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Holiday Greetings from

Sunny Southern California &

Operation Walk Los Angeles

December 1, 2022


  1. Holiday Sentiments from our Operation Walk Team Members
  2. Holiday Traditions Around the World
  3. Enjoy a bit of Time Travel with Jeri Ward, RN. & The Baldwins
  4. Shop til you drop with www. AmazonSmile.com - GIVING feels good & so easy too! www.smile.amazon.com/ch/82-2410627. Sign up today!
  5. Meet Kim C. a new Operation Walk sponsor.
  6. Doing Small Acts with Great Love, By: Molly Anderson
  7. Gala and #GivingTuesday fundraising totals
  8. END-OF-YEAR donations, please remember Operation Walk.

It's the most wonderful time of the year-- tell us why!

"What's your favorite part of the holidays?"

"Watching Christmas movies with my family. Baking with my children and watching The Grinch on Christmas Eve."

-Marion Moser, Administrator

"Seeing all the messages and cards from family and friends. It helps keep me connected, and reinforces what is truly important in life. "

-Dr. John Kumar, Orthopedic Surgeon

"Having the family at home. The chitter-chatter and joyful energy in the house makes me happy...even with the dirty dishes and unmade beds!"

-Mrs. Jill Baffert

"Baking gingerbread with my sons & all their buddies in our kitchen before Christmas, a tradition started in kindergarten and continued through college. My favorite things about the holidays is gathering with friends and family. My culture celebrates the holidays by celebrating St. Nicholas Day, a German tradition on Dec. 6, by filling our shoes with a little gift.

-Racquel Landworth-Kleinhenz, Operation Walk Photographer

"Celebrating Christmas Eve at my childhood home (my 90 year old mom still lives there!), going to mass with our whole family, eating a delicious homemade meal together, & watching the 'kids' clean the entire kitchen, lots of towel flicking & laughter (but no broken china!). BLISS

-Ava Baldwin, Administrative Coordinator

"Spending time with family. My favorite tradition is making Christmas Balls ( peanut butter, Rice Krispies /chocolate and lots of sugar!). After dinner we often go to a movie!

-Dr. Paul Gilbert- Orthopedic surgeon

"Getting with my siblings and all of the neighborhood kids in front of my mother's house and having athletic contests. Now we mostly play chess or just eat."

-Dr. Long, Orthopedic Surgeon

 "My favorite thing about the holidays is gathering with the family. I spend every single Christmas with my family in Spain. The only one time I couldn’t make it was in 2020 (for obvious reasons!) but I nurture every single moment I have with them. My favorite celebration off the holidays in Spain is New Year’s Eve. On the last seconds of the year, we eat a grape with each of the twelve clock bell strikes at midnight of December 31 to welcome the New Year. It’s a fun way to finish a year and start a new one!"

-Pablo Ortega- Media Consultant


2022 Christmas/Holiday Traditions around the world

USA: Gift buying and giving, go to church, and sharing a meal with family and/or friends. Hanukkah is also celebrated, celebrating the rededicated of the holy temple of Jerusalem. 8 days of lighting candles, traditional foods, games and gifts.

TANZANIA: Visit Church for mass and a lavish dinner with family and friends.


Midnight mass and opening presents with family and friends, and EATING.

NEPAL: Going to church.



NICARAGUA: In Latin and South America Christmas is celebrated by mass and being with family friends.

INDIA: Churches are decorated and so are Mango trees.

GHANA: Celebrations with family gatherings and feasts.

IRELAND: Mass followed by big Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve.

CANADA: Decorating a Christmas Tree & exchanging presents

GERMANY: Light symbolic candles for 4 weeks leading up to Christmas

Time Travel

Enjoy a trip down memory lane

By: Jeri Ward, RN. & Ava & Kyle Baldwin

What started as a pebble thrown into a lake, the idea of Operation Walk has become a reality and an answered prayer to many patients around the world. In 1994 on a train in Russia, Dr. Larry Dorr conceived the idea to provide Free hip and knee replacements in parts of the world where they didn't have access to joint replacement surgery.

Rather than talk or merely give a lecture to doctors in foreign lands, skilled orthopedic surgeons would actually DO the operations while teaching the techniques. Operation Walk was born, the idea became a reality through the hard work and perseverance of the "3 musketeers": Dr. Larry Dorr, Mary Ellen Sieben, RN, and Jeri Ward, RN.

Thank goodness these 3 and the team they put in place had a Never, Never, Never, quit attitude. 

To have a copy of the book sent to you, email Ava@operationwalk.org

Donations kindly appreciated.

The Early Years:

In 1994 the idea for Operation Walk was born in Russia on a train. In 1997 in Havana Cuba the first team operated on over 40 joints.

The inaugural trip was a huge success!

Dr. Dorr at the helm, Mary Ellen Sieben RN his first mate, and Jeri Ward, RN as the Coordinator of all.

Alas let's do this again and again and again! The idea caught on and the team grew and the donors grew and pretty soon the team did 2 trips per year.

But wait, what about another Operation Walk team, based out of Indiana? and fundraisers? and...and...

Oh How we Grew:

One team became 18 across the United States, Canada, and Ireland. These teams Operate with the Operation Walk model, teams are responsible for securing their own funding and trip coordination.

The success of this relatively simple model is due to the overwhelming professionalism and dedication of Operation Walk's volunteer teams; doctors, nurses, PA (Physician Assistant), scrub techs, physical therapists, & ancillary staff. These teams are 100% mission focused. They work in harmony like a finely tuned piano & create a beautiful outcome for people who are in most need.

While in the actual surgery, the doctors would live-stream their surgical techniques and thus educate the local doctors. This was a great way to invite the local staff into the surgery and to have them be able to rewatch and ask questions all week and long after our team had gone back to the United States.

Bringing the OR in real time to many was remarkable, hence the idea for a Medical Symposium here in the US was born. Doctors from all over the country would attend and witness a live streamed surgery, learn about the latest medical advances, research, post operative care, and instrumentation. Operation Walk continued to trail blaze.

The Future Is Bright:

Onward we go into 2023!

Although filling Dr. Dorr's shoes is impossible, fulfilling his mission is not! We can't let it die and we are committed to patients all over the globe to provide access and free life changing surgeries. We must!

With the passing of Dr. Dorr in 2020, and Jeri's semi-retirement in 2022 some may wonder "What now?"


We will Walk On and blaze new trails in countries for patients that need us more than ever. With the state of the world economies, charity is so greatly needed. In the spirit of Dr. Dorr, we don't quit! We dream and then we make it reality.

Africa in 2023

Philippines in 2024?

Another trip nearby?

Another team forming?

Another country to help?

Onward... the way into the future, is a steady and inspired WALK. We hope you'll continue with us on the journey.

'Tis the season to SHOP

why not shop Amazon Smile ?

.05% of your purchase goes directly to

Operation Walk.... it's that easy!

If you're shopping On Amazon this holiday, help Operation Walk at the same time. Use Amazon Smile link, only one log in required.

Follow the 5 easy steps: (why not do it now?)

Step 1 Click on our unique Amazon charity link:


Step 2- click on "start shopping" when prompted

Step 3 -Log into your Amazon account if you're not already logged in

Step 4- Add items to your cart and shop as you regularly would

Step 5 -Check out, that's it! (All your Amazon information is saved-only one sign up required!).

EVERYTIME you shop Amazon, please use Amazon Smile instead.

PROTIP: Save time. Add the extension Smilematic to your browser to automatically direct you to our Amazon Smile link! www.smile.amazon.com/ch/82-2410627. This way you don't have to worry about remembering to use our link, it'll already take you to the Amazon Smile site & you've helped Operation Walk fulfill the promise, "Give Hope, Change Lives".

Thank You and Happy Shopping.( .05% of all proceeds go directly to Operation Walk. )

Paying it Forward with Gratitude

By Kim C.

Introduction by Ava Baldwin

Not often do you receive an email where someone's life has been dramatically changed 9 years earlier by an orthopedic surgeon.

Meet Kim C., Kim was disabled by arthritis for most of her adult life, when her surgeon, told her she could live pain free with bilateral knee replacement surgery, Kim knew she had to trust her doctor as life with her pain was intolerable & debilitating.

In Kim's own words,

"Gratitude.. I was filled with gratitude as I heard a voice say, " Kim, wake up. Your surgery is over."

When my orthopedist stated that we should replace both of my knees at the same time, I was shocked and said,"Do you really think I could handle that?" Dr. Peter said, "I know you can."

At that time, I often reflected on how fortunate I was to live in a place where I had access to good medical care for knee replacements.

I thought of all the people in the world who didn't have the opportunity to have joint replacements and were relegated to a life of dibilitation. My dream for the past nine years was to be able to contribute to help this happen for someone else. Operation Walk Los Angeles has made this possible.

Joint replacement can completely change lives. In the course of nine months, I went from hardly able to walk and needing the assistance of canes, to be able to walk several miles in a day, dance, and reclaim my life in a manner I'd never thought possible.

I am grateful."

Kim is a proud sponsor of Operation Walk, Los Angeles. She is doing good in this world through her generosity. There is a patient in Africa awaiting our skilled surgeons and team to provide the gift of mobility.

Our heartfelt gratitiude to Kim and all who know what it means to:

"Give Hope and Change Lives".


Small Acts Done with Great LOVE

Molly Op Walk Volunteer & Team Translator, working in Guatemala.

Molly Anderson (pictured right) & friend Kaley Schmidt sell handmade jewelry at Operation Walk's Annual Gala.

Molly Anderson is a teenager who makes a real difference in the world. Encouraged by her 'mum' & RN, Julie Anderson, Molly wanted to do more than 'just' volunteer, she wanted to help raise money and awareness for Operation Walk. In her own words,

"After my return from a life changing [mission] trip to Guatemala, I decided to try and make some items to help fundraise by myself.

I made a variety of earrings, and my grandma who lives in England helped me make some crystal dream catchers. I'm so proud that my earrings will help future Operation Walk missions" Molly donated 100% of the profits to help the people in Arusha Tanzania. To order online visit Mollybutton6@gmail.com

What small acts can we do to make the world walk pain free?

Please Remember Operation Walk in your end of year charitable contributions.

For year end charitable contribution questions contact: Marion@operationwalk.org


Fundraising Tallies:

Gala proceeds ~$375,978 (expenses are not finalized at time of newsletter). But the net is approximately $280,000.

#Giving Tuesday ~$19,270

Molly's Jewelry Sales ~$265

On behalf of our Operation Walk patients, our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous supporters & volunteers!

There's still time to make a tax deductible donation to help Operation Walk reach it's 2022 goal of $500,000.

This would cover the full mission trip to Tanzania

go to: www.operationwalk.org or click on link below.

Visit our Website

To donate, volunteer, or learn about Operation Walk.

2022 Photo Gallery

Photography by: Raquel Landworth-Kleinhenz & Cami Ward

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Together, LET'S grow Operation Walk !

On behalf of the entire Operation Walk Team,

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

All the Best to You and Yours in 2023.

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