July 1, 2022
Hi there, 👋

Happy Fourth of July! Don't forget that we are here for your pursuit of all things STEM! Get inspired with all of the STEM news the STEMINIST brings to you, as well as upcoming events, internships, and news about you and your peers.
Smart Sister 3 - Investing Basics
September 14th - Investing Basics

Join Smart Sister Finance on September 14th to learn how investing works.

To reach your goals you need to not just save, but invest your money too! 
In this class, we will learn:
  • Savings goals and the magic of compound interest
  • Types of investment accounts and how to access them
  • The differences between stocks, bonds and mutual funds
  • Books, apps and websites that can help you learn more about smart investing

Justine Jentes
Saying goodbye is hard, but especially when it is to one of our favorite people! Justine Jentes, (Exelon Foundation) worked with the Exelon STEM Academy for the past 5 years. She has been an encourager of all things STEM and women and she oversaw much of this program's growth into what we know today as the Exelon STEM Academy. We want to thank Justine for being such an inspiration and supporter of all things STEM and wish her well in her future. We will miss her!

Enjoy some photos of her live and on Zoom!
The Exelon STEM Leadership Academies are happening this month!
Watch on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIN), to follow what’s happening at the Exelon STEM Academies in Philadelphia, Chicago, and College Park, Maryland this summer. Click on the social media links at the bottom of STEMinist to like and follow. 
Websites in the Spotlight!
Wind Turbine Blades in the News
What do we do with 150 ft. wind turbine blades when they are no longer useable? We recycle them!
"Researchers estimate 43 million tons of wind turbine blades will be discarded worldwide by 2050..."
Almost 85% of the blade is able to be recycled and since about 70% of that is silica, it can be used to replace raw silica in making concrete.
Read the full story of a plant in Missouri that is recycling Wind Turbine blades.
Brian Munoz / /St. Louis Public Radio
A deconstructed wind turbine blade sits on a tractor-trailer after it is weighed on Monday at Veolia Environmental Services in Louisiana, Missouri. The company has expanded the plant's services in order to recycle the blades from across the United States.
Sheep manage local vegetation at a solar array.
Image: EDF Renewables
The 23.4 MW Arnprior site occupies 180 acres and supplies power to the equivalent of 7,000 homes’ peak demand.
Image: EDF Renewables
Butterflies, bees, sheep, and solar energy production can coexist!
In Canada, there is a 23.4 MegaWatt agrivoltaic facility that combines local wildlife, agriculture and a solar farm. Since the photovoltaic arrays were installed in 2009, the project has pioneered efforts in supporting bees, butterflies, and sheep grazing.
Find out how these coexist and flourish by reading the article.
Aging solar panels present an opportunity for Recycling
Photovoltaic Cells, What do we do with them after they no longer convert sunlight into electricity? Read how NREL (National Renewable Energy Lab) projected a renewable future for used Photovoltaic arrays; then read about Solarcycle, the company who is spearheading that future in the U.S.
Summer STEM Activities Continued
Are you in charge of children this summer? Do you have younger siblings that you need to keep busy? Are you working for a summer camp? Here is another website to find fun STEM activities to do with kids this summer.
Spotlighting Exelon STEM Scholars 2021
Teegan Mathey - Exelon STEM Scholar
University of Alabama 
Environmental Science

Over the past three years, the Exelon STEM Academy has truly shaped my future career aspirations and means of achieving them. Exelon was with me every step of the way: from guidance in the early stages of exploring career options, my college search, to leadership and professional skills building. The opportunity to receive my degree with zero debt is the most special privilege I have ever been given, and I’ve made sure to make the most of my first year in school. The opportunity to fully immerse myself onto campus free of concern over debt has allowed me to get involved in student government, greek life, and my STEM to MBA program…just to name a few. I absolutely would not be where I am today without the Exelon STEM Academy and I cannot wait to see where my journey with the program will take me next.”

I am currently interning in the vegetation management department of ComEd! While I've only been an intern for a few weeks, I've been very fortunate to shadow a variety of people within the department already.
All of my coworkers have given me great ideas and insight into planning my summer project, which is the vegetation management of a section of the Illinois Prairie Path. The path runs underneath transmission lines and the woody vegetation in some sections poses a risk to the lines above. My job is proposing a solution to managing the vegetation in the area, to not only ensure safety and reliability for ComEd, but to meet the needs of DuPage County as well. I'm excited to see my project come together and to continue gaining experience!
Alima Conde - Exelon STEM Scholar

North Carolina – Charlotte
Computer Science

Receiving this scholarship means that someone had hope for me and believed in my future.
“With this scholarship, I have been able to set higher goals for myself and focus on my education without financial stress.  Being a recipient of the Exelon STEM Academy Scholarship has opened a pool of opportunities for me and it means a lot to me and my family. Being involved with Exelon has impacted important aspects of my life such as career and college by guiding me through the professional world. I have been able to see diversity and inclusion all while understanding what I might be interested in and see how possible it is to navigate through working in STEM fields.”

I am interning at the Pepco office in Washington D.C. with Jim Calabrese. I've had the opportunity to listen in to many business meetings and shadow members of projects to find what area of IT I am interested in. I've been able to get training and a great introduction to the basics of the IT department at Pepco. So far, I have an interest in Cyber Security, Infrastructure Services, Data Management, and Project Management. I have met great people and I am enjoying my internship experience.
Top STEM Scholarships in 2022
Do you see yourself going from high School to college? Visualize your graduation day and then your move in day to the college/university/trade school of your choice.

Do you need help to finance this vision?

This website has some of the top scholarships for STEM students in 2022. You just might find one or more that fit you to a T. Check out the Scholarship360 website for more information.
Exelon and our operating companies are sharing fun updates on social media! Be sure to keep in touch and follow us: