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The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) would like to share open funding opportunities across the Department of Justice that relate to victim services.

For more expansive information on the funding opportunities including deadlines, please see below.

FY 2023 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation Competitive Grant Deadline: March 21, 2023 at 8:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: March 28, 2023 at 8:59pm ET

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is seeking applications for funding to improve public safety and victim services in tribal communities. This solicitation provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia an opportunity to apply for funding to aid in developing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. The majority of DOJ’s existing tribal government-specific programs are included in and available through CTAS and are referred to as purpose areas (PA).

  • PA #1: Public Safety and Community Policing (COPS Office)
  • PA #2: Comprehensive Tribal Justice Systems Strategic Planning (BJA, COPS Office, OJJDP, OVC)
  • PA #3: Tribal Justice Systems Program (BJA)
  • PA #4: Tribal Justice System Infrastructure Program (BJA)
  • PA #6: Children’s Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities (OVC)
  • PA #8: Juvenile Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts (OJJDP)
  • PA #9: Tribal Youth Program (OJJDP)

For more information, see:

Access answers to frequently asked questions associated with this opportunity.

The Department of Justice hosted several webinars to provide helpful information about the FY 2023 CTAS opportunity.

Visit the Department of Justice site for templates, legal documents, and more about the FY 2023 CTAS opportunity.

FY 2023 National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Deadline: March 21, 2023 at 8:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: March 28, 2023 at 8:59pm ET

With this solicitation, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) seeks to support the Department’s priorities of reducing violent crime and supporting law enforcement officers and prosecutors by

  1. Providing jurisdictions (including rural and tribal) with resources to address sexual assault kits (SAKs) in their custody that have not been submitted to a forensic laboratory for testing by Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)-eligible DNA methodologies.
  2. Improving investigations and prosecutions in connection with evidence and cases resulting from the SAK testing process as well as other violent crime cold cases.
  3. Providing sites with resources to collect DNA samples from qualifying individuals who should have a sample in CODIS (based on the type and time of the offense in relation to applicable state law) but from whom a sample has never been collected or submitted to a laboratory for testing.

Purpose Area 2 is specifically targeted for small agencies, including rural and tribal agencies. Purpose Area 2 applicants must propose to implement a sexual assault response program to combat sexually motivated crimes, that encompasses a plan utilizing all three elements of the BJA SAKI Model. Applicants must describe in their proposal narratives how their projects will include all three BJA SAKI Model elements, even if some will be addressed with other resources.

  1. Inventory and track unsubmitted sexual assault kits, as defined by the solicitation
  2. Creation of a multi-disciplinary working group, as defined by the solicitation
  3. Appointment of a designated site coordinator

Applicants may request funding to support the three major elements or for specific and discrete elements as determined by their agency’s needs. Applicants may request funding to:

  • Complete an inventory and subsequent testing of unsubmitted sexual assault kits (SAKs).
  • Develop or enhance an evidence tracking system.
  • Provide victim advocacy and victim-centered notification.
  • Provide training.
  • Conduct investigations or provide prosecution overtime support for investigators.
  • Enter criteria cases into ViCAP to increase the chances of identifying and apprehending violent serial offenders who pose a serious threat to public safety. Analysis and subsequent investigations may also be covered.

For more information on resources related to untested kits, see

If you have any questions about the FY 2023 SAKI solicitation, please contact Dr. Angela Williamson at or (202) 307-5831.

Watch this short video to learn about the different steps associated with submitting an application for funding:

See the Funding Webinars page to learn about upcoming funding webinars and to access materials from previously held webinars.

Subscribe to NewsFromBJA to receive funding announcements.

FY 2023 Expanding Access to Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Deadline: April 20, 2023 at 11:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: April 27, 2023 at 8:59pm ET

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) seeks to establish or expand sexual assault examination programs, including sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) programs and sexual assault forensic examiner (SAFE) programs, that focus on (1) increasing the number and availability of SANEs/SAFEs, (2) expanding access to sexual assault forensic examinations to communities that have been historically under resourced, and (3) improving the quality of post-sexual assault care using a hospital-based, community based, campus-based, or corrections-based approach. 

The goal of this program is to establish or expand SANE/SAFE programs that provide sexual assault medical forensic exams and sexual assault victim services using coordinated community response strategies. Applicants may propose innovative ways of bringing experienced medical forensic examiners to rural, Tribal, and historically marginalized and underserved communities, as well as correctional facilities, using a telehealth, Family Justice Center, Children’s Advocacy Center, or other modality of care that best meets the needs of the community (funding can support limited equipment costs).

For more information, see:

FY 2023 Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking Deadline: April 6, 2023 at 11:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: April 13, 2023 at 8:59pm ET

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) seeks to improve outcomes for children and youth who are victims of human trafficking by integrating human trafficking policy and programming at the state or Tribal level and encouraging coordinated, multidisciplinary, and statewide approaches to serving trafficked youth. OVC seeks to fund up to four state or Tribal jurisdictions to identify the state or Tribe’s greatest barriers to identifying and assisting child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking and/or investigating and prosecuting these cases, and to develop a statewide or Tribal jurisdiction-wide strategy to address these challenges. 

The goal of the program is to improve responses for child and youth victims of trafficking with a focus on collaboration at the statewide or Tribal jurisdiction level to create effective change across systems. Recognizing that each jurisdiction is unique, applicants should identify the state or Tribe’s greatest barriers to identifying and assisting child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking and/or investigating and prosecuting these trafficking cases, and propose a program to systematically address those barriers. 

For more information, see:

Visit OVC's How to Apply for Funding page for tips and answers to frequently asked questions about applying for OVC funding.

Victims of Human Trafficking in Native Communities Demonstration (VHT-NC) Program

Deadline: Jun 30, 2023  at 11:59 pm ET

The Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is announcing funds for the Victims of Human Trafficking in Native Communities (VHT-NC) Demonstration Program. The VHT-NC Demonstration Program’s goal is to directly fund organizations that will build, expand, and sustain organizational and community capacity to deliver services to Native American (i.e., American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and/or Pacific Islanders) adults and minors who have experienced a severe form of human trafficking as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, as amended, through the provision of direct services, assistance, and referrals. Under the VHT-NC Demonstration Program the following activities are required:

  1. provision of comprehensive, culturally and linguistically responsive, case management to Native Americans who have experienced sex and labor trafficking;
  2. increase identification of Native Americans who have experienced sex and labor trafficking through outreach; and
  3. public awareness activities for the local community and organizations that may encounter individuals who have experienced sex and labor trafficking. 

The VHT-NC Demonstration Program is informed by a whole family approach that focuses equally and intentionally on services and opportunities for clients and their immediate family members living within their households. OTIP is encouraging the establishment of community partnerships, meaningful engagement of Native American individuals who have experienced trafficking, and the hiring of qualified professionals that reflect the communities being served in all project implementation strategies under the VHT-NC Demonstration Program.

FY 2023 Grants to Prevent and Respond to Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Sex Trafficking Against Children and Youth Program Deadline: March 24, 2023 at 11:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: March 28, 2023 at 9:00pm ET

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) announced the following funding opportunity. The (Consolidated Youth) CY Program supports comprehensive, community-based efforts to develop or expand prevention, intervention, treatment, and response strategies to address the needs of children and youth impacted by domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and sex trafficking. 

FY 2023 Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program Deadline: March 31, 2023 at 11:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: April 4, 2023 at 9:00pm ET

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) announced the following funding opportunity, Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program (SAS Culturally Specific Program). This program supports nonprofit organizations that focus primarily on culturally specific communities and have experience in the area of sexual assault or who partner with an organization having such expertise. The goal of the SAS Culturally Specific Program is to establish, maintain, and expand sustainable, culturally appropriate services that address the unique needs and challenges of victims of sexual assault from culturally specific communities.

FY 2023 Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Program Deadline: April 11, 2023 at 11:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: April 18, 2023 at 9:00pm ET

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) announced the following funding opportunity. The Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Program (Rural Program). The Rural Program supports efforts to enhance the safety of rural victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and supports projects uniquely designed to address and prevent these crimes in rural areas.

FY 2023 Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Program Deadline: April 12, 2023 at 11:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: April 18, 2023 at 9:00pm ET

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) announced the following funding opportunity. The Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Program supports the maintenance and replication of existing successful community-based programs providing culturally specific services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, as well as the development of innovative culturally specific strategies to enhance access to services and resources for victims who face obstacles to accessing more traditional programs. (34 U.S.C. § 20124(b)(1)).

FY 2023 Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Deadline: April 17, 2023 at 11:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: April 20, 2023 at 9:00pm ET

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) announced the following funding opportunity. The Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Program (Transitional Housing Program) supports programs that provide 6-24 months of transitional housing with support services for victims who are homeless or in need of transitional housing or other housing assistance, as a result of a situation of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking; and for whom emergency shelter services or other crisis intervention services are unavailable or insufficient.

FY 2023 Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Program Deadline: April 25, 2023 at 11:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: April 27, 2023 at 9:00pm ET

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) announced the following funding opportunity, Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Program (Tribal Governments Program). This program is authorized by 34 U.S.C. 10452. The Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Program (referred to as the Tribal Governments Program) was authorized to assist tribal governments and authorized designees of tribal governments to respond to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking in their communities.

FY 2023 Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Grant Program Deadline: May 9, 2023 at 11:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: May 11, 2023 at 9:00pm ET

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) announced the following funding opportunity. The OVW Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Grant Program (Tribal Jurisdiction Program) supports tribes in their efforts exercise special Tribal criminal jurisdiction (STCJ) over non-Indians who commit “covered crimes” within the Tribe’s jurisdictional boundaries and provides technical assistance for planning and implementing changes in their criminal justice systems necessary to exercise the jurisdiction. “Covered crimes” are limited to assault of Tribal justice personnel; child violence; dating violence; domestic violence; obstruction of justice; sexual violence; sex trafficking; stalking; and violation of a protection order. Grant recipients are committed to exercising the jurisdiction to ensure that victims find safety and justice and that non-Indians who commit covered crimes within their jurisdiction are held accountable

FY 2023 Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction: Targeted Support for Alaska Native Tribes Special Initiative Deadline: May 9, 2023 at 11:59pm ET

JustGrants Deadline: May 11, 2023 at 9:00pm ET

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) announced the following funding opportunity. The OVW Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Program (Tribal Jurisdiction Program) supports tribes in their efforts to exercise special Tribal criminal jurisdiction (STCJ) over non-Indians who commit “covered crimes” and provides technical assistance for planning and implementing changes in their criminal justice systems necessary to exercise the jurisdiction. “Covered crimes” are limited to assault of Tribal justice personnel; child violence; dating violence; domestic violence; obstruction of justice; sexual violence; sex trafficking; stalking; and violation of a protection order. Grant recipients are committed to exercising the jurisdiction to ensure that victims find safety and justice and that non-Indians who commit covered crimes within their jurisdiction are held accountable. 

For additional information about these programs and related performance measures, including how awards contribute to the achievement of program goals and objectives, see:

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