Oolong Gallery is pleased to announce Bread and Chocolate, a sculpture / painting show between Minga Opazo (b. in Chile; lives and works in Ojai, CA) and Peter Stearns (b. 1945, Woodland, CA; lives and works in North Vista, CA). After 30 years in hiding, Stearns' new figurative paintings explore floating shapes, geometry and rural CA living in surrealist tropes (domesticated rope / shinto knots; cross-dressed roosters). In a similar warm palette, Opazo recycles found textiles to make sculptural work, even harvesting natural elements in certain installations (like soil, grass, or mushrooms over six months). Peter Stearns' body of work spans four decades and merges autobiography, fantasy, and whimsy with sardonic and spiritual humor, imagery, and themes. As an autodidact painter, the formal possibilities of his art work can be traced back to Second Generation Bay Area Figuration painting — from the influence of Peter's time well spent there at the peak of Haight Ashbury counterculture (1968-1972) but not associated with any formal painting movement. Opazo is a fourth-generation textile crafter who explores the relationship between climate change, contemporary textile production, and Chilean textile history and design. Born in Chile, Minga immigrated to Los Angeles at the age of 16 where she recently completed her MFA at CalArts, following a BFA from UC Berkeley. Opazo questions the textile industry by creating a series of cultural works that explore the idea of solastalgia, a term which describes the mental or existential distress caused by environmental change and living in an era of excess, constantly consuming and throwing away. Both artists transmute the weight of the human world with a lightness of being in their painting and sculpture practices alike. Oolong Gallery is happy to present this hot summer show.
Minga Opazo | Peter Stearns
Bread and Chocolate
June 24 - August 1
Oolong Gallery
349 N Coast Hwy 101
Solana Beach CA 92075
Preview: info@oolongallery.com
Telephone +1 858 229 2788