December 14, 2020
Open Enrollment Begins Today
Take More Courses
Take All the Winter Courses You Wish
If you participated in the Course Requests Lottery, you have received notice of the classes in which you're enrolled and/or wait-listed. Plenty of courses are still open for enrollment. For a list of open courses, click here and scroll down to the Course Registration Report (PDF). The list changes continually as members add and drop.

As a courtesy to others, please promptly drop any courses that you decide not to attend. Just email the office at olli@sou.edu with "DROP" in the subject line and provide the name of the course(s) or call 541-552-6048.
To add classes, sign into your existing account and follow the prompts. (Please note that the office will be closed for the holidays December 21–25.) 

~Winter term starts Monday, January 4, and ends on Friday, March 12.~
Join us!
Sunday, December 20,
4:00–6:00 pm,
for a jolly OLLI Holiday gathering.
All OLLI members are invited to our first online Holiday Party, Sunday, December 20th from 4:00-6:00pm. Sign early at 3:30 to hang out before the party officially begins. This is an “Open House,” so you can come and stay for the entire party or just drop in for some celebrating together including:
  • A visit from Mr. and Mrs. Claus. If you have a special request of Santa, please be sure to come prepared to ask him.
  • Ugly sweater contest, with the winner receiving a gift card to one of our local coffee shops.
  • Virtual cookie exchange for those who would like to bake and share their cookie recipe.
  • Holiday music and hope to bring everyone “good cheer” after this particularly difficult year.

No need to RSVP. Just fix yourself a treat and drop in for some holiday fun with this Zoom link: https://sou.zoom.us/j/88928101758?pwd=U1ZuK0p6a21tVjVaRXR5akExV09Gdz09

We are looking forward to seeing everyone as we
celebrate all the winter holidays together.
Zoom Practice Partners Needed this Week
Instructors are preparing to teach via Zoom next term and would like to hone their skills with live participants, AKA Zoom Practice Partners or ZPPs. ZPPs will have the double benefit of improving your own comfort with taking classes on Zoom, while helping OLLI instructors practice. Can you spare 30 to 45 minutes to help out?

Here are this week's opportunities to help an instructor practice:

If you are interested and available to be a Zoom Practice Partner for any of these sessions, click on the instructor’s email and let the instructor know you’d like to be a ZPP. The Zoom invitation link for that session will be emailed to you directly by the OLLI instructor.

Questions? Email Anne Coleman at apcoleman2019@gmail.com.
Zoom Support for Interested Instructors
Are you interested in teaching this spring, but a little uncertain about using Zoom to teach? OLLI's Curriculum Committee and tech staff will help you learn everything you need to know about teaching on Zoom, using a variety of resources:
  • "Teaching on Zoom" training session presented by experienced OLLI instructors offered early next term
  • Tech support through the OLLI office with a Tech Consultant 
  • Access to the OLLI Zoom Instructor's Guide (click here for more information or to download the (PDF) Guide)
  • Zoom Practice Teaching sessions with volunteers acting as students
  • Pairing with a Zoom Mentor to assist in learning which Zoom tools and techniques will work best for your class
  • The best OLLI students in the universe!

Click here to learn more about teaching at OLLI and access the online course proposal form.

If you don't want to teach a course yourself, maybe you know someone who would. OLLI welcomes instructors for the wide range of topics represented in the catalog. Instructors need not be OLLI members to teach.
Zoom Training for OLLI Students – January 2
A Zoom member instructional training will be available to all OLLI members on Saturday, January 2, from 10:00 am–12:00 pm. This is a basic instructional to help members be able to sign on to Zoom and participate in OLLI classes, followed by an optional session on how to register online for classes. No need to sign up in advance or to download Zoom prior to the training. Stay tuned: more information and a Zoom link will be announced in the December 28 NewsFlash.
OLLI Annual Fund Gifts
OLLI Winter Break
As you do your year-end tax planning, remember that a contribution to the OLLI Annual Fund is tax deductible. We are about a third of the way to our goal. So far we have received gifts of $25 to $1,000. Click here to donate. Happy Holidays!
The OLLI office will be closed for the winter break during the week of December 21–25. Friday, January 1, is also a holiday.
Lifelong Learning Opportunities
Experience Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater's Virtual Season online December 2–31. Click here for free access to these performances.

Explore the Uffizi Gallery, located in Florence, Italy. Botticelli's "Birth of Venus" is a featured work at the gallery. Click here to begin your virtual tour.

Click here to take a leisurely stroll through Russia's State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, filled with 45 galleries and 588 artistic masterpieces.

Or take guided tours of street art in locations all over the world. Click here and choose your destination.

Enjoy Metropolitan Opera performances in your home on their free streaming service. Click here for links and the schedule.

London's Royal Opera House also offers a wide range of free performances on their YouTube channel. And you don't have to like opera to enjoy the lavish costumes. Click here to see the many performances available online.

Discover a wide range of artists' offerings in visual arts, dance, music, and theater collected at the Social Distancing Festival. Click here to explore.

Hone your wildlife watching skills. Click here to visit webcams provided by the National Park Service.

Forget winter and put some color in your day with a visit to the Aquarium of the Pacific. Click here to immerse yourself.