Your new benefits with TML Health begin
on March 1, 2023!
Your employees' Online Open Enrollment Period
begins January 1 and ends January 15.
You and your employees have several options to enroll this year:
  • SELF SERVICEYour employees will receive an email inviting them to enroll online at TML Health Online. The new system allows them to easily see their options and make selections. 

  • ENROLL BY PHONEYour employees can call our Customer Care department at 800-282-5385 to review their benefit options and make their choices. Our great Customer Care staff will help them through the process.   

  • ADMINISTRATOR ENROLLS: If you prefer to stay more involved with your employees, you can complete their enrollment for them in TML Health Online. 

Regardless of which option you choose, once all the elections have been completed, you can download a report with their selections so you will know what payroll deductions to make for each employee, if any.  
Click the button below to get started!
If you have employees who will be using the self-service option to select their enrollment options, they will receive a notification email the morning of January 1.

To verify that your employees have an email address on file, you can run an Employee Census Benefit Report by following the below steps. Review the report and, if necessary, add any missing email address to TMLHO the day before Annual Enrollment begins.  
Verify Employee Email Addresses
Once you are logged into TML Health Online:
  1. Select Reports > Employee Census Benefit
  2. Assign All
  3. Generate Report
  4. Go to Dashboard
  5. When the status shows COMPLETE, open the EDCB report and look for employees who are missing email addresses
  6. Edit each employee's record using the Edit/Term function
If you have any questions, please contact your Billing & Eligibility Representative at 800-537-9898 or
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