Stay informed about Sixes UMC!
Give A Kid A Chance
Backpack Drive
As a note of celebration during this time, I wanted to offer congratulations to the Sixes community for fulfilling this year's pledge of 175 completed backpacks! Thank you for your continued support of this ministry.

GAKAC will still be supplying children with backpacks this summer, through a contactless drive-through. However, with lessened donations during these months, GAKAC would be grateful for any support offered above and beyond our church's pledge.

Ways to give:

***To drop off supplies/backpacks, please contact me as I will need to meet you at the GAKAC warehouse, located at Ace Academy (previously Teasley Middle School) at 8871 Knox Bridge Hwy, Canton, GA 30114. FINAL DAY for backpack drop-off is Friday, July 10th.

In Christ,

Jane Storch
GAKAC School Supplies Manager & Liaison for Sixes UMC
Congratulations 2020 Graduates
While Covid 19 has certainly thrown a wrench in the celebration that comes with graduation, I wanted to say on behalf of the entire church...Congratulations 2020 graduates!!! We have people in the church graduating high school, college, and seminary!

Keep an eye out for announcements on how we are going to celebrate our graduates before we are able to meet in person, and when we are meeting in person for Sunday morning worship.

In the meantime, if you have a 2020 graduate graduating from high school or beyond, please contact Josh Garner at [email protected] and give him a heads up because we don't want to leave anyone out. It is time to celebrate and we want to make sure we celebrate everyone!

Sixes UMC Plan for Re-opening
I am excited to announce that the church created a reopening task force that has the task of creating policies and procedures for reopening the church for Sunday morning worship and for the other ministries of our church.

The "small groups" sub-committee (Mary Prior, Fritz Kuhn, and Jennifer Watson) of the Health and Wellness Committee is tentatively planning to brief the leaders of all the small groups, which utilize the church facilities, on June 22-26 (if policies and procedures are finalized by then). They will explain safety precautions and cleaning procedures required to ensure the safety of the church membership. The sub-committee will continue to assist the small groups in understanding and implementing the Sixes UMC COVID-19 policies and procedures throughout the remainder of the year.

In the meantime, be sure to continue to worship at Sixes UMC by worshiping online at or on our Facebook page at Our Facebook page also contains weekly devotionals on Tuesdays and Wednesday night worship as well.
Church Stewardship
Diana Downey & Jake Webster
Church Stewardship

May 2020 YTD Giving is down and expenses slightly higher versus Many 2019 YTD but monies received from the SBA Payroll Protection Program, which will not be paid back, have supported the church to remain in a strong cash position. General Fund Cash at May 31, 2020 is $183,379.

General Fund

May 2020 YTD Actuals

Giving - $147,406
Expenses - $171,700
Difference - (24,293)
SBA PPP - $37,400

May 2019 YTD Actuals

Giving - $156,071
Expenses - $169,486
Difference - (13,415)


Giving - (8,665)
Expenses - (2,214)
SBA PPP - $37,400

Even though we are not currently meeting on campus for worship, there are still many ways in which you can give to God through Sixes UMC.

  1. Text Giving: This is a great, quick, and easy way to give on Sunday mornings, or anytime you are thinking about Sixes UMC. Text the message "@sixesumc Give" to 52014 and follow the prompts. This is my favorite way to give because of how easy it is to use.
  2. Online Giving: This is a great way to give when you can't be at Church, and it is a great way of setting up weekly or monthly giving on a recurring basis. Visit our website at
  3. You are still invited to mail an offering to the Church at 8385 Bells Ferry Rd., Canton, Georgia 30114.
  4. Bank Bill Pay: You can give your offering to God through Sixes UMC by making Sixes UMC a vendor in bill pay. The church address is 8385 Bells Ferry Rd. Canton, GA 30114.

Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is meeting OFFSITE and outdoors every Monday night at 7pm.
All are welcome!
The address is:

GAPS Counseling
4595 Towne Lake Parkway
Building 300, Suite 100
Woodstock, Georgia 30189