Leave 5 Newsletter
It's a new year, and with that brings a chance for renewed focus!

After a tumultuous 2020, we know that there are still some question marks looming over how this year will look. Take this time to focus on the things you can control and give yourself flexibility and grace to handle the things out of your control.

We hope this newsletter will help set up your organization for success by working on a few key and easy tasks to kick off your year. We are excited for how the Leave 5 program will benefit the community and nonprofits. We will periodically be sending out these newsletters for your benefit and hope you enjoy them!
Make a plan for the year.
We know that this year may still be filled with uncertainty, but a general communication plan is always a great thing to have! Click the button below to download a content calendar template that Laurin Kocurek shared at the 2020 Nonprofit Marketing conference!
Update your gift acceptance policy.
Have you recently reviewed your gift acceptance policy? It's always good to look that over at least once a year. Check it for inaccuracies or updated policies. Need some inspiration? Click the button below to see a sample policy on the Leave 5 resource page!
Incorporate the Leave 5 Program
Take this time to update your communication and print materials to reflect your membership with the Leave 5 program. Logos and other assets can be found in the Nonprofit Member Portal on the Leave 5 website. REMEMBER to save the password: Leave5_2020
REMEMBER to save the password: Leave5_2020
Unsure how to launch a planned giving program at your nonprofit? Take a look at this awesome article at Philanthropy Today by clicking here!