Operation Renewed Hope
P.O. Box 43242
Fayetteville, NC 28309


JUNE 28 - JULY 2, 2022


Brother Sergei, our partner in Lutsk, Ukraine, is director of Living Hope Charitable Funds. He sent the following pictures of tents sent by a sister foundation in Sweden.

This tent will house refugees before they cross out of Ukraine as the Russian army moves their direction. Pray for Sergei, his wife, new baby, and other children. Pray God would make himself known to them by His protection as they serve those in great need.
(Above) The refugee tent fully erected. This tent can sleep 200 refugees.
(Below) These men are helping Sergei to reach his people with physical care and spiritual enlightenment. Pray for such worthy people.
Enskyy Family during happy moments.
Pray for Lori. She and the children are in Budapest separated from Oleg.
Pray for Oleg! He gained manhood under the USSR occupation of his beloved Ukraine. Watching his people suffer again is very hard. He is a faithful man who preaches the Word of God.
Thank God for Oleg and Lori Enskyy. It is a privilege to work with them and their fine church in Mukachevo. Lori is presently in Budapest supplying Oleg with needed materials to keep their church open as a refugee center.

This week a pastor called ORH about a missionary family in Ukraine needing help. The missionary family was directed to Oleg in Mukachevo. ORH is thankful for the Enskyy family.

Although conscripted into the war, Oleg was released from military duty as a chaplain because of a medical condition which prevents him from lifting any heavy items or digging.

Please read the following from Lori on two separate occasions.

"The church continues to serve and minister to the fleeing. It has been very encouraging to see our people keep on keeping on in Oleg's absence. They have taken over and the fear that once stymied them has been shaken off. They are feeding, witnessing, helping to coordinate transfers to the EU and running the children’s feeding center. We talk daily and I am helping in the decision-making processes.

This week, a displaced American missionary from Kharkov called me about helping out at church. After phone conversations with me and Oleg, we agreed to let he and his family help our people. Please pray for Jonathan and his family to be a blessing as they seek to help the war relief effort. Over 1 million Ukrainian women and children have fled the country. It is heartbreaking!

I have especially been overwhelmed by the support you have shown us with Oleg being mobilized. The Lord has sustained me, given me a supernatural peace (many were praying for this) and helped me to care for my children. I have had trouble sleeping and eating but I think that is part of the shock and grieving process. Sometimes it is hard to pray or concentrate on anything, so I have just called out to God for mercy and help."

Lori wrote in a second communication after Oleg was released from military duty.

"Oleg made it home from Kyiv with the help of seminary brothers in Christ, it took him 3 days. Without them, he would still be there. This experience showed him the dire need for satellite phones, gps equipment for rescuing civilians where all signage has been displaced or rearranged to deflect the enemy. We will be using relief funds to help these brothers get the equipment they need to save mothers and children. Oleg will then help them get across the border when they get to Mukachevo. Thank you for praying for Oleg's journey. 

We thought that the army was going to take over our building. As it turns out, it was not the army but a corrupt city official trying to use the war for his own gain. When we called our landlord, she had not heard a word of this and after that call, Oleg has not been contacted again by this man. An official from our state capitol contacted Oleg about opening our doors for refugee children. Please pray for the Lord to give us wisdom as to how best to use our church building for God's glory and Kingdom advancement. We are now feeding refugees, our at-risk kids, and people from the community in need. Before each meal, a Gospel message is shared.

The war continues to rage and Russians are now bombing cities 3 hours away from Mukachevo. The hot zones remain Kyiv, Kharkov, Mariupol, Kherson, and Odessa. Please pray for the people living there and for the brave soldiers defending their homeland.... In Christ, Lori for all the Enskyys"

Pray ORH will be strong enough as an organization to continue the support to help. It has been ORH's great privilege to support with confidence and joy Oleg and Lori at Holy Trinity Baptist Church which they started.
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God bless you,
The Operation Renewed Hope Family Around the World!
P.O. Box 43242
Fayetteville, NC 28309-3242
Phone: (910) 987-5072