The software architecture is platform independent (Java & Python) and modular (keep it simple) and interoperable.
In brief:
Integrated research tools for easier searching, monitoring, analytics, discovery and text mining of heterogenous and large document sets and news with free software on your own server
As I have noted before, the real innovative work in e-discovery, analytics, and information retrieval has been the "Python packages" that have run circles around the usual suspects.
Open Semantic Search is already being used for e-discovery work by in-house corporate legal departments on a "beta" basis but now the full launch is adding more users.
Our team has been using it in our data journalism and investigative journalism work.
There is a boatload of information on Open Semantic Search (link at the end of this post) but in a nutshell:
- Search engine (Full text search)
- Thesaurus & Grammar (Semantic search)
- Interactive filters (Faceted search)
- Exploration, browsing & preview (Exploratory search)
- Collaborative annotation & tagging (Social search & collaborative filtering)
- Data visualization (Dataviz)
- Monitoring: Alerts & Watchlists (Newsfeeds)
- Supports multiple data sources
- Automatic text recognition