regime. 
Our resort is located in WMU15A and only six miles west of WMU15B. 
NOTE:  Our location at top, left corner of map
huntersMoose Hunters
Moose hunters come to Wawang Lake Resort from all over.  They enjoy the immense vastness of the area that includes accessible logging roads to hunt from due to the extensive logging that has taken place in this area for many years now.
Known as the Brightsands Graham area you will find no better place to hunt than here.  Ideal two to three year cutovers left by the logging companies makes for the best type of moose habitat. In addition, for those arriving prior to the opening of the moose season can find themselves enjoying some outstanding grouse hunting as well.

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