Operation Lifesaver says: See tracks? Think Train® this week

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Sept. 23, 2024 – The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission reminds all road users about rail safety this week in observance of Operation Lifesaver’s “See Tracks? Think Train Week,” September 23-29.

According to Operation Lifesaver, every three hours in the United States a vehicle or person gets hit by a train. That translates to more than 2,300 people who are killed or injured annually by a train. More than 60% of collisions occur on crossings that are equipped with lights or gates.

“See Tracks? Think Train Week highlights the importance of our rail safety education program,” Louisiana Operation Lifesaver Executive Director Nan Arthur said. “Operation Lifesaver, our partners, stakeholders and volunteers are working this week and throughout the year to raise public awareness about making good, safe decisions around tracks and trains. Every three hours, a vehicle or a person is struck by a train. We are working hard to bring these numbers down by educating the public.”

“The troubling thing about train collisions is that most of them happen on well-marked rail crossings,” LHSC Executive Director Lisa Freeman said. “That means people aren’t obeying the signs.”

To counteract this behavior, Operation Lifesaver has brought together first responders and their communities through the Operation Clear Track Initiative. Operation Clear Track is a national partnership between Operation Lifesaver and Amtrak to help raise awareness about the importance of safe choices around rail crossings.

In 2023, based on preliminary Federal Railroad Administration data, there were 77 collisions with trains in Louisiana, resulting in two deaths and 37 injuries. Louisiana has nearly 3,000 miles of railroad tracks and approximately 5,600 public and private at-grade road crossings.

“Trains are always closer and faster moving than you think,” Freeman said. “Think of it this way. If it’s a tie, the train is going to win every time. Never, never try to beat a train.”

Tips for staying safe in your car around trains:

  • Do not assume a train is coming at the same time or from the same direction every day.
  • Don’t drive over a railroad crossing unless you are certain there is enough room for your vehicle to clear the crossing. Trains can extend up to three feet beyond the rails.
  • If you are stopped at multiple sets of tracks and the passing train has cleared, check to ensure another train is not coming from the opposite direction.

On Friday, September 27, Operation Lifesaver asks that everyone wear red for the day to promote rail safety during “Red Out for Rail Safety Day.” They ask that people share photos of themselves wearing red and to use the campaign’s official hashtag: #RedOutForRailSafety.

Operation Lifesaver is a national non-profit safety organization that educates people about train safety. The Louisiana chapter of OL provides speakers to give free presentations. To any group that is interested in learning more, visit their website or reach out to LA OL Executive Director Nan Arthur at OperationLifesaver@la.gov.

For more information, contact:

Gregory Fischer

Public Information Officer

DPS – Louisiana Highway Safety Commission


225-925-7858 (work)

225-489-1969 (mobile)

Mark Lambert

Lambert Media




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