A Newsletter about Leaving Your Legacy with Adventure Unlimited

Dear Alex,

Can you commit to being part of our 8%? Each year, donors commit a planned gift with Adventure Unlimited that contributes around 8% of our Annual Fund needs. The best part is, you can commit now to being part of the 8% today or in our future.

I’m blessed to witness and assist in many of these wonderful gifts. A cherished anonymous donor and friend of Adventure Unlimited made a difference by including us in their estate plan. In working closely with them to plan for this gift, we’re now able to steward their funds as they intended.

By considering a planned gift, you can make a lasting impact on our community while also helping you achieve your personal philanthropic goals. 

We hope you find some helpful ideas in this email and are inspired by one donor’s story on how being a part of our 8% makes a difference.


Laura Lochen

Assistant Director – Development Operations

888.416.7348 x107

[email protected]

P.S. We'd love to know what you’re interested in learning about! Send your suggestions for future topics to me: llochen@adventureunlimited.org

Smart Planning that Helps You Give Generously and Save on Taxes

Have you ever wondered what strategies you can use to invest in Adventure Unlimited? There are a variety of ways you can plan a gift to Adventure Unlimited in addition to estate planning – gifts that, with the right planning, can benefit you, your loved ones and Adventure Unlimited in your lifetime.


Gratitude for a Friend Who Loved Adventure Unlimited

It’s a big decision with a big impact to name a worthwhile organization in your estate plan. With deep gratitude, Adventure Unlimited received a bequest that will benefit many participants of the DiscoveryBound (DB) National Leadership Council (NLC) and other Adventure Unlimited programs.

The donor had attended their family member’s graduation from NLC at its All Class Retreat, an annual event that unites every key player in the program – teens, their mentors, class leaders and parents. The event was the well-deserved culmination of four years of servant leadership education based on the teachings of Christ Jesus.

Always giving anonymously, the donor “loved and appreciated the NLC weekend and came away with a deeper appreciation for the NLC program,” a family member says. They also loved seeing the A/U Ranches (the location of the All Class Retreat that year) as it was their first visit there.

The donor “always appreciated what Adventure Unlimited provides for kids and teens,” says the family member. They were “just so happy and grateful to be able to give.”

Would you like to be part of the 8% of planned gifts we receive each year? Learn more by clicking the button below.


The Program that Changed Everything: NLC

A long-term investment in the DiscoveryBound National Leadership Council (NLC) enables that program to continue blessing participants after they complete it. Sofia Minich, who graduated in 2022, loved her four years in NLC and is still being supported by the skills and friendships she developed in it.


The Summit Society: Our Thank You to You

The Summit Society of Adventure Unlimited was established to honor all those who have taken the special step of including Adventure Unlimited in their long-term plans through a bequest provision or other estate commitment. If you’ve done this already, please let us know! As our thank you for your significant and special gift, we’ll send you a print of the original painting pictured above by Adventure Unlimited alumna Caitlin Heimerl.


Adventure Unlimited’s 2023 Metaphysical Theme

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:

‒ I Peter 4:10 (ESV)

Phone: 888.416.7348 | Email


Adventure Unlimited provides recreational adventure, leadership, service, education and community
activities that foster spiritual growth and healing in an environment where Christian Science is lived.

Adventure Unlimited, which includes DiscoveryBound and the A/U Ranches, is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.