Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

John 8:32

Openness and honesty are hard; we all know that to some degree. It’s also true, however, that they’re healing and restorative. It’s a big part of what we strive for at our Tuesday Morning Men’s Group.

If you’d like to share in that journey, we’d love to have you. If you want to learn a bit about the experience, check out the following words from our very own John Hayes:

Men’s Group

“Hey, there’s a men’s group at church,” she said. “Since you’re retired, why don’t you join?”

“Right,” I thought. “Another meeting, as if I’m not done with that. After forty years in the trial courts it’s time to turn down the heat. ”

“Beside, revealing what I really think could get me in deep water. Word might get around that I’m a ‘trouble-maker’.”

“And they wouldn’t understand what I have to say, If I really opened up.”

So, it was against my better judgment that I joined the men’s group. Then, I found out that I was not alone.

Not every man in the group is a trouble-maker, of course. But honesty can be a healthy thing.

Tuesday Morning Men's Group meets Tuesdays at 7:00 a.m. in Room 238. You're invited to share in the journey and join us! 


Ed Sutter

Director of Youth Ministry & Family Counseling

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