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* You are currently a client or client's manager;
* You have requested to be on our mailing list;
*as a former member of BCAM, you are provided a subscription to the C&M mailing list; and/or
*as a former member of NECAM, you are provided a subscription to the C&M mailing list.
If you elect to be removed from this e-mail service, we will no longer be able to send you seminar invitations, information on changes in the law concerning Community Associations, newsletters, or any other information regarding the Community Association industry. You will not receive solicitation for business unless you have requested that information. We sincerely hope we can continue to assist you with the challenges that face Community Associations today through this service.
When replying with a question please include your full name
and the legal name of your Association (no acronyms, please, unless your legal name on the Article of Incorporation lists an acronym.)