Open Government
The League's August 2021 E-Muni
Subscribe now to the League's New Cybersecurity Newsletter. One monthly in-depth issue and alerts as needed. Read the Inaugural Issue.

Questions or suggestions? Contact the League's Robin Powers at email.
NEW in The Municipality
QR codes take you directly to the website that is referenced.

How does it work? Point your smartphone's camera at the code, then click through on your phone to the link that is provided.
Public Records Requests
Jerry Deschane, Executive Director, League of Wisconsin Municipalities
August, The Municipality, pg. 4

Public Records FAQ 8
How should a records custodian determine whether a request for a public record should be granted or denied? Read the response.
Attending Meetings Remotely After the Pandemic
Curt Witynski, JD, Deputy Executive Director, League of Wisconsin Municipalities
August, The Municipality, pg. 7

Archived Electronic Meetings Workshops
Brought to you by the Local Government Education Program at UW Madison Extension & the League of Wisconsin Municipalities 
• Effective Electronic Public Meetings - Part 1 - The Basics
• Effective Electronic Public Meetings - Part 2 - Advanced Issues
Delayed Census Means Less Time for Local Redistricting
Curt Witynski, Deputy Executive Director, League of Wisconsin Municipalities
August, The Municipality, pg. 10

Check out the League's Redistricting page.
2020 Census Data Emerges, With Valuable Facts for Municipalities
Eric Conrad, Editor, Maine Town & City
August, The Municipality, pg. 12

American Community Survey (ACS) helps local officials, community leaders, and businesses understand the changes taking place in their communities. It is the premier source for detailed population and housing information about our nation.

Census Bureau officials are available to help municipal staff and leaders who want to learn more about the available tools. Municipalities can even request “data dissemination specialist-led training by emailing a request to: 

The Census Bureau Academy offers video training recordings, workshops for data users, data tools, and data “gems.”

The Midwest Region of the United States Census Bureau serves Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin. Marilyn Sanders is the Regional Director.

The Wisconsin Department of Administration Demographic Services Center (DSC) staff develop annual estimates and future projections of the population for all Wisconsin towns, villages, and cities. DSC is also a US Census Bureau State Data Center (SDC) Lead Agency, helping people acquire and use Census Bureau data. In addition, DSC also reviews and provides access to records such as annexation petitions and ordinances on their Municipal Data System (MDS).
Timely Tool: Responsible Wisconsin Bidder Database
Cynthia Buchko, General Counsel, Construction Business Group
August, The Municipality, pg. 16

The Responsible Wisconsin Bidder database was created in 2020 by the Construction Business Group with the League of Wisconsin Municipalities. The Wisconsin Counties Association and the Wisconsin Towns Association have now joined the collaborative effort.

We Need Your Help
To make the bidder database an even more useful tool, we need your help. Through the online database, local government officials (and only local government officials) have access to a public works projects project evaluation form. The project evaluation is a short, easy-to-navigate digital questionnaire. Please fill it out for the projects that you have completed. Details here.

Make the most of your ARPA funds by ensuring that your public works projects are being awarded to responsible bidders!
Wisconsin Policy Forum Salute to Local Government Awards    
7 Different Categories - Nominate a project/someone Great Today  
Deadline is September 3, 2021.   
Municipal DataTool
Examining and comparing Wisconsin cities and villages
August 2021
Wisconsin Policy Forum
The NEW Basic Financial Administration for Wisconsin Local Governments provides you with practical day-to-day instructions on managing local government finance. This new handbook was a joint effort by the League, the Wisconsin Towns Association, the Local Government Education Program of the University of Wisconsin Extension and the Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue. Order your copy.
Want to learn more? Three of the professionals who literally helped write the book on "Basic Financial Administration" will be presenting at the League's 123rd Annual Conference in Green Bay. Details and Registration. #LeagueWI2021
Legal Articles
Enforcement of Wisconsin’s Sunshine Laws
Paul Ferguson, Assistant Attorney General, Wisconsin Dept. of Justice, Office of Open Government
August, The Municipality, pg. 19

Governing Bodies 411 Public Records 152 Article by Assistant Attorney General Paul Ferguson, DOJ Office of Open Government provides overview of Wisconsin’s open meetings and public records laws enforcement provisions and highlights available resources and training. Read the article. (PDF)

Bonus! Wisconsin Dept. of Justice Open Government Law and Compliance Guides
Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Part 3: The Incompatibility Doctrine and Miscellaneous Conduct Provisions*
Claire Silverman, Legal Counsel, League of Wisconsin Municipalities
July, The Municipality, pg. 22

Compatibility of Office 609 Legal comment explains incompatibility doctrine which prohibits a public official from simultaneously holding dual offices or an office and a position of public employment where the two are incompatible, and reviews statutory exceptions to doctrine including a new one created by 2021 Wis. Act 69 which allows a village trustee to be paid an hourly wage not exceeding $15,000 per year for work performed as a village employee.

Pecuniary Interest 396 Legal comment highlights various provisions applicable to
municipal officials and employees that govern conflict of interest and prohibit official misconduct.

Drug & Alcohol Testing Requirements for CDL Drivers
Lisa Bergersen, Principal Attorney at EngageHR Law, Former HR Director, City of Pewaukee
August, The Municipality, pg. 26

Employees 371 HR Matters column by Attorney Lisa Bergersen details drug and alcohol testing requirements for drivers of commercial motor vehicles including when testing is required, policy, education and training requirements, and includes a list of resources. Read the article. (PDF)
Click here to download this "For the Good of the Order" chart as a PDF
or see your August The Municipality magazine pg. 29.
Join Us!
League's next Member Roundtable via Zoom
September 14, 2021, 12:00-1:00
Zoom Information for all Roundtable calls.
Local Government 101
For New & Experienced Local Officials and Staff
Sept. 10 in Waupaca in person (limited capacity!)
Please thank our sponsors!

2021 Plumbing Inspectors Institute
September 15-17, 2021 Eau Claire
Hotel Lismore

Municipal Assessors Institute 2021 
Sept 28-30, 2021 in Oshkosh
Best Western Premier Waterfront Hotel & Convention Center

Building Inspectors Institute
October 6-8, 2021
Lismore Hotel, Eau Claire

Police & Fire Commission Workshop
November 3, 2021 in Wisconsin Dells
Wilderness Resort, Glacier Canyon Conference Center
The League's 123rd Annual Conference
Pre-conference Bonus Webinars October 12-14 Via Zoom
Annual Conference October 20-22
K-I Center, Green Bay

See the list of overflow hotels.


Human Resources for Small Communities
Three one-hour long webinars
November 9-11, 2021
10AM each day