Arts Updates, Interviews, Calendar, Calls for Artists and Volunteers, Auditions --- It's All Here in Arts Blast, Arts Blast on the Air, and on Facebook.

Supporting The Arts & Arts Councils Everywhere

Volume 5 No. 35| September 22, 2023

Still in post-op recovery mode but getting closer to normal. Thanks for all your good wishes.

Schedules are rolling in for the 2023-2024 season and the information will be uploaded to our website as soon as possible after it's received. If you're responsible for promoting an arts-related event, send in details using the format at the end of this email. There's no charge for basic calendar listings but your flyer that includes a link to your website will do more to catch readers' attention. Email for advertising info.

Please support small, local businesses. Arts Blast is one of them, so if you have an event coming up, or something artsy to sell or teach, consider advertising it in Arts Blast!

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Some St. John webcam links, just for the beauty of it.

Arts Blast on the Air with Willi Miller

September 20, 2023  - Lisa Hastings of the Vero Beach Theatre Guild talks to us about the exciting musical, "The Addams Family." And a Director of Vero Beach Art Club, Jackie Jennings, tells us about all of their upcoming events

Note: Arts Blast on the Air podcast is now available on more sites — SpreakerSpotifyiHeartRadioDeezerPodcast AddictPodchaser; and JioSaavn — and there's even an Alexa skill! "Alexa, play the latest Arts Blast on the Air with Willi Miller."

Bookmark On the Calendar at for frequent updates. Calls for Artists, Auditions, & Volunteers are on the website, too. Catch up with events at Willi Miller's Arts Blast on Facebook and pick up some laughs and interesting info on the Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras page.

In This Issue

Catching up with Darryl Bey

Open House at Stuart High School

Calls for Artists

Jazz & Blues - Invitation to Sit In

New Comedy Zone Show Times

Get Spooky at Vero Beach Theatre Guild

School is Open, Employment Opps at VB Museum of Art



Catching Up with Darryl Bey

I remember my first encounters with Darryl Bey almost 30 years ago. I was producing Arts Spotlight for WQCS and he was working on getting a new organization going in Fort Pierce. He didn't give up his day job, so he'd steal time to record interviews with me, still wearing his white painter's overalls, bits of the paint of the day on his hands and face.

Bey and his wife, Gina, are gearing up for a January opening of a new business in Fort Pierce and he again stole time away from the project to tell me about BlueBird Bakery, Bistro & Wine Bar.

Q&A with Darryl Bey

You’ve been known in the jazz and blues community for decades. How did that come about?

After being a musician, music lover, empressrio, and jazz enthusiast for many years, I have become some what of an expert in entertainment. With that being said shortly after moving to this area 30 years ago, a notable local native, Larry Lee asked me to help him form a jazz society. After much prodding and a couple of lunch dates Mr. Lee convinced me to help him form what became the Fort Pierce Jazz Society, which after my insistence Blues was added to the menu and the Society became the Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society. 

What instruments do you play and where can you be heard these days?

I was a music major through grade school and college. But once I discovered that my stronger talent was booking acts and matching bands to audiences I started playing the trombone less and booking musical (Jazz and blues artists more. At that point, Bluebird Productions was born. Then bluebirdeducationalfoundatiorg a non profit 501 C-3

When did you and Gina get the first thought about this kind of business?

Gina, my wife, and I talked about possibly opening a bakery to facilitate her bourgeoning baking business and the idea developed into a Bakery, Bistro & Wine Bar and that was the birth of BlueBird Bakery, Bistro & Wine Bar. 

How many will you seat?

The total capacity is 80 which includes a beautiful outdoor deck extended from the front of the building into the front yard which has a view of gorgeous Delaware Avenue in the historic Oakland Park neighborhood where we are doing a major renovation to our 100-year-old historic property. 

Is there a stage?

No, there is not a stage per se as it is an intimate space but there is an area that will be transformed to a performance space after 5:00 and on weekends. 

Will it build on the existing and growing jazz/food community? I’m thinking Harmony Lounge, Sunrise Black Box.

The BlueBird Bistro will be somewhat of a hybrid but it will be a venue that serves, food, craft beers, and wines. 

Tell me about Gina’s business. Her baking business developed as a result of our daughters need for fund raising project at Sungrove Montessori and Lincoln Park Academy and the Community organization Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. 

Gina’s Bakeshop is a baking business that creates pastries, cakes, cookies and other baked products gluten free and low in sugar made from scratch. Gina’s

 The bakeshop also produces a line of gourmet dog treats. She also has developed a spicy Jamican ginger tea. 

One More Week to Enter

September 29 is the final day for entries in The Best of the Best.

(The Museum is closed for exhibition installation September 30 – October 7)


The Vision for Stuart High School

MartinArts has signed a long-term “Intent to Lease” with Martin County School District for Stuart High School, located on the east end of the main downtown corridor. This project will bring this historic building back to life as a new central arts hub. 

A Little History about the Building:

In 1921, residents approved the bond issue to finance construction of the Stuart Elementary and High School at an estimated cost of $40,000. Ground was broken October 12, 1922. The school opened September 21, 1923, with principal Ethel C. Youngblood and enrollment of approximately 300 students. Two one-story buildings were added in the early 1950s for elementary classrooms in front of the original 1923 school building. The class of 1964 was the last to graduate from SHS. Most recently the building has been home to the Martin County School District Administrative Offices and the Instructional Center for Education. By May 2016, all the school administrative offices had been moved to other locations across the county, leaving just the School Board meeting in the former auditorium. The building is located at 500 SE Ocean Boulevard, Stuart, just east of Stuart's Memorial Park and Stuart Middle School. 

Thank you to Alice & Greg Luckhardt for providing this information.

Call for Artists:

The Cultural Council of IRC’s Art In Public Places announces the 3rd annual exhibit with the Vero Beach Museum of Art. Our member artists and gallery affiliates have been invited to exhibit work in the Patten Community Gallery from December 8 to January 21, 2024.

We are accepting 2D and 3D pieces which may include mediums such as textiles, wood, baskets, pottery, jewelry, sculpture, photography as well as paintings and drawings. Original work only.

Artists may submit up to five (5) images of work to by Monday, November 20. Please include the Title, Medium, Dimensions, A brief description and Price. Review the specifications below.


Location: Vero Beach Museum of Art Patten Community Gallery

Theme: Artist Choice

Exhibit Date: December 8 – January 21,, 2024

Exhibit Title: Cultural Council of IRC Members Exhibition

Call to Artists: September 22

Submission Deadline: November 20

Notification Of Selection: November 28

Museum Art School




Fall 2023 Classes and Workshops

October 9 – December 17, 2023

Registration is open!

Click here for the Digital Brochure.

Click here to register for Classes

Click here to register for Workshops

Join your fellow artists by taking art classes this fall at the Museum and online! The Museum has a full schedule of classes and workshops available during the week and on the weekends for the Fall Term. A variety of five-week and ten-week classes are offered in art history, ceramics, drawing, painting, photography, yoga, and qigong.


Stuart Segal Scholarship for Photography Students

The Stuart Segal Scholarship is dedicated to aiding aspiring photography students for whom attending class would otherwise be financially challenging. The scholarship will pay tuition fees for any photography course offered via the VBMA’s Museum Art School. Click here for the application.

Cork, Canvas and Company

Registration is open!

Click here to register.

Teach at the Museum

Museum Art School Adult Class Instructors

The VBMA’s Museum Art School is currently accepting proposals from artists and art educators to lead winter term classes for adults!

Click here for more information and to submit a proposal!

Summer Art Camp Instructors, Coordinator, Counselors, and Teen Volunteers

Check back for Summer Art Camp staffing needs!

Other VBMA Employment Opportunities

The employees of the Vero Beach Museum of Art are considered one of its greatest assets. They are creative, resourceful, dedicated, and are committed to the success of the Museum and its mission to provide cultural leadership and enrichment for the public through the arts.

Click here for more opportunities


Christina Barber

Museum Art School Manager

Vero Beach Museum of Art

+1 772.231.0707 ext. 139

Ellyn Giordano

Museum Art School Registrar

Vero Beach Museum of Art

+1 772.231.0707 ext. 116


Ballet Vero Beach is looking for energetic and outgoing individuals to help us promote the art of dance as a universal language in our community and beyond.







Ballet Vero Beach Volunteers receive FREE tickets, merchandise, and the opportunity to attend volunteer thank you events.

Friday, December 1 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Saturday, December 2 @ 10:00 am - 9:00 pm

Sunday, December 3 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Winterfest is the rebranded, signature fundraising event for Riverside Theatre’s educational programs, formally known as Festival of Trees.

Considered Vero Beach’s premier holiday event, this festival transforms Riverside’s campus into a holiday wonderland filled with beautifully decorated trees, centerpieces, wreaths, vendor booths, arts and crafts, live performances, Santa’s Village, and even an “ice” skating rink!


Bookmark On the Calendar at for frequent updates. Calls for Artists, Auditions, & Volunteers are now online.

Catch up with events at Willi Miller's Arts Blast on Facebook and pick up some laughs and interesting info on the Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras page. And now there's a Facebook Arts Blast on the Air!


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If you have an arts-related event coming up, scroll down for information on submitting it for a free basic listing. Limited advertising is available. PLEASE use that format!

Event schedules can change, often at almost the last minute. Verify, double check, and then do it again before you head out the door. And when you do go out, take a mask. Without one, you risk being turned away.

To Submit Calendar Information for ARTS BLAST!

Information is to be received in an email at least one week before publication.

Use this format for Calendar entries:

Who (organization)

What (Event)

When (dates, time)

Where (Name of venue, address)

Why (a brief description of the purpose)

Web/Facebook address

Contact for public use (for tickets, questions, etc.)

Then add a short, descriptive release if available.

Send only one photo, with caption, unless more are requested.

Media contact with email for Arts Blast followup (not for publication)

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