The Ontario Teachers' Federation does not bargain on behalf of teachers!
Instead the OTF has four affiliates that look after the bargaining on behalf of teachers and education workers. The names of the affiliates are:
ETFO - Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario
OSSTF - Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
AEFO - Association des enseigantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens
OECTA - Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association
Having five teacher federations in one provincial jurisdiction is unique to Ontario.
The role of the OTF is primarily to work with the Government of Ontario as an equal partner in the management of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan.
In a recent brochure the OTF describes in part what the affiliates do as "protect members' interests". This begs the question of protecting those interests from what? From whom?
Some say its a myth that teacher federations are electorally active in favoring one political party over another. Some say its not a myth.
The info-graphic below is an attempt to show the link between government funding of Secular and Catholic schools and dues paid by education professionals to the five federations that give the Ontario K-12 school board system its uniqueness.