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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 6, Issue 5 (June 30/16)
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Premier's Highly Skilled Workforce Expert Panel releases final report

computer-class.jpg Building the Workforce of Tomorrow: A Shared Responsibility is a report that was recently released by the Premier's Highly Skilled Workforce Expert Panel. The panel was asked to develop a strategy to help the province's current and future workforce adapt to the demands of a technology driven and knowledge economy. The goal was to bridge the worlds of skills development, education and training.

The Panel made 28 recommendations, in six key themes and two other areas. In four areas the government was asked to take a leadership role.

1. To establish a Planning and Partnership Table to produce results in skills development and experiential learning opportunities.

2. Establish a Workforce Planning and Development Office, in the provincial government to drive the delivery of the Panel's recommendations.

3. The Ontario government must take a leadership role in developing and making available high quality labour market information.

4. Ontario needs to commit to strengthening and expanding experiential learning opportunities across secondary, post-secondary, and adult learning environments.

Read the complete report here.
New study indicates a low number of women in scientific occupations in Canada

In 2011, women represented less than one in four (23%) workers in university-level scientific occupations,
compared with nearly two-thirds (65%) of workers in university-level non-scientific occupations.

The relatively low proportion of women in scientific occupations was due to the fact that there were fewer women in occupations related to computer science. In 2011, computer science accounted for nearly one-half of all workers in
scientific occupations normally requiring a university degree.

These findings are reported in a new study, "Women in scientific occupations in Canada," which provides
information on the scientific occupations of working women aged 25 to 64.
Canadian industry struggles to adopt technology

The ongoing technology adoption lag in Canadian industry was the subject of a recent research project by director
of the Institute for Innovation and Technology Management, Ojelanki Ngwenyama, as he examined companies in
two major Canadian cities. It's not that Canadians themselves don't embrace technology. Canadians are quick to adopt new technology. Conversely, companies hold back. "Companies are more risk averse."

Technology adoption is vital to the health of traditional Canadian industries in order to remain competitive,
said Ngwenyama. But the lack of adoption is also hurting Canada's ICT sector as it struggles to find companies
willing to take on their products and services.
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