One size doesn't always fit all.
Neither do your employee benefits.

Open Enrollment is the one time each year to make changes to your benefit elections (unless you experience a qualifying life event).


With NEW PLAN OPTIONS for 2023, making an informed decision on what you select is crucial. Your current medical election WILL NOT automatically carry over for 2023.
You MUST access Workday to make a new medical plan election.

Please read below for full details on important new options and tools.
  • Continued access to two rich Medical Plan options with no changes to the Gold or Silver plans

  • NEW Medical Plan options including a robust HSA Eligible Medical Plan and a lower cost EPO Medical Plan (EPO has in-network benefits only)

  • NEW Health Savings Account (HSA) financial wellness vehicle for employees enrolling in the Max Value with HSA medical plan. Brother will partially fund the HSAs of employees who elect to participate in this plan. See the Open Enrollment Guide for details.
  • The same comprehensive Dental and Vision Plan options.

  • The same convenient FSA options, plus a NEW Limited FSA for HSA participants.

  • Voluntary Benefit Plan options to increase financial security

  • Cancer Guardian benefit that includes preventative genetic testing.

  • The same Identity Theft Protection benefit (requires your activation).

  • The highly valued Voluntary Pre-paid Legal Plan.

  • Continued wellness resources including TotalWellness, Headspace Emotional Wellbeing & Mindfulness Benefit, and My Financial Path.

  • NEW Decision Support Tool to help you to be an informed healthcare consumer and select the employee benefit programs that best meet the needs of you and your family. "Talk" to Alex about medical plan options, explore service costs, and learn about resources for care once Open Enrollment begins.
Be on the lookout for more information and resources once Open Enrollment begins!
  • 11/4/2022 from 10:30 – 12:00 pm ET via Zoom

  • 11/8/2022 from 9:30 – 11:00 am ET in Bridgewater 4th Floor Multi purpose room

  • 11/9/2022 from 2:30 – 4:00 pm ET via Zoom

  • 11/14/2022 3:30 – 5:00 pm ET via Zoom - Family Members Welcome

  • 11/15/2022 from 11:00 -12:30 pm ET via Zoom

  • 11/22/2022 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm ET via Zoom - Family Members Welcome
Changes made during this Open Enrollment period are effective January 1, 2023