Time to join or renew your MMCMS membership for 2018!
Click one of the links above or contact Chrisy at MMCMS for more information. chrisy@mmcms.org or 209-723-2976
CMS issues proposed opioid overutilization policy
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a proposed rule that would require Medicare Part D plans to place new limits on opioid prescribing that would take effect in 2019. The rule proposes the following:More...
Noridian implements temporary ICD-10 code fix for mammography and breast biopsy policies
California’s Medicare contractor, Noridian, recently implemented a temporary correction to the National Coverage Determination policies for mammograms (NCD 220.4) and percutaneous image-guided breast biopsies (NCD 220.13), allowing for the acceptance of new 2018 ICD-10 diagnosis codes.More...
TRICARE program officially transitioned to Health Net Federal Services
On January 1, 2018, Health Net Federal Services (HNFS) began providing managed care services to 2.9 million TRICARE beneficiaries in the 21 western states, including California. During the first month of the transition, there were few reports of issues with the new TRICARE West Region contractor.More...
Member Benefit Highlight
Audio Digest CME
Audio-Digest publishes clinical lectures – presented by experts at the nation’s preeminent teaching institutions – that will help you to provide better care for your patients. Each audio program qualifies for Category 1 CME credit and Audio-Digest offers educational programs for most specialties. Audio-Digest is a convenient way to earn your CME credits; you can listen to a CD in the car, at home or anywhere that you can listen to your iPod or MP3 player. For further information contact MMCMS at 209-723-2976 or chrisy@mmcms.org.
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