The Batavia Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce that the October Ambassador of the Month is Jamie Saam! Jamie owns and is one of the masterminds of Start Something Studios, Inc., empowering local female entrepreneurs to learn and grow. She is also a co-owner of Bulldog Plumbing with her husband, Doug and a busy mom of high school boys. But this is only the tip of the iceberg of Jamie’s involvement.
The Chamber is fortunate to have Jamie as a valued member, a seasoned chamber ambassador, and as a member of our Board of Directors. There is no doubt that she is a fantastic ambassador, and we are so happy that she represents us so well. Jamie is a front-line spokesperson for the Batavia Chamber at public and Chamber-sponsored events and activities.
Jamie, as an ambassador, your dedication and efforts are appreciated and highly valued by the Board of Directors, Chamber staff and membership! Thank you!